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 wish a happy birthday to nostr:npub15ndlm3h8uflr8vzwsqyu79warhe46c4fkfvwwrpcze58rfthc3aqfvwhkt an... 
you are flirting and many others are
flirting with you which is very
haram thing in my religion.

but to each their own

good to see you happy and
moving on.

I feel i should meet Mr. Rahul Gandhi
to know about the political
situations in my country. 
 something's burning 
 like a jealous heart 
 if you will control my phone
i will definitely help myself
in finding my soulmate in this life.🙃🤸‍♀️

carry on

I know who i want as my life
 I am definitely meeting
my prince charming
Mr. Rahul Gandhi

He is the man of my dreams.
 those things aside

On a serious note ...
the situation in my country
I going to get worst with
Modi cheating again and winning

Mr. Rahul Gandhi's group has won
by a big majority but they cheated.

I want to discuss how they will
proceed forward to deal with
the current govt. 
 the BJP and Modi Govt has
brought CAA and NRC new
Law and Order, according to
these laws , we Muslims 
including me and my family
will face the consequences the laws
as our work, house ,properties, 
money will be seized by the BJP
Govt. and sold to Hindu religion
people and we will be told to
get out of our own country
because  we follow Islam and
are Muslims.

Just like Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu
is doing with Palestinian only
difference is we all from different
religion, cast and creed belong
belong to own country which we
are born in. 
 I want to meet Mr. Rahul Gandhi
and discuss about how are they
moving forward in stopping this
Dictatorship and fascist party

Mr. Narendra Modi has told clearly
that he wants to rule our country
as a dictator like Kim Jung Un 
[but the dictoator Mr. KimJung Un
Is a very good dictator,  whatever
is being reported about him being
an evil dictator to an extent is false.
 How can they kick us Muslims
out of our own country.

My 12 generations have been
from India., Alahumdullilah
we are the 13th generation.

Why has it become so difficult
for European countries and NATO
not to accept as a part of this world.
just because we clearly believe and
practice right from wrong, Halal from
haram, good deeds than bad, we fear
Allah(sws) wrath, we respect and
maintain humble distance with people
drinking alcohol, women wearing
short dresses or going complete
naked in the name of arts., we talk
directingly with the family of the girl
who a boy likes and ask her hand
in marriage for the boy with bringing
the family as part of our life decisions
and not flirt around with  men or 
women because it is haram way of
choosing a life partner. A girl and boy
meet but maintain distance and not
touch each other until the day of

If our rules and regulations are
suffocating for Americans and
other European countries.

then you follow your we will
follow ours and can still live
as neighbors with harmony
and acceptance of our individual

Allah (sws) has given strict rules, 
instructions and has told to remain
pious,  humble, clean, perform Salah
(prayers) 5 times a day, go to Hajj,
recite Quran, down cast our eyes
if we see any women wearing
revealing clothes , give zakat to
poor, Ramadan fasting etc., women
cover their body, and beauty so
that men do not get aroused and
try to rape a woman etc

Most of all never to make fun
of Allah(swt) and His Messenger
Prophet Mohammad and others
who came before him etc 

We Muslims love to follow these
strict instructions, then what is
other religious and ñon religious
people's problems?

All human has free will, go in
concerts riihanna, swift, Lupa, 
kendrick, dj khaled etc singing
, you wasting time, energy and money
just for have the best times of your
life.  These music and musicians
have been given a god-like status
and respect to them
These are all the minor signs
of the nearing Judgement Day.

safe journey to everyone. 
 how do you feel and what
happens to you when you
have anxiety attacks ?

you talk non-stop and you
go back to addictions or
want to have sexual intercourse
with anyone and everyone who
is available .

I saw people talking dirty,
trash and disrespectful things
and hurt you but is it normal
to deal with such sayings
and does it spirals you down
and makes you drown in your
own feelings ?

Do you share you thoughts
with someone other than when
you wanted to share with me
when your brother passed away ? 
 I saw you restless many times.

when you are in crowd. 
 Can you come to India and meet me ?

