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Notes by Silberengel | export

 Few know this.

 If they offered them "res publica" (to the larger public), then those would indeed be public relays.

Those would probably be the most-restrictive relays, tho, not the least-restrictive ones. 
 Anyone can setup a relay, including governments. I'm running or managing like 6 of them, now, and I spin some temporary ones up, for testing, using NAK. I have two that only run on localhost.

They're just servers running over websockets, like half of the Internet. It's the communication protocol they use, that's novel, not the idea of sending json events from one machine to another. We were doing that, on an industrial scale, five years ago. 
 The difference being that the database is usually _in addition_ to a relay. It's like a relay backend. A backend to a backend, basically.
And it's another thing that could break. Adds complexity and maintenance costs, not necessarily storage costs. Also raises the cost of onboarding new maintainers, as it's one more thing they have to learn.

I do a lot of pipelining and chaining, and each little thing included drives up the chance of the whole thing breaking. 
 Well, yeah, but most Nostr stuff isn't serious. The Serious People have all at least looked into adding databases.

Scriptkiddies aren't going to bother worrying about query optimization, complex filters, persistent versioning, and etc.

They're just like:
1) Use AI and NDK to make a buggy javascript client
2) Post note to internet over domain only paid through for 3 months
 went with "webtalk"  
 Yeah, but that's why database integration and migration is a nightmare. Using a communications protocol to structure the core intra-db communication, so, that it can transit over common relays, is next-gen document db. Especially, as the protocol increasingly branches into subdomains, with their own specialty events.

Turns the Internet into a real Internet of Databases, rather than mere web pages. 
 So few have done it because most of the devs aren't DBMs. 😅 

It's only really getting traction, now, because the relay devs and data analysts have started working on it, and their npubs are finally large enough for everyone interested to see what they're saying.

Team Backend has entered the chat. 
 Live with your parents.
Stop leaving old people alone to rot. 
 Yeah, we're living with Oma and spending vacations with Grandma and Grandpa. My sister and my nieces are near the grandparents' tho, so we sometimes stay in rentals, on visits, because it's three generations in the house, and the teenagers are dating, and sometimes other relatives are visiting, so it's starting to get rowdy.

Fourth generation will probably start arriving soon, in both locations, and then the neighbors will start calling the police about the clan next door, parking the up the entire street.  

Proud to be THOSE people. 😅  
 When the most merciless, shameless, spergy QA Engineer of all time invades your peaceful, happy, protocol safe space, it be like 

 Ich wurde entlarvt! 
 Following lots of people is technical debt, from the era before custom relays.

Make Follows Great Again. 💪🏼 
 Imagine what meaningful follows would do for WoT. 
 If you then onboard someone, just whitelist them on your relay and add it to their relay list. They immediately see your feed and can pick out their own favorites.

We disintermediate feed from favorites. These are actually two different concepts that deserve two different controls. 
 90% 😅  
 Just have to go to the relay manager, in their client, and save the relay settings in the appropriate event kind. All major clients have that, now.

Just go to https://metadata.nostr.com, or some other profile manager or onboarding client, and adjust the relays there. When they go to any other client, it'll pull that list. 
 Now, that I solved for "following people to curate my feed and control access to me", by using more personal and private relays, I've been trying to figure out what a "follow" is, for me.

I've got a pattern for that, now.

 really questioning the utility of emojis right now. can anyone present a steelman argument for wh... 
 😂 You could say the same about memes, I guess, but pictures add context/tone and are more fun.
Also causes less confusion about what is meant as snark, ranting, joking, etc.

Back in the day, we would have long arguments on bulletin boards about intended tone, so we started adding :-D and :-P ROFLMAO etc.

That's right. I am pre-emoji. 
 Well, we created letters as a more efficient way to write pictures, by spelling out the names of the pictures by their sound.

Other languages stayed hieroglyphic.

But emojis are more like accent marks or "asides". 
 Screens are terrible and should be nowhere near a kid.

Our relationship with our 6yo improved 10... 
 It would be highly ironic, if we reinvented WeChat through the massive detour of an open protocol. 😂

Would have been a gigantic waste of years of my life and 6 months' income. 
 And why bother having a relay seperate from the client? Everyone uses one relay, included with the client, and everyone uses the same client.

Perfect efficiency, right? Well, yes. But is it most effective, for achieving the goals of censorship resistance and data sovereignty? Don't know. I guess we'll soon find out. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 
 It's time for big public relays to start adding some restrictions on the content they accept and ... 
 Yeah, I've already warned people that I've downloaded Locust. Got no response. Heh heh.

 I mean, it's easier to load-test Nostr than most other systems because you don't have to create user logins and you can write straight to the data store.

You can just use NAK to auto-generate nsecs and go for it. Could generate hundreds of them on your laptop and have them all running a Jenkins script, asynchronously. With a good graphic card, probably thousands of them.

Not even just writing to the relays, but fetching, clicking buttons, typing, etc. So, you can load-test the apps, as well, and take down websites. 
 It's actually low-key humiliating that nobody bothered, until now. We weren't interesting enough to attack. 😅  
 If Kamala wins, then both black presidents will have had ancestors who came over on a scholarship, instead of a slave ship.

