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Notes by Gary Green | export

 The Rona Vax sterilizes our population? It just keeps on getting better and better doesn't it?

 This is a really good one. I laughed. I gotta get one. Where can it be purchased? 
 Enjoying Madeira? (Assuming you are @ SEC)... Happy Monday morning. 
Well isn't this too cute? She said the quiet part out loud... Well- bless yoir heart. HRC. Isn't that the point of your regulations... to shut us up and do we can't mess with your narratives? Shame on you. 

 Mantis shrimp are one of my favorite critters in the ocean. Nice video, thanks for sharing.  
 Pergunta leve de final de domingo, para responder sem filtros: já estamos nos anos finais do exp... 
 Read The Creature From Jekyll Island. This fiat game is not over. Not by a longshot. The world will need to wake up to and fully adopt decentralized, non-state money if there is going to be a functioning economy and society in the future. The central bankers intend to wreck humanity enslave the common man and keep the spoils of our labor for themselves.  
 It's that season again. This is a second year buck visiting my front yard. 

 Question for the Men:

When you think of Sundresses, what does the dress actually look like in yo... 
 Looks like a pretty wadded pile on the floor, because that's where it ends up after I have to strip it off her because she's so sexy in it. It's mission accomplished for the dress when we get down to business.... 
 According to the author of The creature from Jekyll Island, it's long past the point where voting matters. It's going to take brave militant souls to fight the corrupt machine. Our present condition is a result of the machinations of the cabal of central bankers and globalist elites. The socialism pump has been primed. We gotta decentralize our way out. Vote with your feet, your time, your attention, and your wallet. 
 What books did you read this week? I got through The Creature from Jekyll Island, Hayek's "The Fatal Conceit", "The Road To Serfdom ", and"Principles of Economics " by Saifedeen Amous. 
If I wasn't a BTC triple maxi already.... These books seal that deal. 
 I'm new on nostr.
I actually made this account 2 or 3 months ago, I don't remember exactly, but I... 
 Welcome to the big world of decentralized Internet. Say whatever stupid things you want to say without fear of censorship... 
 You don't want proof of work. You want proof of humanity. Those are very different things.

 This thread looks like the seven circles of hell. Did you break the matrix? What a hot mess... 
 my Nostrudel is flipping out and acting weird lol. Hopefully I didn't screw something up but I ha... 
 Hzrd149 is the developer. Contact him with your bugs. He's a nice guy and will help you resolve your issues. 
 There is a Bitcoin Meetup coming to my area in a few weeks. I would like to see our time together be productive beyond the socialization. Does anyone have ideas for a topic(s) that could/should  be covered in an hour or less of a 90-120 minute meeting? I'm thinking it would be useful to teach/  learn how to use the lightning network for micropayments.  Are any of my inland Northwest compatriots adept at this use of the technology - willing to bring a lesson plan of sorts to our meeting in October? 
 Thanks I know him. Just shot him a DM to see if he's coming to the meeting.  
 Orange Pill App. Events tab. Spokane WA 11 October.  
 Question about Sparrow Wallet:

I want to add an existing hardware wallet. Do i use „New Wallet... 
 Thanks for sharing the explanation. I'll look into Sparrow. 
 Hey bud... Hope you are well.  
 Wait, Kamala hates Israel?
Gone in 2 years if she’s elected. 

Hmmmm. She just won my vote. Go ... 
 Doesn't matter which organized crime family you vote for. The Mafias decide what does or doesn't happen in government. It's all corrupt fiat chasing. 
 Guys you can't mute your way passed the bots, they make new npubs for every post

Right now the b... 
 @Stuart Bowman & Hzrd What do you think of this? 
 All my phone apps are slowly turning into all nostr apps.  
 That's a good thing. Nostr is going to do it all. Best devs on planet Earth are grinding off all the rough edges. End the social media monopolies...  
 Who is favored to win this one? Hope you have a blast with whomever is your company. I would rather be there than sitting here.  
 So WTF is this?  
 David, glad you're still at this podcast. I find value in your content.  I'm still hoping you'll reach out to @stuart bowman for an interview. He's still the cutting edge Nostr developer of Satellite. He and Hzrd are working on social graphs and web of trust as well as other angles to improve the Nostr experience. Reach out of you want something other than his Nostr DM. I can get you his number. He presented at Nostriga last week with PabloFZ7 and others. He's one of the top 5-10 devs in the 
 I made a steak today but it's brutally overcooked so I won't damage your eyes with it  
 For a perfect medium rare steak: Heat gas grill to 450-500 degrees. Apply steak for four minutes each side. Easy peasy. 
 Web of trust and social graph are on the way. Nostr devs are working on interesting solutions for getting high signal non-bot feedback you can actually use to determine the quality of the profile. We won't just need to rely on follower counts. Satellite devs are hacking out solutions to the social graph and web of trust as we speak. 
 This is a really sad commentary on what we have become. 
I can't fault the reasoning of the author. Do you think they are wrong? 

