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Notes by Siphiwe | export

 This was fantastic. You have inspired me to utilize the tool.✊️ 
 Most of my people mistakes are a result of my naivety not malice. I never aim to hurt or offend. 
 lol ntwana, I fast everyday for 14 hours. whatever "dry is" - just don't eat or drink. I haven't ... 
 All power to you brother✊🏾 I am still wrestling meat😅 
 dry fasting 
 That's got to be dangerous. How long? 
 I keep dancing on my own 
 That's joy. 
 Nostr is going to be the Linux of open social media. The media protocol of the future. 
 Nvidia is threatened by OpenAI and we get to benefit from that. That's at least how I see this, even though I am happy to enjoy the benefits. 
 he enjoyed the cooking and I enjoyed cooking with him. I have to get this brother on Nostr. https://open.substack.com/pub/manojradhakrishna/p/finding-meaning-beyond-logic?utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web 
 my neighbor is a meticulous yard guy. he’s been out of town all week and missed the hurricane. ... 
 Resist the temptation.😂 
 You appeared on Joe Rogan? 🤯 
 Hahahaha. More like an Indian Joe Rogan. What an amazing guy. Check it out when you have time. 
 There there Siphiwe 😂 
 This added a smile to my face. I laughed. One must take all the joy they can get. 
 Imagine not using Unix. 
 I don't have to imagine it at the moment. I am living the nightmare😂 
 💯 linux ftw 💪 
 I am with you on that. I love Linux. 
 Windows sucks. 
 You can say that again.  
 testing code for windows reminds me why I hate windows. 
 I figured out a great solution for the spam on Nostr: let's just call the cops! They'll put the b... 
 But he'll pump our bags! nostr:note1lc4p9y7c9frg4sx6xwtq5ht22l2ph9dls3kcfm24g0fsf4m77lcssv76qf 
 if the government comes after you, you're screwed. that's why decentralized protocols are important especially when it comes to money and speech. being a CEO of a company pushing privacy through encryption is a dangerous undertaking. this stuff has to be built by the people for the people. 
 couldn't have said it better. 
 some of the best people, conversations and experiences I have ever had happened here, https://air.chat/siphiwe 
 if you let go of the desire for control. freedom is much more accessible to you.  
 Metta meditation

May I be filled with loving kindness
May I be well
May I be peaceful and at eas... 
 the simplicity of truth. 
 9 principles of nature

1. Nature runs on sunlight.
2. Nature uses only the energy it needs.
3. N... 
 interesting thoughts. makes me wonder about the driving force behind them. 
 every. single. central bank

is shitting kittens 

loading bazookas

and y'all think we're going ... 
 I love this @Turner I am a big Denzel fan. This made me smile. 
 In my own life, I have found that trying to create new things, building things, can be so humbling. And I think that if every human being tries to do something new and audacious at least once in their lifetime, we would have a much more gracious world where people who don't succeed after trying will be seen and treated with much grace and kindness. There's something beautiful and inspiring about audacity – even when it doesn't succeed. 
 I was inspired by the effort. It's not wasted effort though; some things reveal themselves in time. Power to you Bruv✊️ 
 I am running it as a pwa. On my phone and it's great.  
 I'm migrating to new keys.

Here's my new shiny npub:
 This demonstrates that the system is vulnerable to certain attacks and we have to adapt it.  
 deep. felt it. 
 Should I use nuts.cash nostr:npub1wunvgd7v77gldhke0kavrprwvgqeuhaayn6za8dj7eq0yvwrczdqp5qhq8 inst... 
 😁 I am terrible with naming stuff. 
 this would be scary and I wouldn't rule it out of ever happening. 
 can't wait for the American Civil War of 2024 
 ya'll make me laugh really hard while making g me feel like I am too boring somehow lol. folks are really funny out here. 
 I have no idea what you're talking about here. Levity Bella? 
 I believe you. 
 🤣 I know. I am sure I will get there. I really believe you.  
 the weight of fame is that your best and worst ideas are on full display and most people don't account for your growth and change. You and I have the privilege of making mistakes and being able to change and grow without people constantly reminding us of our mistakes. On here we don't even have our real pictures on the profile so we're shielded even more from our mistakes. As Jesus said, let he who is without sin be the first to cast the stone. or  something along those lines😊 
 Totally agree. 🙏 
 that's true. I didn't see it as religious doctrine though. to me it's just a perfect expression that felt right. some expression will come from and artist, a philosopher,  a Buddha. if it feels right I will use it. 
 only microdosed, no full experience. I am too scared of losing control or never returning. 
 I actually have no objections except to say my experience with mind altering substances has been overall unpleasant. My conclusion is that I should accept that maybe this amazing experience is not available to me. There are things that I will never experience in this life just because I am me. But, don't think you're wrong. many of my good friends affirm your position through their experience and testimony.🙏 
 #coffee tastes so bad. idk how you people drink that stuff...

 I used to feel exactly the same as you do. Now, I really enjoy my one cup of coffee a day with zero sugar. 
 hahaha, well; some things take time. 
 Is nuanced brevity even possible? Maybe short attention spans are responsible for most of the fighting and misunderstanding that happens online. We hate reading long nuanced messages but we start arguments about the short ones we read because it's missing a lot of context. Being human is truly a funny affair. 😁  
 Some people seem to love panicking about the future. If you panic long enough you will be right at some point and then you'll become a radicalized panic.  
 I read a paper that challenges quantum superposition. I am sure the author will share it on Nostr when he is happy with it. 
 Looking forward to it. 
 life is for you. you're loved✊🏾 
 Follower counts are a force which gravitate people to the larger accounts.  I have probably misse... 
 I hate that I am not immune to this too.  
 This is one part of my inheritance I have not had a pleasure to visit. Thank you for sharing your story. 
 Now it's replicating the original post. Still wanna filter by regex, or maybe consider WoT? 😄
 I love these suggestions. I think it would be naive to not think about this and solve it before it becomes a problem. I am getting replies from automated spam programs/scripts. It can quickly become a nightmare if you are targeted. 
Event not found
 He must be joking! Nobody was hurt, nobody's money was stolen. What was the crime here? Being annoying?