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 I don't know what you mean. Variety of clients and relays means the censorship regime, if it used to form a dam, can now form only a large stone in a river. Make no mistake, what's being built here is a big deal. #nostr 
 More than just hope though, it's active participation. Being the change you want to see.

I think the best thing about Bitcoin is that it makes doing the right thing good for you. There's very little downside. 
 He should have held out for a Lambo, then people would believe him. Easier said than done though. 
 Haha yeah that's true. Spoken like a true Bitcoiner. 
 Same, and in truck form so I can do useful stuff with it. 
 As nostr:npub1sn0wdenkukak0d9dfczzeacvhkrgz92ak56egt7vdgzn8pv2wfqqhrjdv9 said, we are winning, bu... 
 How can a technology make the state's monopoly on violence obsolete?

In my opinion the best response I've seen to any state monopoly on violence is the US Second Amendment.

I guess 3d printed guns are a technology built around this same principle of empowering non-state actors to arm themselves. If everyone were armed, no one could have a monopoly on violence.

Is that the kind of freedom tech you had in mind? 
 It's easy to forget that the machine has been fighting BTC since the beginning.

 It's more like shutting down Gmail, Hotmail, etc, and expecting it to be the end of email. 
 It would have a huge immediate effect, mostly because people would lose their accounts. But in the long term life wouldn't change at all.

Also Nostr is different from this (better) because you can move your account. 
 Yes but imagine if you could take your email address and just log in using a different provider. Probably you wouldn't even claim to be using "Gmail" or "Hotmail", you would just say you're using "email". Just like we don't say we're on Damus or Amethyst or Primal now, instead we say we're on "Nostr".

Better protocol in that disruptions may not be painless, but they are much less painful. 
 Centralized social media is for adolescents who need their content curated for them. Nostr is where the truth will live. 
 That's good but it's just one of thousands of invader ships. How to stop the rest of the problem? 
 Can anyone explain Japanese #nostr to me like I'm 5? 😂

 It's like English Nostr, except the people are wholesome and they speak Japanese and you can't understand anything they say. 
 Some guy in my office said I’m wasting my money buying #bitcoin.

So I just bought some more #B... 
 When his jealousy is replaced by humility maybe he'll stop being poor. 
 This is pretty cool.

 CBDCs = bad! BTC = good! Using a single currency without local currencies always ends the same wa... 
 "Taking away the issuing power of money from the central banks and governments is meaningless if they can just buy the currency." - not very smart people who still don't realize what's just happened 
 The first country to print a currency and use it to buy Bitcoin wins. But even the top winners give up their ability to print more currency when they make the switch. So it won't be a 1 to 1 switch, they give up their ability to keep stealing. 
 I can't believe she said this. Incredible. 
 Bitcoin is a savings and value transfer technology. It allows me to store an arbitrary amount of value in a way that increases the value of everyone's savings. It allows me to transfer any amount of value anywhere in the world instantly, and in a way that cannot be stopped or confiscated by any government.

Learn Bitcoin, most important things: Learn how to create a Bitcoin wallet. Learn how to send and receive Bitcoin. Then buy Bitcoin and never sell it and keep it forever for your grandchildren. 
 He wasn't careless. He was a rich Bitcoiner before Bitcoin existed. He knew not to keep cash. Plus everything he owned goes up in value. So he actually MADE a lot of fiat here. 
 Transparent is good, it's orders of magnitude faster than bank settlements, and it's about $.40 per on-chain transaction, which is competitive with bank settlements for small transactions.

Or if you prefer, use the lightning network which is instant, private, and nearly free. 
 No hate here man, in fact I did exactly the same. I think everyone wishes they'd bought their first sats sooner though. Because it's a savings technology. But in 20 years when everyone is using it, right now will be the regretable "sooner" for all of them. 
 Is buccees a fiat phenomenon or a great business
 Well hang on a second, it's a place for RVers. So let me give you the other perspective on this, since I'm an RVer and not a trucker.

I go down the road hundreds of miles at a time. Sometimes multi-day driving, which requires that I pull over somewhere and stop. But if I stop at a rest stop, even though it's for everyone it's more for truckers and I'm taking a trucker spot. And I've had truckers tell me it makes them mad if they can't get a spot late at night. So where should I go?

Now, before Buccees there was nothing like it, that I know of. So how else would it be possible for them to cater to the RV/travel demographic without becoming another Loves or other "travel stop" station? 
 This is exactly why they won't even try. Taxing "unrealized capital gains" is just a fantasy of ignorant control freaks who don't understand what's happening to their power or why nobody is obeying them anymore. 
 As long as you avoid following

#libertarians, #cryptoanarchists, #trumpists, #climatehoax and #a... 
 Yeah but if your companions are authoritarians and people who trust the government, then your whole life is probably gonna suck by comparison. And you probably won't even be able to figure out why. 
 I think the “chatGPT” moment (for lack of a better term) the grand debut for #nostr could wel... 
 I now hold several beliefs that I used to find reprehensible because I avoided TV and censored social media for years. 
 If your country was still full of natives it would be fine. But this level of policing is wholly inadequate for the third world rabble they're replacing you with. 
 You reported me for that, really? Fuck off, I don't talk to mental infants. 
 You're being censored a lot on Nostr. On Amethyst I can see 3 notes and no replies. I clicked on your replies and a bunch appeared, but they all disappeared a few seconds later.

So I made a new npub and checked Snort and you don't even appear on the search at all. 
 Thank you for what you're doing, btw. I'm not British but my ancestors were, and I can't believe what's being done to your country. 
 MSM Will character assassinate anyone they can't control.

