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Notes by Tobias Funke | export

 Yes they might try but just don't panic. Reality will be much less dramatic I guess  
 According to the old rule "buy the news, sell the event" BTC price should go down next week!  
 I have to check if that's true - anyway funny. How does it comes jannet is interested in German weather forecast? Maybe it's from Bärbocks presentation at Dubai Climate Conference  
 Amnesty International makes extremely important work nowadays especially to show a more holistic view than German mainstream media https://www.amnesty.de/israel-besetzte-palaestinensische-gebiete-gaza-amnesty-ruft-alle-konfliktparteien-zu-waffenstillstand-auf 
 What is #Nostr? Comment your best Videos 
- about the Nostr idea
- best how to use it for no coders 
 I like this documentary that presents the Nostr idea realy good. 
I only can't stand the emotioinal backgrund music and AI video sequences they make it way to emotional cachy. But propably that's just a recent a style we have to get used to for a while.
 thanks npub1lelkh3hhxw9hdwlcpk6q9t0xt9f7yze0y0nxazvzqjmre3p98x3sthkvyz  
 eine Zusammenstellung von npub1qv02xpsc3lhxxx5x7xswf88w3u7kykft9ea7t78tz7ywxf7mxs9qrxujnc
die ich mir noch weiter ansehen/hören möchte. https://einundzwanzig.space/podcast/nostrtalk-03-torrent-sechssechsechs-bnt-prisms-dvm/  
 How to start for no coder with #iris #nostr #alby presented in a ral good way. Thanks npub1lelkh3hhxw9hdwlcpk6q9t0xt9f7yze0y0nxazvzqjmre3p98x3sthkvyz
 Hey plebs - where is everybody?

I thought Threads was a ghost town but at least I get 40-80 like... 
 probably no addictive algorithm on nostr? 
 Eine israelisch-palästinensische Rede gegen den Krieg und ChefdiplomatInnen die sich gegen Waffenruhe einsetzen. Davon müsste es noch viel mehr geben. 
#Berlin #Deutschland #Palestine #Israel 
 I hope Nostr makes free speach possible again. Before this happens, German media will frame Nostr to be a Nazi platform.
Freedom of speech in Germany? 
Not if you criticize extreme right  government of Is***. Not if you say that palestinians have a right to live where there are born. And also not if you refuse to get vaccinated. What's next? Not if you promote Bitcoin? German democracy is in Dager! 
This documentary gives a pricise insight how the state suppresses unwanted speach. Why we need Al Jazeera to show it? Because german journalists fear to loose their jobs at mainstream media.
 #palestine   #gaze   #israel   #berlin   #germany   #nostr
 I can only speak for Germany. Here people are silent because of social pressure, the fear to loose their job and onesided media. That doesn't justify it of cause. I'm getting crazy about the double standards here. War crimes are kept hidden when they are done by our partners. 
 oh no time to whach it now - but later I will - sounds grat. 
 it's not the seed that's bad. You can eat whole sunflower seeds and they are good food, espacially if you let them sprout a bit. What's realy bad is the ultra processing of it. And that's not only true for oil but also for suger and flour. The modern flour with long shelf live is as bad as the #ultraprocessed seed oil. In that way you can also find poisinous bread and cakes without seedoil too. It's frustrating but you also find seedoil on dryed organic fruits where they use it to keep them separat (like raisins for exaple). Bon apetit
I'm courious to read #FiatFood 
 Bitcoin isn’t about getting money, it’s about getting freedom through money. 

It’s for whe... 
 If you withdraw from central powers to invest in freedom you might have to fear the central powers. Thereby you might loose your freedom. It only makes sense if you can't stand the system you are living in. 
 Gm & Pv #nostr 🌞☕️ 

It’s funny to me that Bitcoin gets made political, and maybe #nostr... 
 As soon as Nostr grows will be made political in order to keep the masses away. At least in Germany it will be framed extremist right  
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 Moin LobbyControl,
gut dass es euch gibt und ich kenne LobbyControl praktisch von beginn an! Habt ihr euch mittlerweile kritisch mit dem Impfwahn (Pflichtimpfung) der Corona-Zeit auseinander gesetzt? Damals habt ihr Kritiker eher verhöhnt, da konnte ich eure Website nicht ertragen.