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 Hope you've got your ticket on the year long rocket ship we're about to have. 
 Being an adult means I watch cooking shorts to see absolutely delicious concoctions that I 100% know I'll never put time into making myself. 
 It's interesting, there's a well known trend in the creative community that you get about 15 years of creativity before it burns out on you.

A lot of people attribute this to the drugs/shortcuts people take. Shortcuts may get you something in the short term, but it burns you down in the long term.

 GM from Disneyland!! 
 GM! Have so much fun with the family!

I grew up next to Disneyland, many summers spent walking that park. I hope you have a blast! 
 Plebs must've bought the dip.

I watch the mempool all day. In all the ups and downs haven't seen on-chain fees spike like it is right now. Bitcoin is being taken off of exchanges is my amateur unresearched opinion.

Hope everyone consolidated UTXOs while they had the chance. 
 Don’t mean to be snobbish, but people who never say “interesting” tend not to be. 

 The best things about having your #Bitcoin locked up in multi-sig:

A) couldn't have panic sold even if I wanted to.

B) fees were so damn high and it's even higher on multi-sig that I wouldn't be able to justify the on-chain fees.

 Played Scattergories last weekend. Under the "People you admire" I got to play Satoshi.

And under Technologies I got to play Bitcoin.

Was a great session. 
 As @Jeff Booth says, every print afterwards needs to get exponentially bigger.

The bigger print is coming.

 While I'm definitely curious, I'm still in the group of people that hopes we never find out who Satoshi Nakamoto is.

While it fundamentally doesn't matter who he is, I really hope it's a mystery for all time. 
 My wife was trying to put pants on the 4yo, he starts fighting back yelling Communism 😂😂... 
 I still remember when I first started dating my wife, something went wrong and she said, "What is this communist bullshit?"

That's one of the reasons she got promoted to wife. 🤣 
 Watched Band of Thieves this weekend (which was pretty good), and was struck by a just slightly m... 
 This reminds me of how I actually liked the TV version of Shawshank Redemption more than the unedited version. I understand the environment leads to more swearing but the movie itself was so good on it's own that the cursing becomes distracting.

Also, I go back and watch the old comedies and the level of wit/humor just seems so much more elevated.
See: "Walk, Don't Run"

Great post sir 
 Can’t wait until the presidential election is over so we can have three years of [losing team] ... 
 "It's his sled! From when he was a kid. There I just saved you 3 boobless hours"

-Peter Griffin 
 66, you gotta be kidding me! Have mercy! 
 "I wish we had more time" 
 This slow and steady rise in #btc price is giving me more FOMO than the violent upward moves. 
 Soooo, have any of you guys experienced a tornado irl. Not too fun. 
 I’ve had one touch down 20 miles away. And where I live we definitely have tornado warnings every year. But that’s the closest. Nature likes to remind us of its destructive power sometimes. 
 What are your plans for the weekend? Anything fun? 
 Last farmer’s market of the year, some shopping, dinner with friends, board games, church, hiking, and maybe a movie or two. Going to be a great weekend! 
 One of those days where we like the coin. 
 I talked to Satoshi and told him we hadn't had a good day in awhile. He said he'd get right on that. 
 I finished rewatching solo leveling. Forgot how much I loved it! Anime tropes can be awful and I understand why a lot of people can't watch them. You have to dig through a lot of mediocre story to find the good ones. On top of that you have to deal with a lot of cringey pervy elements that is the Japanese culture. Most of the time you get the main character that's completely overpowered and the end result is never in doubt. Every pretty woman of any importance is instantly taken with him. Couldn't be because he's the most powerful man in the world.

Solo leveling went a different route. Took the weakest man in the world and gave him and only him the ability to level up. The biggest difference though? Even in the first season he almost dies numerous times. Getting by on luck as much as skill. Which as a viewer gives you a reason to root for him and hope he pulls through. Seriously can't wait for the next season in January. 
 Corporate tech providers hijacking the branding of “freedom tech”because it’s a cute market... 
 It's amazing how easy it has been the last 50 years to hijack people's brains with branding. At least in the crypto space it all fails in regards to #Bitcoin but everywhere else it just sticks.

Crazy example: Popeye eats spinach because one time spinach was mislabeled with 10x more iron than it should have been. Yet that branding of the mistake stuck and we had a cartoon hero that ate spinach to give him strength. 
 It's funny you say that... This is why I was into Halo more than Call of Duty. Want my video game pretend violence to be less real and more fantastical.

Definitely going to check out this movie though. 
 Every single person who didn't listen, is going to end up with less #Bitcoin than you.

You're go... 
 While you're correct...I can't help but feel like I don't have enough. 😂🤣 
 Sad that one of the few waiters that always accepts his tips in #Bitcoin is moving on to a new job. My wife and I are regulars but we're so happy for him. And his stack got a little better every time he served us. Congrats Chris! 
 Rewatched Mortal Kombat 2021 on Netflix. I realize it's got cheesy fan service, but I don't care, fucking loved it. Can't wait for the sequel next year. 
 I'm not important enough for replyguy to care... And I'm ok with that. 
 It identifies as "modular" 🤣😂🤣😂 
 And she's always gone too long, anytime she goes away 🎶🎶🎶 
 Question of the day: am I ready for ego death?  
 Have you ever seen the movie "Revolver?" 
 It's all about the ego... Although you don't realize it till the end. Highly recommend at least a one time watch. He wrote it in response to "Fight Club" 
 The only one I didn't care for was rocknrolla.

I remember him doing an interview where they asked him why he didn't write female characters, and he straight up said, "because I don't understand them." And that movie proved it. Female lead made no sense at all. 
 So ready to get back to work after taking a long break. 