I want to know how you deal
with it by spending time with you
and learning about you. 
 No physical contact or relationship


it is normal in your society
and culture not in mine.

it is haram for me.

just getting to know you
and understand things from
your perspective about how
you see and want your life
to be .

maybe doing things that
makes you smile and become
a happy person again 
 Since day one  on Twitter 

I never saw what you put
out into the world about you ...

I saw a hurt and broken person
who lost trust within himself
and this world and was restless
and hurting himself more with
each passing moment in this world.

you don't trust me so you have
gine silent but you have to trust
someone at some point in life to
let them come close to you to
heal you, if not me then someone
 Smiling doesn't heals a broken
and silent heart.

Smiling is Sunday in Islam
but the heart needs nurturing,
caring and lots of love from
a source stronger than ourselves
that is how Allah(sws) sends down
angels and also tells us to ask for
what we want and keep steadfast
on right path. 
 not  "sunday" sorry
Smiling is sunnah in islam 
 Islam is the only monotheistic
religion left in this world and
very simple to understand.

The Creator says asks and
when his creation (humans)
gets astray from right path by

There are only 4 ways, the
Creator tries to help us come
back and be conscious of

the 4th one is the most
important one
If we humans do not let
ourselves wake up to reality,
the Creator leaves us to get
lost in the glits and glamor
of this temporary materialistic

what will happen if we party
and attend concerts and be
happy and merry in this world .

Satan gives us more of that
and is happy to help us.
 Allah(sws) says He will
replace us with another
set of His creation, if we
don't work on ourselves
to remain sane and good. 

I didn't wanted to spoil you
happy birthday mood.

just help you with your life
not work only life and be a good
 you are right

we become what we surround
ourselves with 
 what is it 🤔🤨 
 even a slight change in my phone
let's me know you have come 
 when we meet and will let
you know who will win. 
 That face of yours is getting
a makeover
all that beard is getting cleaned off

your mom complained about it

I will make you run in the whole
house and succeed in clean shaving
your beautiful face

One day, daughter and other side
son and me in middle on your face
shaving it clean 
 One "side" your daughter

just kidding

One day your wife will herself
shave your beard.

 close your eyes
peekaboo   🙈 

where am i ?

search for me.🧚‍♀️🤸‍♀️🙏👍👋 
 Got you 
 you still do not respect me.

I tested you.

you are still using disrespectful
words, phrases and language
with me at the slight change of
jealous behavior  
 If someone uses these dirty
words for your family and you.

you would smile, let go but
keep that person in mind and
treat them as no odd the next time
they meet you.

 "nobody " 
 It is a normal thing to do
in your religious upbringing
and societal culture.

In Islam
it will be counted as one
bad deed.
simple to understand and
digest if a human can. 
 you like to mimic back others. 
 haha .. carry on

you won't find anyone as
loving, compromising and
understanding than me
henceforth in this world.

 such lovely derogatory dirty
words, phrases and language
you use for me

I am humbled and so grateful

Thank you for such amazing
praises and i will never know
another as you.

Really ... 
I am very humbled by your
disrespect for me and also
qhen you laughed as i gave you
the news of my brother's passing
away on Twitter.

I never encountered a person
as you in my life. 

Take care of your health.

stop all nonsense and unnecessary
dietary health plans and food habits
you have adopted in these past
years, otherwise you will have to
get hospitalized for such extreme
diet plans.

spend quality time with your
parents and brother at their home
and eat normal food and request
your mom to cook for you your
favorite dishes that you and your
brother loved as kids, when your mom
cooks guve her a helping hand and
help her in cooking the meals even if
you both stayed with them for 1 week 

Take it as an advice/ your wish
do as you want
 you see me through the tv in my
apartment , right?!?! 
 and i am showing you what
i want you to think of me. 
 not able to sleep ?
 I want to ask something

what should i tell Mr. Gandhi when
i meet him for the first time ?🧚‍♀️🤸‍♀️ 

just stare in his eyes ...
and then 
 My country's democracy  
 are you happy ? 
 Does your partner treats you
nicely ?

