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 i dare you to look deeply into the technology of holography.
the idea that a single viewpoint must defeat others and it alone must only be regarded is a false assumption. all viewpoints exist simultaneously, and are reflections of eachother. (if you understand this, you can create new perspectives that affect all others as a primary goal, the primary goal of magic) just like a coin must have a heads and a tails simultaneously, just because you only look at heads, doesn't mean tails stops existing, most perspectives have infinite facets, far more than just the two of a coin. the usual conclusion from this is that it argues for nihilism, but i argue for the opposite. everything is connected. because every perspective is reflected fully within all other perspectives and so on. including those we haven't thought of yet. everything is true and false at the same time. universality of correctness is just one of countless other perspectives. your perception of reality is mixed up with the idea of honor. honor, and loyalty are the original meanings of truth. however correctness has superseded this meaning leading to the confusion. anything can be beneficial as long as the intent is loyal and honorable. you need to view any perspective first from a Racial intent. correctness has no intent. this is its biggest issue. it is universally and purposefully without intent. because loyalty and honor constantly has contradictions. it is only the intent that matters. whether the intent is correct is irrelevant. stealing bread to feed your family in a famine is incorrect, but the intent was loyal and honorable. lying to protect your people is incorrect but the intent is loyal and honorable. INTENT!