Here’s the million-dollar question nobody is asking about the Baltimore bridge collapse… https://tiny.iavian.net/1z1sc 
 Hello everyone. Just joined and learning how this works. I am an HVAC Tech with my own business f... 
 Welcome to our corner of the universe... An ever expanding universe. One day it will find ubiquity. 
 Gonna do this agian because nostr doesn't allow edits (thank gad)

How many molecules of water ne... 
 Shot in the dark answer: 0.01mol 
 Bitcoin is sinless money that even God would approve of. Truth stamped on time.  
 The only part I don't agree with is the "mined bitcoin" branch spawning all subsequent branches. ... 
 Ditto. That was it's imperfection. Author is human and fallible.  
 The #SovEng group are the nicest people I met in Madeira 💜 
 Did you meet Stuart Bowman of Satellite?  
 You said they were some of the nicest people ever. That's a good description of his character. Just wondered if he was one of the ones who influenced your description...  
 Won't be long before those marketplaces will be available right here on Nostr. Take a chill pill.  
 I’m not gonna make it, am I? nostr:note18nqt557tzcyshjggfwtpv7tyzr45atyuks00n9xyaz4tjqkalt5qcmrrhq 
 Dave you are a veritable fire hazard. Bust out the Hoover. You're killing us all with your micro pollutants . Really would ya just give us all a break before the EPA has to get involved?  
 I'm doing just that while diving the Reed's in Grand Cayman this week. This is such a great suggestion.  
 Do you really believe that? History says otherwise... Not just the last century of history either.  
 We can only sense photons if they strike our retina.

Some say the universe is mostly dark with a... 
 Agreed. Nice thought for the day. Hope you are well sir.  
 I really can't believe you went there. On Nostr of all places where free speech is the reason for it's existence. BTW Profanity and hate speech are just two of my many, many talents. However, today I'm going to love you right through it since God loves you when you do dingaling things; I can forgive and forget. You do put out other quality content more often than not, so you get a pass this time. But really dude?  
 Which client are you using most often and how are you liking it? Any gripes? 

 Satellite. I like it's threaded conversations, communities, and it's clean Reddit like interface. Much more is coming from this developer.  
 We had a Daisy Duke that was a fat little Chihuahua. We miss that little girl. Sorry you lost your long dog. See you on the other side of the rainbow bridge Daisy... 
 This has me confused. It looked like this was posted on the open forum, not just the DM. Didn't think a private note would or could be threaded. Cool innovation? 
 npub1zd06v579ffn7w4t37ug2rfjuf4fsl32wl53cdyat56klagczg6jsw4enh4 Aulani 
 Is TSA pre-check worth it? #TSA #AskNostr 
 I travel extensively and TSA pre check is the bomb. Saves a ton of time. Just signed up for global entry. I'll see how that goes & time will tell if that was unwise. 
 I've been in the fingerprint database since my Navy days 40+years ago. It's irrelevant to me at this point. I'm more worried about getting doxed by 23 & me hacks. I don't think I'll ever commit a crime because I'll be too easy to catch via one of those methods. So what is the real harm of having your prints in the database? Anyone have an answer to that? I'm seriously interested in your thoughts.  
 I've never been in pre-check line that went slower than the regular line.  
 In 20 years 1 sat will buy me a gum ball. They can keep sending them one at a time and before you know it I'll have a lifetime supply of chewing gum. Fill my wallet for free. Knock yourself out advertisers.  
 People discussing the next venue for #nostr event...

Suggesting #Nostrocco 

#Morocco a country ... 
 What makes Morocco reasonable for a venue besides being crossroads to continents? Are westerners going to be reasonably safe traveling there given current geopolitics? It's important to have that answered. Some of the brightest minds are going to gather together and can't be put in harms way just because the place sounds exotic.  
 What is the name of the telegram group? Got an easy link for me? I would love to listen and learn more.  
 I want one of those shirts. Does anyone know where can it be found to purchase one?  
 Lots to unpack here nostr:note1pr6v5ezlmvyzc4g7se3qpc9g206kq897jytmp6f0lhdyurmc8yrq4d4v0g 
 My wife almost wet her pants laughing so hard and had to stop half way through to collect herself before she could finish it!  
 Good morning!

I love you. 
 GM from Cozumel!  
 Am I crazy for thinking that terrorists deserve due process if possible 
 You must live in clown world, have no moral compass and missing key components of an education. Your views below are complete nonsense. You obviously don't get the concept of FAFO. Swift retribution is the only moral answer. That's what real men and real patriots do. They eliminate evil from the earth when faced with it. Ditch your touchy feely sensibilities and grow a pair. We can't fix this kind of stupid. If you're lucky one day you'll  see the world for what it really is. Yup it's pretty caveman mentality.  
 Of course I have... That and hundreds of other books related to the human condition. At some point our society pivoted to moral relativism. I'm of the school that moral absolutes remain. Wanton disregard for human life is punishable by removing the offender(s) from the gene pool decisively and permanently. It's like Sodom and Gomorrah all over again. Evil exists. It must be judged and terminated. You don't have to buy that line of thinking. Suffice it to say no one wants me on the jury at trial if they are a mass murderer; nor have me as a soldier of the state being designated a target in my crosshairs. 

Change my mind.