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Notes by ᛗᛟᛟᛗᛁᚾ:vrill: | export

 SPOOGY :pumpkin_pepe: 👻 :skeleton_dance: 
 hey moomin friend :papahello: 
hope your chewsday has been lovely 
 :moominwave: hi graf friend, just made hambegas 🍔  gonna watch some anime, and then go for evening forest walk after. have a great evening. :moomin:

 hmm, yea i spose, but i really don't wanna fuckw ith wool unless i have to the point at which i h... 
 but for what use? wool? that's about all i know, my understanding is llamas and alpacas have too ... 
 my dad used to have a buncha llamas i dunno why tbh 
 they are great hardy low maintenance animals to keep. 
 horses are faster and more comfortable to ride. but yes, camels should see far more use than they do. camels used to be indigenous to Europe and still are to North America (there are wild dromedary and bactrian camels in the North American deserts, yeah they don't want you to know, and say they were brought there, I don't buy it). Also Llamas are camels. Also there are many bactrian/dromedary camels in Australia too (i think those were there indigenously too).

 Eurasian Camel 


 Is s space laser possible yes. Is it possible to hide a space laser from even a hobbyist stargaze... 
 fiber lasers make it possible. watch the video. 
 ever notice how midwits/debunkers/critics/kikes are always technically challenged and schizos (who are always right) are always highly technically skilled and natural engineers/polymath/autodidacts? :trollface: if you are a debunker/critic/midwit/kike kys.

 nostr:npub1fhq6s4lgf8cyavhqdxuafnxuma0cj3ekpn208y036n4qtd5ny3qsn4c2uy Why do we use horses, then? 
 horses are faster and more comfortable to ride. but yes, camels should see far more use than they do. camels used to be indigenous to Europe and still are to North America (there are wild dromedary and bactrian camels in the North American deserts, yeah they don't want you to know, and say they were brought there, I don't buy it). Also Llamas are camels. Also there are many bactrian/dromedary camels in Australia too (i think those were there indigenously too).

 King Arthur's realm is the realm of Ogres. Logres. Logres is a hidden True name of Ancient Germanic lands. We (Aryans) are the Ogres. en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logres 
 Ever heard of the Gargantua of Pantagruel? Giants are real and a significant physical and genetic part of European history. All Europeans descend from Giants.

 moomin mythology anime recommendation:

 when the world is on fire, those with conscience and a sacred heart will become hermits and they will be mocked for knowing themselves when all others have forgotten who they are. "virginity is bad because you should be a man whore" "you need to have 5 million stds, lose your pairbonding and a fuck a bugatti or you're not a real manosphere of the kali yuga" "solitude and autism and aspergers is bad, because it makes you immune to propaganda and its social artificial application" "you should be part of society that hates you and sacrifice for it" "trains and tanks and vidya is a waste of time, you need to watch niggerball and worship niggers or you're not socially well adjusted" "immerse yourself in the what is, and avoid at all costs the what is possible" kali ma is coming for the degenerates and they should fear the autist hermit who has already died and faced death and solitude and no longer fears dying. the chud face is modeled after julius evola.

 midwits doubt the natsocs because they think they can convince minorities into suiciding themselv... 
 "we'll just globalize and enrich them into childlessness"
either way mother nature will win 
 heap on :trollface: 
 always insult glowniggers in your mind.

 But seriously, how detailed did you get in archiving survival? Details as chemistry and medicine ... 
 full backup of archive.org and sci-hub/library genesis. deep hyperspecialization books. 
 Very valuable, stick to it. We will need all the porn we can get our hands on post collapse. 
 porn? no brother we will not save that. you must purge these thoughts you focus upon. what you reflect is what is in your heart. come away from your goon, brother. no more goon, only moom.

 When spending money usually ask yourself "i can but should i"? ;]
Few people are storage performa... 
 good financial advice. but im a data hoarder that saves things as if the internet might turn off tomorrow (because it could). got about 2 exabytes of warez from the last few decades. full backup of near everything important we could ever need post collapse.  anyone who has the means should do the same. the internet is becoming more and more empty. should backup all rare things you see, especially dissident stuff and books and videos that teach skills. you might be the one in the future that has the only copy of something important. you might be the only one who has the data when all is lost. keep backups on optical media, and lead line hdd racks. carrington event with ruin both ssd and hdd without hardening. 
 Written by a SEA monkey 
 nostr:npub1ta62f7hqxv6najkjuftv5myhjgjftry8djl2l75pvmh7snlkf0as80x2yv nostr:npub1szfrzmtc6zxmeunq... 
 kingston nv2 2TB 3000MB/s is $90 
 when someone says two story or three story house or building, they're not talking about the height or levels, but the previous old world and old civilization it belonged to. :trollface:

