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 I spent the whole day on the road.
As I was driving this evening I gazed up at the stars and was reminded of my beautiful wife @🌲Hidden🌲 
Following wisdom of my muse I pulled into a T*m H*rtons and bought some femslop

It's just a regular coffee, but with a bunch of nutmeg. 
 *In Kanien'keha, or as the colonisers call it "the Mohawk language, nutm'eg is the word for am old man's cum remaining in the crease of the hip the morning after sex. Tim Horton (birth name Tim'ukkan Hooting Owl) had the secret of this traditional medicine revealed to him by the Spirit Wolf during a Moon Howling ceremony in the ancient Forests of the Great Kawarthas. 

Originally used in love potions, Tim'ukkan Hooting Owl had the idea of using a small amount of nutm'eg in the White Man's bitter bean medicine (aka coffee) so that the White traders would have the desire for more bitter bean medicine and Tim'ukkan Hooting Owl's people could get a fairer price for their beaver pelts. It was a smashing success, with traders coming from as far as Fort Hope and Lac Bachelor to trade furs and drink some of Tim'ukkan Hooting Owl's (nicknamed Timmy Hootin) coffee. As the years passed and Hooting Owl taught the recipe of the bitter bean medicine to his children and grandchildren, they began to set up small trading posts across Canada, but now emblazoned with a more modern version of Tim'ukkan Hooting Owl's nickname: Tim Horton's. The tradition continues to this very day with the Mohawk tradin posts still serving the bitter bean medicine, but brewed and served by a totally different kind of Indian.

So now you know the history of Timmy's coffee and the nutm'eg secret ingredient.

This has been a Canadian Heritage Moment.

 @Leaf Lord Hoping my husband doesn't find out I've been tricking him this entire time (Never had femslop)