I want to create more, read books, lear... 
 Gotta talk to the dude that cooks 1-minute rice in 58 seconds. 
 I'm having to unfollow "Twitter engagement" type posts on NOSTR. Like, I don't need a random picture with a one liner every two minutes. I'd rather read a long form post instead. 
 Could humans have prevented/stopped the Genesis Flood to save the very thing that was meant to be... 
 Depends on where you look, but the point of the flood was to kill the Nephilim... The offspring of angels and human women. 
 Now that Engagement is Back on #Bitcoin Twitter, it'll be interesting to see who sticks around he... 
 Honestly, I'll open Twitter but much like Facebook I get a couple scrolls in and have to close it. Not as interesting as here. Glad I found you on here to get my wine jokes again. 
 "Why are we in a room full of psychopaths?" 
 It's certainly peaceful.

So many nocoiners are stuck worrying about everything.

 Look...I know everyone talks about #Bitcoin and diminishing returns, but I really don't see it. Yes 0% to 0.1% of all assets is amazing. But that's nothing compared to 0.1% to 1% and beyond.

Michael Saylor is laying out the playbook. Corporations have much more capital than individuals. As CEOs start to pile into #btc there's no way this rocket ship doesn't blow everything up to now away.

And while everyone looks at a high nominal value in the future as a result of inflation... That's also wrong. Purchasing power continues to increase with #Bitcoin. Everything is getting cheaper in #btc and that will continue for a long time. 
 New profile pic. 
 This is a fantastic analysis!

Excuse me while I go buy more #BTC.

 WoT works with dating too, I think. I trust my friends to set me up with someone more than Hinge.... 
 It can also be a great indicator how well your friends know you/how deep your relationship with them is.

If they set you up with someone completely wrong for you they aren't that good of a friend. 
 That's fair. Better than the absolute opposite of everything you like/someone they wouldn't even date themselves. 🤣 
 I hadn't opened Twitter in awhile. The only thing it's good for right now is an alert when ocean mines a block. But I opened it to clear an alert, and the first post I see is Peter Schiff masterbating over a #btc dip. Immediately closed Twitter. Who needs that noise? 
 Probably the same loophole as caged vs range free vs pasture raised.

Gotta be a freaking detective to figure out the difference. 
 The benefits of DCA is not looking at the gains I've made. I know I bought in the $25K-30K range but all I remember is my most recent buys.

It's why I can never answer the question, "how much have you invested in #Bitcoin?" 🤣😂 
 Every business and every job is forever getting compared in my mind to strike. Company is in 131 countries with only 63 employees... That's fucking mind blowing. How incredibly efficient that must be. I'd love to work for @jack mallers but my specialty is IT maintenance. But holy hell I'd love to work in a well oiled machine like that.

Congrats bro, that's quite the accomplishment! 
 I don’t think that in general the human mind is built to withstand the constant onslaught of pr... 
 One of the crazy things for me, is I get burnt out on propaganda. It's usually an onslaught that, like anyone, I can carried with it, but usually only so far before I find my way back to sanity.

The shocking part, is the majority of the population have an endless hunger for the propaganda. It's madness. 
 I’m not a sovereign individual and will likely never be one. I can understand the desire to be ... 
 Agreed. Specialization is how we got here today. Knowing/doing it all becomes a waste. That's why part of becoming sovereign, I think, is to gather a community so you can still specialize as an individual within that group. 
 I still find it crazy the relationship between men on the left and less upper body strength.

Philosophically it makes sense... If you are weak and think you need someone else to protect yourself/your family... It makes sense you want a stronger government. Because if you didn't have that, who would you run to for protection?

So are you really on the left? Or do you just need to go to the gym and lift weights. 
 Can relate. I got my old boss into #btc but he got sucked into ETH because of some bullshit news about blackrock potentially using it for central bank transfers.

My last thought to him on that was, have you SEEN the BTC/ETH chart?

 Self fulfilling prophecies are what most people have in their personal narratives. It's hard to shake yourself loose sometimes.

 I can't wait for the cooler weather to come back. Then I can turn my miners back on and send extra hash to ocean. 
 What aspects do you enjoy most about your favorite sci fi or fantasy novels? Obviously it’s a m... 
 My all time favorite is the "Homecoming: Harmony" series by Orson Scott Card.

It's based off a Mormon parable. Something in the deeper relationships between siblings and getting to deeper truths is usually what hits me the hardest. I need moral content, not just fantastical elements.

Only read the first 3 books though. The last two weren't as good, but I'll reread those first 3 every couple years. 
 PREDICTIONS for tonight's presidential debate: 

- #Democrats will think (strongly) that #Harris ... 
 I will once again... Not be watching anything but the #btc price 😂😂 
 Say what you will but Apple does an amazing job of making old-news tech sound like the greatest l... 

Gotta say something to convince their users that shelling out more money to change out all their cords, is worth it.

Just stupid they didn't do it years ago.
The iPads are already USB-C because lightning cable couldn't deliver power fast enough. 
 I'm sure you can find a press release somewhere about it... But it's still a valid point regardless 😂🤣 
 I just realized... The election in the US is two months away... But this is the first election year I've watched basically zero network TV. It's been the most peaceful election cycle I've ever been in lol. 
 Peter McCormick's final "what #Bitcoin did" podcast was probably my favorite one. Even got my wife to listen to that one and she loved it. 
 I'm bullish, bearish, and neutral. This way no one can tell me I'm wrong. 😂🤣 
 Sweet! There is a Reply Girl now! Glass ceiling shattered! 
 Ah...a true degenerate. She'll be a millionaire by the end of the day.