 nostr:npub1fhq6s4lgf8cyavhqdxuafnxuma0cj3ekpn208y036n4qtd5ny3qsn4c2uy nostr:npub187k7zxsd2r7zpf2g... 
 schizo is a positive attribute. the world is not schizo. i am. 
 which answer is more self contradicting? choose that one. i don't subscribe to consistency. i hold multiple ideas that contradict themselves simultaneously. if you don't contradict yourself, you aren't really seeing clearly. like a bag of marbles, taking an idea out as a tool and putting it back in when done.

 i dare you to look deeply into the technology of holography.
the idea that a single viewpoint must defeat others and it alone must only be regarded is a false assumption. all viewpoints exist simultaneously, and are reflections of eachother. (if you understand this, you can create new perspectives that affect all others as a primary goal, the primary goal of magic) just like a coin must have a heads and a tails simultaneously, just because you only look at heads, doesn't mean tails stops existing, most perspectives have infinite facets, far more than just the two of a coin. the usual conclusion from this is that it argues for nihilism, but i argue for the opposite. everything is connected. because every perspective is reflected fully within all other perspectives and so on. including those we haven't thought of yet. everything is true and false at the same time. universality of correctness is just one of countless other perspectives. your perception of reality is mixed up with the idea of honor. honor, and loyalty are the original meanings of truth. however correctness has superseded this meaning leading to the confusion. anything can be beneficial as long as the intent is loyal and honorable. you need to view any perspective first from a Racial intent. correctness has no intent. this is its biggest issue. it is universally and purposefully without intent. because loyalty and honor constantly has contradictions. it is only the intent that matters. whether the intent is correct is irrelevant. stealing bread to feed your family in a famine is incorrect, but the intent was loyal and honorable. lying to protect your people is incorrect but the intent is loyal and honorable. INTENT!
 nostr:npub1fhq6s4lgf8cyavhqdxuafnxuma0cj3ekpn208y036n4qtd5ny3qsn4c2uy nostr:npub187k7zxsd2r7zpf2g... 
 which answer is more self contradicting? choose that one. i don't subscribe to consistency. i hold multiple ideas that contradict themselves simultaneously. if you don't contradict yourself, you aren't really seeing clearly. like a bag of marbles, taking an idea out as a tool and putting it back in when done.

 nostr:npub1fhq6s4lgf8cyavhqdxuafnxuma0cj3ekpn208y036n4qtd5ny3qsn4c2uy nostr:npub187k7zxsd2r7zpf2g... 
 im a wizard. proving things is uninteresting. i just decide and it is so. whether others agree is their problem. the less consensus i get on an idea the more validation. if this idea had consensus i would abandon it too. ideas with consensus are like pimples after they have come to a head. by the time everyone is on the same page, its time is already gone, and its time to squeeze it out. like i say the battle is in the mind. do you control your own mind, or do others control it for you? :wizard_cat: 🪄 
 nostr:npub187k7zxsd2r7zpf2gzjxetphe9jkqt8hpfstc2dcu79772fkp06nsjdra34 nostr:npub1phpqxa6g888f6vrq... 
 reclaim it? it was never lost 🌈 🏳️‍🌈  if you believe it belongs to our enemy, then the real battle is in your mind. rainbows are pure, beautiful and natural things. no one can claim it. it belongs to nature and Nature hates kikes, faggots and degenerates. 🌈 🏳️‍🌈  <- this is a racist, antisemetic and bigot symbol (i just decided)

 the blockchain game implementations have been shit so far. think its gonna take another decade or two before we see something worthwhile from it apart from meaningless cosmetic bullshit. for eg. if there was a real financial incentive point of grinding in an mmo for the game currency and rare items to sell it would be a different matter. how much different is this to the usual office problem solving and paper shuffling people do? or even technical jobs? and before a spiritual boomer pipes up that its meaningless compared to a real world job. consider that all post-industrialization jobs and probably all non-hunting and gathering activities are mimics of the real thing. they're simulations to reenact hunting and gathering post-scarcity. its the reason you go to gym instead of running after deer in the forest. the only real meaning those surrogate activities have for you is financial, and the artificial perceived social status it brings, from which "meaning" is derived. the older surrogate activities are the exact same thing.

