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 Hey plebs - where is everybody?

I thought Threads was a ghost town but at least I get 40-80 likes when I post over there and I only have 7k followers over there. 

Many people asked me to post over here but it just doesn’t look like anybody is engaged here. 
 Gradually, then suddenly. 
 I don’t see you in X anymore. Are you still posting there? 
 No, I was banned for whatever reason. No explanation from X whatsoever. This once again underlines the importance of decentralisation. 
 Happened to me too, two months ago.  
 Have you contacted the Engagement department of Nostr? Maybe they can help 
 On Nostr I often think twice before liking as my setup automatically triggers zapping some sats too. :) 
 Instant follow 😂 
 It’s okay, man. You sold your soul to the Faceberg. We get it. 😁 
 Here 🖐️ I'm more of a lurker tho 😅 
Imo the feed algo on Nostr needs work. I'm not seeing posts of most people I follow until I go and look like on there profile.. 
 I recently used Threads as part of a marketing campaign for Nostr. I have 130 followers there and I would get 1 like maybe 2, from the same 1-2 people every day. On Nostr, I have 50-100K followers, depending on the site you use, and I get an incredible amount of engagement most of the time. It's all about where you put in the work. I don't put any work into anywhere else, so those places like Twitter and Threads are dead to me when I do use them. Nostr on the other hand has gotten all of my time and dedication over the past year and is the most engaging for me. You seem to have disappeared for a while and just recently started posting more again. I'm glad you're back and posting her! 🔥 Perhaps you'll need to engage with people and post more often to let everyone know that you're once again using Nostr. Since we have to be our own algorithms here, we have to put in the work. We have to follow, engage, and interact. Nothing is going to bring our content forward. 🤙🏻 
 Yeah, that’s it. He’s only following 250 accounts and is acting like there’s some sort of centralized algorithm that will somehow take the place of just following and engaging with more users. 
 50-100k followers ain’t no joke Lmfao 
 You posted a couple headlines yesterday but nothing for two weeks. Get over yourself 
 You know like no one uses nostr yet right? 
 Hang around and engage with people. You get out of Nostr what you put into it. If you’re getting little, you’re probably putting little in. 
 Sadly, it’s not possible for me to hang around and chat. Workload is really immense. 

And there’s so much more I want to do. 
 Fair enough. Not all content works everywhere, especially if it’s just cross posts of what goes to other platforms. Even if not hanging around and chatting for the sake of chatting, being active enough here to know your audience and learn what works and what doesn’t is the only way to get increased engagement. Doesn’t mean Nostr doesn’t work, just that you may not have the time to put into it. And that’s a fair conclusion if so. 
 I wonder if likes are the best metric to measure 'engagement'. 

Some of those likes on threads are likely to be artificial I suspect. Its been studied and has an effect on the way you perceive engagment. 

I prefer the blindfold off and nostr. I say something and someone likes, OK.

 But I don't want to have a like to feel good. For that I just go talk to my dog!  
 Okay, have fun selling your soul then! 
Sorry, but that made me laugh.
I’m not missing these algorithms, but if u want braindeath followers, be on Threads,Facebook, Instagram or Xitter. 
Actually I deleted instagram with 25k followers and I’m so happy now.
My Xitter was death so i doesn’t cared when I deleted and my Facebook was filled with algorithm cringe and hate, so I was happy that i deleted it.
Give it time and your thread will suggest you posts that’s makes emotions in you bcs of your data.
But your life, your choice sirr. 
Just remember to that algorithm that Mark’s Meta is pushing rn. 
Have a good day. 
 It's about followers not freedom.
 I’ve never seen you here. 
 The way some of the anti-spam mechanisms in some clients work mean until you're sufficiently networked you're pretty invisible, unfortunately. 
 I’m not on Threads.  
 We’re here, we just don’t infinitely scroll all day like in other platforms. 
 Love this platform
Feels like anything I post elswhere gets throttled... I'm not the only one 
 Wtf is threads? 
 There is no algo and you don't have many followers. That's why you don't have engagement. Gotta just put more work into engaging and the followers will come 
 How much bitcoin did you get zapped on threads?

Likes are retarded who cares 
 At least you can't lose your "account" here. 
 ...at least not due to control of the platform itself. ...just don't lose your key. Haha 
 They can't zap you on Threads mate. Nostr's a PoW network.  
 pssst, likes and engagement are trivial 
 We're here but nostr pubs value interaction and genuine connection. 

News, breaking, broadcast only posts don't attract most people here 
 Fair enough. 
I think those are valuable things to strive for as a community. 
 We here, haven't seen you posting much. Just mirror what you post on X. 
 The things worth doing are often the hardest to do. Busy is not a valid excuse if you're crying for results. 

There are no algos to work for you. Proof of work matters here. Bitcoiners on nostr practice what they preach. 
 Yeah I get. 
It’s more personal and free here. 
 I just zapped every reply to this post because they are the engagement you are seeking. 
 Good question got some good engagement 💜 
 Just an FYI. Unlike threads nostr isn't over ran with bots that spam like a post in 2 seconds. You have to promote engagement of your content. Sorry to say but bots loking doesn't equal engagement.  
 Are you the real Satoshi Nakamoto? 
 Post more Archie...there aren't many news aggregators over here.  I refuse to go to X. 
 Don't feel bad there are times when I have a legitimate question about how to do something and I get no response. Don't take it personal😂 
 I like good content.
I zap good content.
Make of that what you will. 
 We’re all here still here. 🤙 
 Your post is being well-received.
Added to the https://nostraco.in/hot feed 
 Dig deep into value for value. Perhaps critically self-evaluating your relationship to dopamine. This community here is generous with content of value. This is evidenced with zaps. 
 We’re here! Good to see you! If you follow more people and engage with more content, you’ll get more engagement. There’s no centralized algorithm here 
 Not sure what you’re implying, but engagement doesn’t magically appear out of thin air. Gotta work for it since there’s no algorithm 
 what's threads?🤣 
 Walled gardens suck. 
 I've never seen your posts before now.  
 I just reposted to my ten followers, you're welcome 
 Yep, definitely an issue here. The same 10-20 BTC folks get all of the engagement and most of it is GM Nostr spam. 
 The difficulty building the network effects and associated engagement over here in NOSTR speaks to the importance of first mover advantage in systems that require network effects to succeed. 