 Women also live longer, so an aging population will result in a majority of female voters.
Single mothers are more likely to give birth to girls, too. 
 Yeah, he's a German immigrant. 
 Guess black women don’t need  any help. nostr:note167494wtwrfz493ujv37da0dyszrd6swtmklswermhwqf... 
 She put a lot of black men in jail. 
 They might cost her the election. 
 It's that time of year, again, where food takes so long to prepare, that the wine 🍷 is out, before the sauce is finished.


 What my son calls "chup", as in "indeterminate, but delicious, mass of meat and vegetables in some sort of creamy stew". 
 There are 30,000 weekly users

Only 1000 of us are zapping daily. 

If you dont zap, why and is t... 
 My wallets and clients never work. Constantly hitting the little zap button and nada.

Have to wait until I'm back on my PC, and by then I've forgotten. 
 Self-custodying everything and problems with eCash have really cut into my zapping. 
 When I complain about something someone else built, my thread is immediately flooded with people telling me to try building something, myself, for once. When I build something, myself, and write about it, hardly anyone notices or cares.

This is what it's like, being at the bottom of the #dev food chain. 😏  
 Hello, fellow bottom-dweller. 😅 

It's only up, from here. 
 Well, honestly, SQL, Groovy, and Visual Basic (for and against Applications) 😅 

Umm... PHP, Java, and I'm starting with Python because everyone says I have to. 
 I know some js. I usually avoid it because I'm a backend dev. Sort of algorithm-heavy stuff. 
 I have frontend guys, thankfully.
They also peel my grapes and fan me with large banana leaves.
 Mfw, influencers come and go, but I'm still here because I'm a real nerd and this is Nerd Central.

 Why are users I muted in my goddamn feed? 
 Yeah, it's sort of traumatic. Usually caused by having different relays in different clients, and some of them not having the newest version of your mute list. Every time you mute someone, you make a new list.

I had to switch to relay muting. 
 Okay, finally got them all working.
Still need to add the content, but that's actually the easy part.
Going to bed. GN

 I've been wanting to do this, for so long, and I was too out of sorts to make it to Mass, so I did this, instead. Really excited about it.

 I'll eventually have a python version, for #Alexandria, but I'm in charge of PHP implementations, so I'm doing a couple of small projects with that, to warm up. I was just doing databases for a couple of years.

I like the PHP Helper library, tho. Recommend. 
 I'm excited that someone opened it up, tho. 🫂 
 It ran. 🥺🥰 
 This would be nice in #Alexandria, now that I think of it. Maybe have a simplified Morning/Evening version for long-form, that also posts a note in kind 01, and then the full shebang on Alexandria, for the real Liturgy nerds. 
 Ah, you're right. The helper is publishing all of the data, but Nostrudel only displays the first one. That sucks.

 It's just a question of how often we want the posts appearing in the feed. Might as well do all of them.

I'm going to post under the German account in English, according to Berlin time, and under the English account in Texas time. It is supposed to be a rough sort of clock. 
 Yeah, I that's where I checked, but you can see that he only pulls one of them. 
 Oh, yeah, we could do that. 
 @hzrd149 that would give you some testdata for the notifications. 
6: Lauds
9: Terce
12: Sext
15: None
18: Vespers
21: Compline
00 and 03: The Office/Vigil

The office is for the night watch, so it goes in shifts and will be repeated. 
 @cloud fodder killing it. Just saying. Respect. 
 Three new @GitCitadel affiliated bots will commence publishing tomorrow: 

Building them with this: 
 Okay, finally got them all working.
Still need to add the content, but that's actually the easy part.
Going to bed. GN

Hey, we continentals love our Jenkins. And our Jira! 
 Plugin Graveyard 💀 
 Make it rain, Daddy Powell! 🤑  
 Does anyone else stick the headphone earplugs in and then never get around to turning on the music? I do that for hours, every day, and don't even notice. 😅 

I thought that listening to music was helping me focus, but it turns out, that the earplugs themselves are the key. 
 Yeah, like stuffing cotton balls in my ears. I usually sit at the dining room table, and it can be like a train station.

I also notice, they all leave me alone, when I have the earphones in. It's my "do not disturb" sign. 
 Rose Tea. And 8th gen, i7 core vPro. 
 Ah, real note 🧵 ? I think, right now, it's just replies posted rapidly in succession, in the hopes that nobody posts in-between. But, as soon as people start replying, the thread breaks down a bit. 
 Everything seems simple, once you know the answer. 😂 
 It's not a bug. Articles don't usually have `a` tags. I was trying them out, to see how the clients would respond. Since no clients use `a` tags, I'm considering using them for something novel.

The pubkey is contained in the naddr. 
 Okay, I was trying to avoid adding another tag, but I guess I should avoid single-letter tags. I could call it "navigation", or something. 
 Yeah, I need the eventID in there, unfortunately. Can't go with pubkey. 
 Have fun, then! 🎉  
Event not found
 Few know this.

Event not found
 Okay, more software than hearts, but that isn't a very funny meme, so let's just go with this version. 
Event not found
 For the record:
I am building an extensive, professional-quality, fully-automated, test landscape for our #Alexandria and #GitRepublic projects, and all associated relays. And my repos are FOSS, and I'm going to design them to be easily forked-and-customized. That means I can use it to expertly test our products, as if I were a crazy hacker.

It also means that a real, actual, crazy hacker can use those same tools to test ANY APP and ANY RELAY, so long as he has a computer, can read my clear instructions, and doesn't have shit for brains.

You're welcome.