Deep state will assassinate anyone the... 
 It was last time. People don't realize how fake that election actually was. A man who can pull a crowd of tens of thousands in a cornfield somewhere does not lose a legitimate election to a demented old crook who can't pull 200 people in a major city rally. Fake fake fake. 
 Why does it feel like RFK jr will take the VP position in place of Vance. 

Vance isnt doing well... 
 Making RFK his VP would improve Trump's life expectancy. 
 Nostr is to speech as bitcoin is to money 
 Not really, at least not yet. There's a lot of notes that don't get propagated. It's like Bitcoin if you had to point your wallet at 10 different nodes and it still didn't work 10% of the time. 
 What happened to just "men" and "women"? Why are we normalizing insanity? 
 Interesting evolutionary track we're on. What happens if a species becomes conscious of their evolution, and begins to tweak it on their own? Kinda like when AI will be rewriting itself. 
 Yes but what superpowers could humans gain by merging with the silicon and software? What kind of superhumans will they produce 40 years from now after the collapse when there aren't rules preventing it? Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems to be the direction we're headed. 
 What if the brain chip software and hardware was open source and it didn't do the bad stuff, and it gave you superpowers? Then would you consider it? 
 Didn't he put a bunch of COVID patients in nursing homes and killed a ton of old people? And had people arrested for not wearing masks? Threatened people jobs if they didn't take an experimental jab?

But when it comes to not wanting men to put on dresses and dance for little kids, suddenly he's the defender of your god-given rights is he?

What a disingenuous lying prick. 
 friends of mine getting divorced. they both cheated. from an unmarried person who always wanted t... 
 I was married for a long time, regretfully divorced a few years ago. I wish I could explain it to you. It happens gradually.. First you get increasingly comfortable together, then you start to take each other for granted. You start to get lazy. And eventually it just becomes easy to let it go. It's hard to understand what you're losing until it's gone. Years later and it still feels like a huge part of me is missing. 
 I've noticed a common theme among a lot of Bitcoiners thinking they got a "late start"...

Motherfucker we just invented a new kind of money like 5 minutes ago, during your generation, it's going to last 10,000 years, and you have an opportunity to be part of it right now when still almost no one even knows about it. 
 Could we funnel more adoption through the service industry?

- Tips are exchanged millions of tim... 
 You're talking about paper wallets.

Little printed pieces of paper with a public and private key, that act like Bitcoin "piggy banks". They're not considered "secure" because they can only be used for one outbound transaction, then the private key is exposed. But they can take as many deposits as you want. 
 We need a way to generate 10 paper wallets at a time, print them all out on one piece of paper. Then you could load them and hand them out, and everyone could have their own Bitcoin piggy bank. They just need to know to sweep the whole balance at once when they cash it out. 
 Central banks panicking. Trump heading off their regulatory plans. Puppet Schumer wants his (central bank's) regulation of Bitcoin first, not Trump's in 2025. 
 The government isn't even pretending not to be purposely destroying the country anymore. They're just openly hostile. 
 I posit that every family has a gangster amongst them. A real one. The person in your family that... 
 No, White and East Asian families do not generally have gangsters. Nor do they glorify criminality in their culture. This is why they like space to themselves. 
 Nah, you've get too much information from movies. The truth is that in any homogeneous White or East Asian neighborhood you can leave your bike/laptop/purse unattended in plain view all day and no one will touch it. People open doors for each other, wave to their neighbors, and generally trust one another. It's wonderful actually. 

In stores in Black neighborhoods they lock up the toothpaste because of a distinct difference in behavioral patterns. Now you can say the difference is genetic or cultural, but denying that the difference exists is only hurting yourself and your people. 
 Literally nobody needs gangsters. It's not a necessary occupation, and when it's glorified in your culture it poisons your people. Nobody's ever said " you know this neighborhood could really use more gangsters." It's not something you should be glorifying. People may from time to time need warriors, but the criminal opportunist scumbags that drive half your young men to death or prison are your ENEMY. And so are the people glorifying it in your culture. 
 Anyone who buys a Bitcoin ETF is buying a false sense of security at best and short circuits the ... 
 You won't really understand and feel what Bitcoin is until you physically hold in your hand the access keys to your life savings. Bitcoin is freedom. 
 Biden has been obedient to shadow powers this entire time, so has Harris. At the very top of all shadow power is the central banking system.

Harris got to where she is by being a prostitute, just like Biden. Don't expect favorable Bitcoin policies to come from such a corrupt system. We are reaching a point where the system will start to fight back in full force. 
 Is there’s a way we could do decentralized ID in a zero-knowledge proof kinda way, that’s the... 
 The npub is the id. Why do we need more? 
 Of course they know who he is. But this is probably just a standard form letter they would send if you asked about anyone outside the FBI. 
 Hey man I needed to add a relay to see your posts. Some kind of censorship is happening with a lot of Nostr relays. 
 X is broken right now. At least I can still use #NOSTR. 
 Someone strong is attacking them hard over this Musk/Trump interview. 
 This message disappeared from my Amethyst, and reappeared when I disabled a relay with a Bitcoin logo. 
 The EU is trying to censor the Trump / Elon interview.

How did Elon respond??? 
 Welp, guess it's time to share the interview... 
 Your messages are being censored by the bitcoiner.social relay, which caused them to disappear from my Amethyst client. 
 I reply to people on global lol . Next nostr:note1jt0vpjyfhc7fepurdlllut0jlcx5lzfews5gv3hn4smz9x6... 
 You're being censored somehow. You were on my "muted list" on Amethyst, and I only mute spammers and bots. I found your npub because someone quoted you. 
 I figured out that this user:


Was being censored by the bitcoiner.social relay, which I think caused his posts to be hidden on Amethyst. 
Event not found
 Good morning!