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 A little advice about social media from someone who has been on social media since it has existed. You don’t have to argue. When someone wants to argue with you, you should block them. There is no good outcome possible from arguing on social media. 
 @d23fc1b0 https://functional.cafe/@u0421793/111147874427257570 If someone tries to engage you in an argument on mastodon is that mastobait? 
 @d23fc1b0 this one speaks wisdom! 


Well, I was told outside that...

Don't give me that, you snotty-faced heap of parrot droppings!


Shut your festering gob, you tit! Your type really makes me puke, you vacuous, coffee-nosed, malodorous, pervert!!!


OH, oh I'm sorry, but this is abuse.

Oh, I see, well, that explains it.

Ah yes, you want room 12A, Just along the corridor.

Oh, Thank you very much. Sorry.

Not at all. (Under his breath) Stupid git!!! 

I've never seen anyone change their mind because someone argued with them online. It seems more an exercise in venting personal frustrations. 
 @d23fc1b0 “A little advice about social media from someone who has been on social media since it has existed. You don’t have to argue. When someone wants to argue with you, you can* block them. Unfortunately*, there often* is no good outcome possible from arguing on social media.”

*Just added my thoughts by altering the original post. Treating people with rules makes life potentially easier, not necessarily better. It’s important to always keep the value of time and well-being in mind. 
 @d23fc1b0 it’s been said for decades…

“Don’t feed the trolls.”

This isn’t anything new, folks. 
 @d23fc1b0 Don't you think some people can be swayed by arguments? I feel like I have been. 
 @d23fc1b0 Sounds like advocating for chilling dissent, falling in line, and following the hardline mainstream authority. Really disappointing. 
Debate is fundamental to critical thought, understanding and social cohesion.  There’s no debate in totalitarian dictatorships like China, Iran and Russia.  Debates have rules, like making logical statements, which enables truth.  The lack of debating skills and failing to expose fallacies is why fallacy has flooded the internet.


 @d23fc1b0 I disagree 
 @d23fc1b0 Mustn't argue. Sooo upsetting. People all have their own opinions. All wrong of course but mustn't try to persuade anyone. Breach of their civil liberty to be wrong. 
 @d23fc1b0 isn’t this just a best practice in life? You can’t convince people who want to argue so just change the subject or avoid those people no matter the forum

“A little advice about social media from someone who has been on social media since it has existed. You don’t have to argue. When someone wants to argue with you, you should block them. There is no good outcome possible from arguing on social media.” 
 @d23fc1b0 Or at least, just not argue... 
 @d23fc1b0 👍 

I recall an analysis of Twitter users showing that men and women used the block feature differently. Men used it to block dissent. Women used it to block harassment.

It always comes to mind when I see this type of advice. Or encounter a man posting confidently to a supportive audience.

Something to think about. I can’t find a link to the analysis now. If anyone has it (or contrary evidence) I’d appreciate having the link. 
 @d23fc1b0 yes, but ... :BlobhajSadReach: 
 @d23fc1b0 and having an argument isn't just saying "no, it isn't"! 
As if on a conveyer belt, there will be a never ending supply of idiots and unkind people that come & go in your life. Whether you stop the belt to dance with any one of them is up to you.Don't waste your time with explanations: people only hear what they want to hear.Social media has turned all of us into Dogs. The moment a single dog is unhappy with something, it starts barking,then hundreds of others join the barking immediately. We no longer use our brains, we just join the chorus. 

strongly disagree. social media is primarily about spreading the best stuff imo, but good faith pushback is so important. only mute/block assholes, not opposing opinions or conflicting information. this also isn't the best place for long conversations.