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Notes by NailBomb (I ⤠White Replacement) 🇨🇳 🇸ð... | export

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 I can't decide whether to 🤣 or 😩 this poast. 
 What do u niggas use to count macros 
 Those faggot football players are the reason women out of control. Females don't receive the consequences of being being violent and acting like men which is why they act like this. 
 nostr:npub1spkw94ua7x4xgs9q6magjqwyd2t83t3cgadq9z8snkq5xku7uwushtz9jh nostr:npub12ny4kzpg59kgnrzr... 
 I miss the old zombies,
smelling like mold zombies,
don't have a soul zombies,
brains are the goal zombies
I hate the new zombies,
obey the jude zombies,
goyslop for food zombies,
vaccine imbuded zombies.

I miss the creep zombies,
not buried deep zombies,
I gotta to say at that time I'd like to meet zombies,
juden invented zombies,
it wasn't any zombies,
and now I look and look around and there's so many zombies...

 Seeing as how the KPD was funded by and taking orders from Moscow and Antifa was an offshoot of the KPD consisting of their most violent and radical members, it's no surprise that Russia is filled with these people. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

 Ok, now let's include critique of Mohammed and the Quran

>"Muslim woman and One Million March for Children advocate Marium Ali spoke as a delegate and denounced the need for a bylaw to “protect people’s feelings.†

>“I wonder why we need this amendment and what could be the unintended consequences of prioritizing hurt feelings over the charter rights for all of us to speak,†said Ali.

 "Husband, Wife & Dog Found Dead After Grizzly Bear Attack At Canada’s Banff National Park"

>The response team reached the site overnight, where they discovered two deceased individuals. The couple’s dog was also found mauled to death. 

>The agency said they had to euthanize the bear due to its aggressive behavior on scene.

Grizzly bears present less of a danger to society than niggers, yet the bear had to die.

 True. AI can be extremely beneficial for a people if its implementation is filtered through the standard National Socialist heuristic:

Is it good for the race?

And if AI isn't being developed for the benefit of Whites (spoiler alert: it isn't) then we can look forward to eternal torture in the hellscape Sam Hyde described in his video "ChineAI". 
â–² â–¼

I think I figgered it out... 
 I didn't know you had that issue too. It's such a pain in the ass not being able to see quoted posts. I usually have to view mastodon posts directly to make sure that I'm seeing the context in case it's a quote-post.


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What is? 
 Anglo-Canucks get the business end of the whip yet again (aka ordering from Amazon w/o a discount code and out of stock). Aryans have it hard in the Kali Yuga

All sarcastic bitching aside, is there a closer estimate on the release date of Darre's "Peasantry as Life-source of the Nordic Race"?

 If you want to see a clearer version and also more Golden Dawn occultism, this is a link to a Google Drive pdf full of this stuff

 >What happened?

The jews have captured our institutions, and those that are not being directly weaponised against us are being made into either alters of worship for the new elite or monuments of White humiliation.

It's laughable that some people still honestly believe that "go woke, go broke" is somehow a W for our side when the enemy's goals are scorched earth and genocide. 
 You gotta be kidding me.
Is this actually a real cover, even if from 2017? 
 Photoshooped, but very convincing. Not too far from reality with NG calling the invaders "The New Europeans" not "meet new Europeans" as we would cringingly call immigrants, but THE new Europeans, which most of us here understand the significance of the diffenence. Screenshot from their official Facebook page

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 I spent the whole day on the road.
As I was driving this evening I gazed up at the stars and was ... 
 *In Kanien'keha, or as the colonisers call it "the Mohawk language, nutm'eg is the word for am old man's cum remaining in the crease of the hip the morning after sex. Tim Horton (birth name Tim'ukkan Hooting Owl) had the secret of this traditional medicine revealed to him by the Spirit Wolf during a Moon Howling ceremony in the ancient Forests of the Great Kawarthas. 

Originally used in love potions, Tim'ukkan Hooting Owl had the idea of using a small amount of nutm'eg in the White Man's bitter bean medicine (aka coffee) so that the White traders would have the desire for more bitter bean medicine and Tim'ukkan Hooting Owl's people could get a fairer price for their beaver pelts. It was a smashing success, with traders coming from as far as Fort Hope and Lac Bachelor to trade furs and drink some of Tim'ukkan Hooting Owl's (nicknamed Timmy Hootin) coffee. As the years passed and Hooting Owl taught the recipe of the bitter bean medicine to his children and grandchildren, they began to set up small trading posts across Canada, but now emblazoned with a more modern version of Tim'ukkan Hooting Owl's nickname: Tim Horton's. The tradition continues to this very day with the Mohawk tradin posts still serving the bitter bean medicine, but brewed and served by a totally different kind of Indian.

