Oddbean new post about | logout

Notes by tommy33 | export

 Great episode friend! I hope people listen and take it to heart especially those who worship lummis and orange man.  
 Why ecash is so much better than your normal custodian:

- it can be audited as easily as any cus... 
 Is there a way to create a bitcoin "cleanser" using ecash now that whirlpool is gone? Could it be used to help bitcoin fungibility and mess up chain surveillance? 
 On Bitcoin Magazine’s YouTube channel, Saylor’s keynote has more views than Trump’s.

387k ... 
 No one would rewatch Trump unless they like pain. Saylor was worth rewatching.  
 A lot of Bitcoiner’s are addicted to their status as loser underdogs. 

We’re winning. 

Get ... 
 Wen fren? 
 Gensler basically says that all crypto but bitcoin is a security (which is true). Trump says he will fire Gensler.

 Bitcoiners rejoice? What did I miss?  
 He's the only one who actually gets it. He put in the time, he did the homework. He actually purchased a sizable amount. He also has not released shitcoins and NFTs. He did not keep saying crypto like a fool  
 "I've heard from Vivek 175 million people in some form, are involved with this world of crypto and Bitcoin and all of the others, 175 million. So when they heard that, they said, Let's be nice to them, at least until after the election."

 -DJT (accidentally, as is typical, saying his internal thoughts out loud) 
 "During my four years in office, bitcoin surged by 3,900%, from $898 the day I took office to $35,900 the day I left. That was the biggest jump I guess, in just about any industry; think of that. Now, compare that to just after three and a half years of Biden and Harris adjusted for inflation, bitcoin is up 50% now 50% sounds good, but not when you're comparing it to almost 4,000% right? 50% you know, normally you say, oh, that sounds pretty good. Let's not put that into the speech. 50% is that good?"

-DJT (taking credit for bitcoin price appreciation, notice he didn't say what the % increase was under Obama) 
 "Have a good time with your bitcoin and your crypto and everything else that you're playing with, and we're going to make that one of the greatest industries on Earth." 
 a couple months into not having a phone number, and paying for data from silent.link using lightn... 
 That's awesome. Do you use a grapheneos phone? Also, what VoIP apps do you use for legacy calls/SMS? Any tips for the places that require SMS 2fa?  
 Was Emerson talking about trumps actions against bitcoin when president vs his words now that he's pandering for our votes? 

Well, at least his dementia made him slip in the truth, he'll be nice to us until November... 
 He would have only made Trumps speech worse, if you can imagine that. Two billionaire scammer shitcoiners  
 Strong man worship and denial of reality is real too

Ask yourself why the people closest to him (VP,  majority of his cabinet, business associates that were scammed by him) say he should be no where near the presidency and that he is generally stupid. Mine and your exposure to him is what he reads off a teleprompter and his rambles like we saw Saturday. 

Believe those who truly spent time with him and got to know him. They inevitability come away with negative conclusions.  
 I watched a Trump speech because of Bitcoin. I'll never recover from this, neurologically. 
 First time I forced myself to watch an entire speech of his. Wish I could have that time back.  
 Hmm actions speak louder than words. As RFK said, trump was very anti bitcoin when he was president. Attempted to ban self custody. Did not pardon Ross, assange, snowden, he could have. 

Biden has not attempted a ban on self custody.  
 Already is. He's already made millions selling stupid nfts and his retarded son is selling some tokens  
 Ahh OK. Well in that case I'm convinced. Good job explaining your pov 
 Which democrat has proposed a cbdc? Has Elizabeth Warren ever got one singular bill passed in her years in senate? The answer is no. 

Did Donald Trump pardon Ross, assange, snowden? Did Trump talk about how he hates bitcoin and attempt to ban self custody? Did trumps SEC allow the bitcoin ETF?

Did Trump in his speech yesterday say, I should be nice to bitcoiners, at least through the election? Clear proof he's just pandering for votes and idiots like you fall for it. 

 To be fair, trumps speech yesterday (and his promise to fire gensler) was much more pro crypto than pro bitcoin. Bitcoin doesn't need shit from him or Gary, but the rest of crypto does.  
 Bitcoin doesn't need governments to win. It doesn't need governments to stack it. It doesn't need... 
 Trump never lies and fulfills his campaign promises. Take it to the bank  
 "Louisiana is a leader in bitcoin—banning CBDCs and protecting self-custody. We should continue... 
 I'm curious if Louisiana has done one singular thing related to bitcoin. What makes them a leader? Just jumping on the bandwagon? That's cool if that's what he's doing, I'll take it. But I can't recall anything around bitcoin and Louisiana  
 Everyone simping for trump saying he did a great job... 

The market spoke. Largely flat to down through and after his speech. Don't lie, bailey, kreuger, and many others saying of course we will rip go all time highs after this amazing speaker, completely wrong. Market underwhelmed 
 The Trump talk made me incredibly unconfident that he will usher in any positive change for Bitcoin. 
 Interesting take. Trump tried into ban self custody when president. Biden/Harris did not. Actions speak louder than words. 

As RFK said, Trump claims a lot now, but was very anti bitcoin when he was in power  
 The justice department did that. 