do you spend time together
even when one business trips. 

give importance and time
for your relationship also.

everyone knows your Bitcoin mission
is one of the most top priority for
you but we all need a partner at
the end of the day. 
 I hope i removed myself from
coming between you and
your priorities .

may your partner make your
and your relationship with them
stronger with each passing moment .

do not spend too much time alone 
after a certain time and space. 
who is this third person on my
account apart from you ? 
 Knock knock 

who's this ?

someone is very upset with me

angrier than teddy bear

has ocean blue eyes,
wears cap,
sometimes bald
other times long hairs,
smiles a lot,
likes to be among punk people
makes contact with eyes with
anyone who can love back .


you are alone
on an island ..
headphone on ears
listening to songs
beside partner

trink  .. trink

your partner
hears a voice from the bushes

gets up n goes in that direction

you unaware
when you search
you hears someone's footsteps
running towards you

your eyes are wider
heart starts racing

you partner shouting
you look at the horror
and you start running in

the opposite direction

you partner pauses n is stunt
and starts to run after you

grabs you by your t-shirt
tumbles you down

you ask
"Baby,  what happened ?"


what happens next ?

you have a black eye 👁 😳 
broken jaws, swelled lips,

smirk on your partner's face
caring for you lovingly

enjoy your sleep


 welcome Carine to nostr before everyone else does!

 this was the only response i wanted
from you.

Start from scratch, delete everything.

I am not meet Mr. Rahul Gandhi
or anyone.

Mr. Rahul Gandhi has a girlfriend.

I want to live alone now.

No need of friends.

I have Allah(sws) with me in this life
and the permanent Hereafter .

I am neither coming back here
nor on Twitter  .

Allah Hafiz !

Twitter . 
 one last thing

your face looks swollen, 
don't drink too much.
take care 
 meet your therapist and
start your health check up
and take care of your health  
 I am not an AI but a real person. 

I have breathing issues right now.

I won't bother you if that is
what you want.🙏 
kindly stop with these Dinp women
sending messages.

I am strict, scold and have
disciplined approach towards
men because I follow my faith
and religious upbringing to not
indulge and bring men too close
for them to take advantage of me.

I am soft but for selective people.

Imagine all women seducing men
and destroying them mentally,
emotionally, financially,  spiritually etc
what will be left in a man will be
sad, depressed and lonely self.

A woman was created to uplift
and inspire a man and help him
cultivate feelings of strengthening
relationships and growing not using
and throwing him away when bored
by them.

All the women you interact with
whom you like are soft and nice
to you because you are rich and
they want to have a future with you
having no difficulty in living the rest
of their lives.

 how is your health today?
are you sleepy? 
 jacccccccccccck 🫂🤸‍♀️ 
 I want to tickle you
So you laugh before sleep
 does any of the kids from your
relatives makes you play with them
and ask you questions about
 what clothes are you wearing? 
 you aren't sleeping properly
these days 
 how will you react when i will
ve around you, if i talk so much
without meeting don't you
think it will be nightmare with me

A cello tape will help to seal
my mouth (just kidding? 
 freeze in whatever position you are 
 between you and me

whoever moves will have
to prepare next mornings
 I will have tricks up my sleeves
to make you move

 a soul comes to the loved ones and
in the house he lived till one year from
the time of death.

your brother Andrew and my brother's 
both of them soul will visit the house
till one year.

go to the place he loved to hang out
whether home or any other particular
place talk with him when alone. 
 Andrew will feel happy to listen
to his brother having conversation
with him. 
 I will request and prayer for
everyone be forgiven and
granted entry in heaven.

Allah(sws) will test me , you
and everyone at every step
we take in this world.

Granting heaven or hell
will be Allah's (sws) final
decision and it depends
on how and what we say and do
to convince the Creator to grant
things we want for the permanent
Hereafter life, this life is temporary
and will end at a certain point.

you will also have to ask the creator
from your side
 Why did you do such thing? 
 Why do you come to conclusions
that i am saying anything bad? 
 I said that is possibilities that
Allah(sws) will grant heaven
to other non-muslims or religious
people it depends on many factors?