So now you know the history of Timmy's coffee and the nutm'eg secret ingredient.

This has been a Canadian Heritage Moment.

 The jews have gone after every business and supplier associated with PepperCave. If you are going to purchase seasoning salts, hot sauce, or hot pepper products, support an actual pro-White business that is fighting the jew IRL.

As always, save 14.88% with code: GasThejews (lower case j)

Plus these additional promo codes:

"God’sSeed" - 50% off on seed liquidation sale when you buy 4 or more seed packets (seeds harvested sept-nov 2022)
"jewsAren’tPeople" - 14.88% off any purchase
"Based" - 20% off PANTRY orders over $20
"ChristIsKing" - 20% off ANY orders over $20
"Valhalla" - 20% off ANY orders over $20
"Chips" - 25% off 2 or more bags of Hot Chips





 Extinction Rebellion road closures, BLM looting and rioting (facilitated by the police) have been totally memory-holed.

 I WISH he was an actual National Socialist, but according to his own blog post, he was a typical run of the mill Ukranian nationalist teenager who fought with other nationalists against Russia, knowing full well the hell Ukraine would endure if the judeo-Bolsheviks gained control:

>The forty-third year has come. The German armies "planned" retreated to the west. The thought of turning those beasts into human form with a red star on the forehead became real.

>At the call of the OUN, many joined the ranks of the UPA. Others, at the call of the Ukrainian Central Committee, went as volunteers to the "Galichyna" division. In two weeks, eighty thousand volunteers volunteered to join the division, including many students of the Berezhan Gymnasium. None of us asked what our reward would be, what our provision would be, or even what our tomorrow would be. We felt our duty to our native land - and left!

The Ukrainian nationalistic youth felt no particular love towards the Germans or the SS and considered them the enemy as well:

>It was easier to oppose the new enemy because: a) he was easy to recognize, b) he spoke a foreign language to us

 Doc’s based markdown story arc 👠I’m hooked 
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 salt brine pickles are super tasty. I think it's like 2 tablespoons non iodized salt per gallon o... 
 I used to use 1 tsp per cup, but I tried the method from Fermenting For Foodies where they use a percentage based off of the total mass of the food and the water. 2.2% salt is the general recommendation. 

 1kg of peas (with lots of garden dill) in salt brine to start lacto-fermentation and 7 jars of canned corn relish (spicy hot) cooled and ready to get shelved. 4L of homemade apple juice making a cameo on the left.

Queued up to can are the carrots, tomatoes, the small potatoes, and 3 types of Asian radish. 


 This is the guy you want as a neighbour, as your kid's soccer coach, as your gf's father, as your neighbourhood grocery store owner, as your plumber, as your pilot... you can pretty much plug this guy into any position and society with just work like magic. Simple as. 
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 Based and/or red pilled. 
 Absolutely both. I'd love to have that guy as a neighbour. 
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 It's a fact, jews aren't people... 
 This isn't just an edgy joke. PepperCave went into detail of about why this is true during an interview with @JoePrich 
 It's never too late to get in shape for RaHoWa.

#Fitness #Health #Exercise #Gym #Jogging #Running #HolocaustDidntHappen

 All the peas are belong to me. I forgot that I had planted so many. I ended up with 1.8 kilograms (17.6 Newtons for those of you who don't understand the gram). Half of them I'll probably make into vinegar pickles and the other half I'll lacto-ferment.



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 He's great but sometimes my feed gets too inundated with his arguments with jews and others and I... 
 That is true. The current slap-fest on Gab is pretty brutal. I usually block the jew accounts right away, but I respect that PepperCave has the energy to call them out on their BS. 
 I just looked him up and read a description  for his book "The Windup Girl". Sounds like a dystopian  story that has it all 
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 This is why nobody trusts science anymore. 
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 In the province of Quebec: all of them. 
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 Alas, 'twas but a parody and nothing more. 
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 You're a scholar and a gentleman. 
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 She performed a public service. 
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