Trump and his treasury secretary personally pushed a self custody ban. Do you think biden knows anything about Samouri devs? 

Not to mention self custody is a magnitude more important than whirlpool.  
 Super condescending 
 So he will hold onto all the bitcoin they seized and will continue to seize? Great, just great  
 I don’t think Trump’s team realized how important this speech was. 

For many people, it was ... 
 Massively disappointed. Could never vote for a rambling fool like this.  
 For all the other speakers that lost nights worrying about not making a fool of themselves on the... 
 Jesus if that is trying... We're in trouble  
 Is it? Trump tried to ban self custody and was anti bitcoin when president as RFK explained. I don't think biden or kamala have tried to ban self custody... Right? 
 She's not president. She hasn't accomplished her goals. Trump was president. As RFK said, he could have pardoned Ross, Snowden, Assange,but he didn't.  
 He needs to do a lot of reading. Terrible speech so far. So uninformed  
 Who let this stupid fuck on stage as the headliner? Should have ended with RFK, someone who actually knows about bitcoin. 

This is a rally with a deranged retard spewing bullshit and saying crypto every 5 minutes  
 Its terrible. I hope his 'announcement' wasn't that he is accepting bitcoin and crypto. Also Jesus how many times has he said "bitcoin and crypto". Do your homework clown  
 RFK substantially better informed and spoke much more intelligently. Trump sounds like a confused old man rambling  
 The biggest mockery of catholic religion is when thousands of their priests raped children and the Catholics in charge did everything in their power to cover it up for decades. 

When your tax haven money laundering pedophile child rape organization is that terrible, it should be burned to the ground and restarted.  
 The institution and thousands of their disciples raped children and covered it up. If a company did this,we would demand it be shut down.  
 RFK Jr.  is winning me over.

20 years of dollar cost averaging 
no taxes
strategic reserve  
 Much more of a bitcoiner than trump who just needs the votes  
 It was so good. Goes hand in hand with what nostr:nprofile1qqsgfhhxuemwtwm8kjk5uppv7uxtmp5pz4wm2dv59lxx5pfnsk98ysqpr4mhxue69uhkummnw3ezucnfw33k76twv4ezuum0vd5kzmp0ylwry8 said though. We need privacy before this becomes a completely surveilled network. Won't be helpful to ppl in first world or third world if its mass surveiled with no privacy   
 Such a good presentation. Needs to go hand in hand with the privacy development nostr:nprofile1qqsgfhhxuemwtwm8kjk5uppv7uxtmp5pz4wm2dv59lxx5pfnsk98ysqpr4mhxue69uhkummnw3ezucnfw33k76twv4ezuum0vd5kzmp0ylwry8 talked about 
 The community is going to face the Trump test. Are they going to boo the president when he inevit... 
 Most will do the second. They worship their orange god despite his true feelings about bitcoin


As if we didn't have enough reasons to delete twitter accounts 

 I get an immediate gut reaction when seeing the way Kamala Harris talks and moves, all the alarm ... 
 Hmm Wonder if women feel that way seeing trump, an actual sexual predator (both self admittird and court adjudicated) 
 How do you feel about trump kissing the firefighter getup for publicity? You know, the one where they spelled his name wrong for another blantant self serving photo stunt?  
 Thought he suggested Jamie Dimon for treasury Secretary... 
 Quite funny to expose them  
 If people didn’t believe in the spiritual battle before it’s almost undeniable now. 
 Its all a psyop, be aware freaks  
 Odd the secret service let him out of the hardened protective ring, let him expose his head clearly when there were still potential active shooters, so he could have his picture taken. He goes out of his way to find the camera pointing at the stage before his fist pumps and shouting. 

As nostr:nprofile1qqsywt6ypu57lxtwj2scdwxnyrl3sry9typcstje65x7rw9a2e5nq8spz4mhxue69uhk2er9dchxummnw3ezumrpdejqz8mhwden5te0vf5hgcm0d9hx6ctcd9kkzmrfwd68xtn0dekxjmn9qy28wumn8ghj7mn0wd68ytn00p68ytnyv4mqu0s8zt says: is it a psyop? Be aware freaks 
 I have never known of any man who was more widely hated and more intensely hated than Donald Trum... 
 Hmm why do you think he's so widely hated? Is it possible any of it is his own doing?  
 Thoughts and prayers.  
 The thoughts are prayers was sarcasm you stupid fuck. The politicisns offer nothing but thoughts and prayers when there is a mass shooting practically daily. However, if they are at all affected, there are massive counter measures put in place and millions of tax payer dollars spent. For example, after the crazies tried to take over the capital building, hang mike pence and kill cops there were millions spent. Now after trump got shot, they will no doubt spend millions on additional defense for him and practically cavity search the crowd at future events. 

For anyone else: thoughts and prayers. Maybe an investigation if you're lucky or enough kids died.  
 Gfy, this is about trump, not people who were actually hurt. 

I hope you were this outraged when right wing nutjobs said sandy hook was fake 
 Its OK for Alex Jones to say it about kids murdered but not when trump gets an ouchie on his ear? 
 Yell louder into the abyss and maybe you'll accomplish something. Odd tellingsomeone to shutup on a free speech platform 

 Sigh. Gfy  
 Thoughts and prayers