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 How can they kick us Muslims
out of our own country.

My 12 generations have been
from India., Alahumdullilah
we are the 13th generation.

Why has it become so difficult
for European countries and NATO
not to accept as a part of this world.
just because we clearly believe and
practice right from wrong, Halal from
haram, good deeds than bad, we fear
Allah(sws) wrath, we respect and
maintain humble distance with people
drinking alcohol, women wearing
short dresses or going complete
naked in the name of arts., we talk
directingly with the family of the girl
who a boy likes and ask her hand
in marriage for the boy with bringing
the family as part of our life decisions
and not flirt around with  men or 
women because it is haram way of
choosing a life partner. A girl and boy
meet but maintain distance and not
touch each other until the day of

If our rules and regulations are
suffocating for Americans and
other European countries.

then you follow your we will
follow ours and can still live
as neighbors with harmony
and acceptance of our individual

Allah (sws) has given strict rules, 
instructions and has told to remain
pious,  humble, clean, perform Salah
(prayers) 5 times a day, go to Hajj,
recite Quran, down cast our eyes
if we see any women wearing
revealing clothes , give zakat to
poor, Ramadan fasting etc., women
cover their body, and beauty so
that men do not get aroused and
try to rape a woman etc

Most of all never to make fun
of Allah(swt) and His Messenger
Prophet Mohammad and others
who came before him etc 

We Muslims love to follow these
strict instructions, then what is
other religious and ñon religious
people's problems?

All human has free will, go in
concerts riihanna, swift, Lupa, 
kendrick, dj khaled etc singing
, you wasting time, energy and money
just for have the best times of your
life.  These music and musicians
have been given a god-like status
and respect to them
These are all the minor signs
of the nearing Judgement Day.

safe journey to everyone. 
 what you mean? 
 im sorry it is so difficult & you are being kicked out of your own country. happily would i be neighbors with harmony & acceptance for individual difference. respect for shared values. respect for different values. safe journey to you & your family & community @Yumn