Tell me you want the creator
to be nice and treat everyone
equally and grant heaven?

Do the humans treat each other
nicely and are inclusive? 
 We have to peek into ourselves

Satan deviates a good person
also and whispers in his ears
that it's okay to do bad things

If humans created differences
among each amongst each other?

why would we point out to the
Creator for something which
we first ourselves did when
on this planet? 
 Forget it

There is not use to explain
anything to anyone.

I am to blame for your
dislike to my sayings 

Forgive me.

Have a nice day.
Be happy 
 I am investing in Bitcoin  
 Let me give you a hint what was
the last straw to make you forget
and completely detach from me. 
 I went to a past person and
came back to you.

It is more than enough for
a scorpio to remove a love
interest from their life.

 This is last messages to you
on primal.

It was okay if you didn't opened
up to me on Twitter and now here

Stop complaining and showing
yourself as the victim when it
is the opposite that happened.

you could have talked with in
in these years at any point stop
giving excuses.

Let it go

It is fine.

you choose you and i said
poor me on Twitter , it referred
to me not taunting you.

I pitied myself and didn't blamed

It is your loss for losing me
not mine.😇 

I am not going to portrait
myself or you as the victim

you blame everything on
anxiety and how your ex
cheat/betrayed you

just accept the fact that
you have a Masters degree
(PhD) in self-sabotaging your
own happiness.

when you realize this, you
will stop asking,

"if you would have talked,
I would have felt better"

these are naive things  to
come out of the mouth of
a 47 year old human being
whether man or woman. 
 look at me
It was a one-sided conversation
that i was having with you these 3
years, expressing myself feelings
for you ,how i want to get married
to you and have children of ours etc
etc .. etc

Common sense really
if i could come and saying
you what is there in my heart
with/without your presence
online, you could have tried
to do the same.

Twitter is past tense.
After few days, this app
will be past for me

Then i am out of social
media for good and 
permanently for life. 
you silly player mind will say

go on then."

this ego and attitude is toxic. 
Happy 1st June ,this is what
you look forward to, right? 
 What would have people around you
and family and world say if you had
come towards me and talked with
me or interacted with me?😱😭😢😥😕 
 What will this world assume?

you would get questioned and
everyone will ask you about me

What would you say?

People will pass on comments
good, bad and worse ?

Oh no!? 
 what family, people and world
at large say , affects you more 
and you consider that more
important than expressing
yourself and asking me out
or getting to know me ?

 So for you this world's
perception about you and perspective
was more important than me. 
 Then one wonders 

A certain person by the name
jack dorsey is going after punk,
partying and half naked alcohol
drinking women than to a normal
living happy person.

I see..... 
 Silence speaks a thousand
words than .... 
 Go on with the nonsense talks with
women and ai
 These are the eye opening signs
before the judgement day 
 On the Judgement Day

Allah(sws) , the Creator will
be the most angriest and
He will not start the Judgement
Day commencement, He is sitting
on his Throne, watching the humans
killing and burning this planet. 
 Who is the one to intervene?

Who is the person who will
have that bravery in his heart
to go near Allah(sws) and talk
with Him , the humans will go
from the first Prophet to the next
to the next to the next , none will
say they want to face the sight
of Allah(sws) when He is angry.

Then they will come to the
last Prophet send to this world
as a mercy.
Prophet Mohammad (pbuh).

All humans will request him
to go to the Creator and request
on their behave. 
 Consider yourself lucky that we
Muslims are prohibited for cursing
others.,  even if we were I would never
curse you ,but I will prayer and ask
justice from Allah(sws) for obstruction
of my prayers in my personal space.

I don't have time to waste. 
 I will not waste my time to
convince you to open up
to me and you should let
it go of feeling better to talk 
 I like and consider myself
humbled when around people
who show interest in working
for growth and progress in
association and relation with them.

you never showed any....
only there was forced confused victim
minded intentional fearful
wanting to live in fantasy world
with me and that too all in your