What is best feature you like? I'm using iTerm with Oh My Zsh for quite long and just love this combination. As I quite often looking for logs and triggers (in my case colour change for lines with ERROR/WARN) is just indispensable for me.
tabby look like iterm with oh my zsh what I'm using right now. But, I like it's multiplatform. If it's have split screen, I could replace Terminator finally!
Yes, but it will ends some time and wouldn't be supported in Chrome extension store. Anyway, as soon as there will be demand, there will be some solution. Let's see. It's too early to say now.
mám akorát problém s tím, že není úplně ideální měření jedním metrem. Chápu, že lidi si najdou vždycky něco, ale některé medializované věci tomu narativu zrovna moc nepomohly...
Plastics had political problems all the time. I've seen some documentary about them. I'll take a look about. Anyway, it may be subject of license rights of Czech television, what may be available only to czechs...
jn, myšlenka dobrá a pak se do toho vložili lobisti čehokoliv. To už je taková tradice, jak všechno dobré naprosto posrat. Namísto zjednodušování procesů se všechno jen zesložiťuje, aby se v tom nedalo orientovat.
Well, that could be huge pain...
Question is, if it isn't more about mirroring of "normal" life into movies, than drinking normalisation in movies. And you can always go to pub, and do not drink (alcohol). And how do you know, that it's jar of beer. In US movies it's not clear, if it's apple juice or beer. :)
Everybody says so, but so far I didn't see any realistic proof, other, that it's "russian guy" behind. There is of course some concerns, lot of spam and frauds (well, when Nostr hit's majority user, guess what happens here), but I can hardly find so well supported and community used alternative. It is what it is.
Notes by the_error | export