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 Do you know how guilty I feel closing client contracts that pay more for 3 months of part-time work than her annual income? 

Do you know how difficult it is, as a 25 year old, to wonder if I should pay off my business loan / husband’s student loans or help my mother afford to put food on the table?

Can you imagine the unbearable shame of thinking that we will be paying $15k in rent and agent fees alone for our first month in NYC in a few months while my family can’t afford childcare? 
 And yes, of course I’ve been giving money to my family. We maxed out our credit cards helping them settle here before my mother got a work permit. 

We have continually given anything we have spare to them.

But it put us in a position where we have literally no savings and are always afraid that we can’t cover the next month’s bills.

Because a 25 year old in her 2nd year of running a bootstrapped business shouldn’t be worrying about covering bills for 5 people 
 She teaches multiple classes at Cornell and gets less than $40k a year in salary with that job.

Great job, Cornell. Way to go, exploiting a refugee to teach rich kids about her war-torn country. 

Screw all of this. 
 Do you know how guilty I feel closing client contracts that pay more for 3 months of part-time work than her annual income? 

Do you know how difficult it is, as a 25 year old, to wonder if I should pay off my business loan / husband’s student loans or help my mother afford to put food on the table?

Can you imagine the unbearable shame of thinking that we will be paying $15k in rent and agent fees alone for our first month in NYC in a few months while my family can’t afford childcare? 
 It breaks me watching her barely making rent while trying to support herself and two young children WHILE TEACHING AT AN IVY LEAGUE SCHOOL

 She teaches multiple classes at Cornell and gets less than $40k a year in salary with that job.

Great job, Cornell. Way to go, exploiting a refugee to teach rich kids about her war-torn country. 

Screw all of this. 
 The whole #Nobel prize situation with Katalin Karikó, who was previously pushed out of #UPenn and forced to become an adjunct would be deeply funny except… I’m all too familiar with the exploitation of being an adjunct professor.

My mother is a literal refugee from #Ukraine who teaches at #Cornell as an adjunct - she STARTED their Ukrainian program. Her classes get over enrolled in within a day with tons of demand. Students love her.

She had to fight for her health insurance 🥲🥲🥲 
 It breaks me watching her barely making rent while trying to support herself and two young children WHILE TEACHING AT AN IVY LEAGUE SCHOOL

 Do not let anyone convince you that the Republicans who voted against funding aid for #Ukraine are in any way, shape, or form, giving a crap about #democracy. 

My country is currently fighting for its very existence against a fascist and genocidal foreign power. Cutting aid to us IS a vote for fascist dictatorship. Support for Ukraine and defense against #RussianInvasion IS support for freedom.

I have no words for how disappointing this funding bill really is https://www.cnn.com/politics/live-news/government-shutdown-deadline-09-30-23/h_ebbee2382604960ece1fb1a37f51fd5f

 Celebrate #Caturday by taking a mid-afternoon nap with your cat. Highly recommend 
 nostr:npub10rkv3a3qlz54n4petajs5ch76ppveufh2v3zw6epzun628aulmsqryk4ve all of the classic films ab... 
 @b870d4c8 you're cracking me up can i quote some of this on my linkedin post hahaha i am posting this horrible outreach message there too 
 nostr:npub10rkv3a3qlz54n4petajs5ch76ppveufh2v3zw6epzun628aulmsqryk4ve head appears from inside yo... 
 @b870d4c8 just wait until AI can hack your toilet flushing system to spell out messages in morse code 
 And the award for the most unethical / gross outreach I've ever received goes to….

 Serious question… why is buying a particular issue of a digital magazine or newspaper not a thing?

Like if I wanted to read just one particular article in paper form I could go to the store and buy only that one issue. But online I have to either deal with a paywall or sign up for a full subscription?

It feels like no one in te... 
 @c3d7f019 @134318c2 it is so frustrating. When I work with clients as a marketing consultant, I straight up refuse to take any actions based on the rationale that someone else (especially a competitor) is doing it. 

Like we still analyze what competitors are doing and we still bring in other examples… but that’s mostly to get ideas for what might be possible. 

“They are doing it” is never a good enough justification. Actions need to come from knowing what customers want. 
 This is one of the most well-explained cases of #enshittification I’ve ever seen, from the perspective of someone who is happy to pay for one of the most expensive streaming plans offered, but couldn’t even get that to work:

“So just to keep paying Disney close to all they could ask of me, I have spent about 5 total hours over 26 months on the phone without ever getting to the point that everything just flowed as promised.”

From: https://davidpoland.substack.com/p/thb-396-the-joy-of-disney-bundling 
 “From the beginning, I had thought that crypto was pretty dumb. And it turned out to be even dumber than I imagined. There was no mass movement to actually use crypto in the real world. The crypto apps hyped as the future of finance and art barely worked.”

From this wonderful piece: https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/zeke-faux-number-go-up-book-excerpt.html 
 More quotes:
“There were VCs, who’d gotten in early, watched the tokens they bought climb to ludicrous heights, and now believed they could pre­dict the future. [..] founders of crypto start-ups, who’d raised so many millions [..] that they seemed to believe their own far-fetched pitches about creating the next generation of finance. [..] programmers [..] so caught up with clever ideas about new things to do [..] that they never paused to think about whether the technology did anything useful.” 
 Funniest part about having lived in the UAE for a while is the BS detector I’ve developed in knowing exactly when people lie about how much they like certain parts of the Middle East.

There is just this tone of enforced gratitude: “no better place to be”; “land of opportunity”; “I’m so lucky to have a chance to come here” that sounds completely insincere and borderline fearful

It’s even funnier when I see people’s press releases. I’ve worked with those publications lol they just want money 
 nostr:npub10rkv3a3qlz54n4petajs5ch76ppveufh2v3zw6epzun628aulmsqryk4ve The corollary of "There's n... 
 @663e5b60 my husband who spends half his time trying to make macros in @7a0bdc15  would resonate with your toot a little too hard 
 Hi everyone I’m 2 days late on a deadline so I decided to make up for it by spending 4 hours building a custom Notion template for an article

This it totally not just my #ADHD being ADHD, I don’t know what you are talking about