 i just fucking hope i can fucking find my fucking phone before i go to fucking bed i know its aro... 
 shout "hey phone, show me where you are!" and it will appear inside the fridge

 normalize SDI ports on GPUs over HDMI.
normalize SDI ports on monitors
mail niggervidia and ayyymd and tell them to gib SDI.
hdmi is a nigger fragile drm compressed port.
12G-SDI is higher res, uncompressed and is a simple BNC connector, tried and tested for decades. there is a reason why pro cine/broadcast gear uses SDI. It is near indestructible. HDMI you just look at funny and you need to resolder the shitty port.
 business idea:
packaging peanuts, but we put msg and cheeto dust on them and sell them in the hood. boneappletea.
@Nigbot would you buy this? 
 REINVENT YOURSELF. always keep them guessing. you should be a mystery even to yourself. your accent, mannerisms, body language, habits, skills and interests are just one perspective. you can form a multitude of others and become them and shift between them. constantly reinvent yourself. revision the idea you and everyone around you has about you. revision your idea of everyone else and be able to hold different sets of ideas as part of each perspective. study each new trend and be able to fit in into any new trend and any old trend and jump back out of it again as if you were never involved. be able to mimic anyone online. the body is not the self. 🧿

 I wish they didn't make Diablo 4 so fucking gay 
 i just pretend it doesn't exist. its not the same company anyway. pillars of eternity1&2 and pathfinder 1&2, divinedivinity series are far better games, failing that the beamdog remasters of BG1, BG2, IcewindDale. BG3 is great too. path of exile2 will be the real diablo4. I played diablo3 but the story wasn't that great, the music was the only thing i liked. they could have gone in a far better direction than they went storywise. diablo 4's story is bad. it ended with diablo2 after that is fanfiction. 
 original and best diablo in browser:

download the .MPQ 
then open here:

 there is also median-xl if you want diablo2 with modern overhaul

can get the game iso's on archive.org

 I would literally pay money to get my hands on the emails that lead to all the art in Buck Breaki... 
 just ask tariq nasneed, im sure he will send the originals if you asked. 
 this flag is now the anti-trans flag (i just decided) if you see anyone with this flag or colors, know that they hate trannies and are based. this is how we will find our bros out there. remember you have the power to counterpsyop. use it. :trollface:

 did you know that if you are ever in a situation where you are hassled, you can pull the jewish card, even if you aren't jewish. everyone shuts up real fast, niggers quit their rilin' and cops start being very helpful. just start accusing people hassling White people of antisemitism. we should use this to our advantage if we can. who gives a shit if they think you are jewish. if something is beneficial, use it. any means to an end. we should make jews synonymous with White people using a privilege card until it no longer holds any value and no one gives a shit about antisemitism. this is why it is so important to really know the ins and outs of jewish culture to such an extent that you can pretend to be one as a get out of jail card. remember, you can run unlimited counter psyops on the internet. :trollface: 
 This song is *kinda* derivative but like, Termina does it better
 new house architecture sucks
what race does this belong to? it is raceless and therefore trash
irrelevant whether it is popular, trendy or expensive.

 For those wondering how Germanic people uses to live:
Event not found
 i can see what you mean, but the real thing is infinitely better
Event not found
 according to the official record. according to my alternative history camels were indigenous worldwide. camelus knoblochi had a north american version, or perhaps even the same camel as was indigenous to the North. Mark my words within the next decade or so an extinct North American indigenous camel will be found and when you see it, remember this. one thing people forget is that the middle east and the sahara and steppe used to be densely forested. deserts are all manmade due to overfarming and overgrazing. there are no natural deserts. meaning the camel is not really a desert animal, but we are so used to seeing them in that context that we assume they are. Kemet (the original name of Egypt) referred to the black soil of Egypt, the terra preta like in the Amazon, something which is only possible with dense forests. by the way, when someone says black magic or dark magic, they are referring to Kemet which refers to dark soil, ie. fertile. So when someone says dark magic or blackmagic, they actually mean fertile soil magic. 

 you tell me this as if I'm not acutely aware what official standard history is. i know. i am actively rebelling against it because it is made up bullshit by people who think they know something, but in reality they are arrogant midwits who know nothing. always bully academics and scholars.