It takes time and energy and persistence and patience and humility to build out on NOSTR when Twitter is over there, flashing its pre-existing network effect as an attractive alternative. But NOSTR has more staying power in the long-run. 

A tsunami of freedom. 🤙🏼 
 We’re just chilled here 🤙 
 You rang? 
 Maybe try post authentic and genuine content. Rather than just steal other people’s content for a living and repost it.

Nostr has more of community vibe atm. You have to take part in discussions or people are just think you are a bot and not a human run account. 
 It’s difficult being a human at this time, competing with ze bots is almost impossible 
 Beep bop beep 
 🤖 🤖 


Beee boop bee 
 I am also finding it hard to get some followers but at least they are real people. Not so sure about Twitter with the overwhelming amount of bots and fake accounts.  
 Are you kidding? 
This isn’t a bloated protocol where you get a bunch of bot replies and fake likes. This is organic. Maybe you should pay attention to the fact that this shitpost garnered over 10 organic replies. 
 I’m not sure how engagement works on Nostr either 😂 
 Using Damus in zap-only mode, zaps not allowed, WoS is gone, and I just haven’t gotten around to whatever the next thing is 
 Post value and thou shall receive value 
 It’s not a like accumulation platform. Talk to people instead of copy/pasting news everyone heard of already and your engagement will skyrocket. Im not telling you to change your business model, but this is not twitter ser. 
 Quality… not quantity !
 Stick to Twitter and threads then follow the money and the metrics 
 My problem appears to either be my relays, or the web client Im using.
Causing the the general experience to be a bit buggy/unreliable.
Im still hopeful things will improve. 
 Sounds like a Zuck, fiat mind-set problem. 
 Nostr is like the mempool, you are thrown in the middle along with everyone, you have to constantly fight to be in the first block.  
 Let’s not complain about what we’ve got and make best use. 
 probably no addictive algorithm on nostr? 
 Nostr need better algorithm to show/filter posts.
Trying here because censure is around the corner 
 We are here Archie! 
 We're not here.  
 We’ll miss you! (We won’t miss you!) 
 Bitcoiners are more thoughtful, hence far less noise, Sir. 
 Realize by being on threads you're just pandering to the latest "thing" which you'll eventually be rugged by. 
Wake up.  Corporate social media is a disease. 
 GM #Nostr

#Bitcoin Archive is here! 

 We are here! 

Zaps are better than likes 
 This is the place to be! 
 Hi from India 🇮🇳 
 We are here, rest assured. 
 Give it time... 
 Threads is gay. 
 Why Threads?!? 
 It’s just a commercial decision. If it grows I’ve gotta be on there to reach people. 
 The number of active users has been stagnating, I think #Nostr is in an experimentation and incubation phase before jumping to the next level.  
 maybe you just suck? 
 why does it matter anyway? threads.net, and nostr are both heading to fediverse compatibility 
 Stay humble and stack sats 
 Slowly but surely 
 The symptoms you feel are a sign of being very early to the NOSTR party. 
 You're right 
 If thirst is your main concern, nostr isn’t for you 
 Post here we like you ❤️ 
 Hi, I'm followind you and I appreciate yopr news, but I don't push the like button as often as I used to on NOSTR. 
 The Nostr community is still smol but it's great. I have a lot of fun here. 
 I agree. 
I like the dynamic but it seemed to fall off a bit for me. 

That’s why I put this out to see if it’s just me, the platform, or maybe news headlines aren’t really the thing for here. 

Surprised by some of the aggressive responses tbh. 
 News is needed here. To the extent we lack it, we have to check Twitter and get dragged into the abyss while doing so. 
 It’s just too early. 
Someday tho, soooomedayyyy 
 Threads, like Twitter and Facebook, push posts algorythmicaly. Here on Nostr, you have to stare into the deep well known as "Global". Nothing is pushed, it's quite "live". Much different.
That said; do you feel that engagement on Threads is "true" and "real"? I am here on Nostr because eventhough I only get few interactions, I at least know that people actually read my stuff and wanted to interact - rather than being force-fed by an algo. 
 Not sure tbh. I drop it and leave. 
Twitter is the only place I spend time. Used to be on here to chit chat in early days but got too busy. 
 stay, we miss you us untwitters x whatevers now..... 
 I didn't know you were here. No algo has it's positives and it's negatives. 
 oh you're on here. nice. followed. 
 Nice engagement tweet! 
 sup 🤙 
 I think most people a figuring out how this thing works. Just like me. 
 Having quit all corporate social about 5 years ago, I'm the more engaged here than I've ever been anywhere else.  See what I did?  I don't even know you and I just engaged. 
 I liked your content on Twtr. API changes this year meant I couldn't access. Glad you're here. Zappy zap zap 
 Only cares about the clout, not the tech. Sad.
 That’s cuz Threads has more users and algorithms. Search #grownostr to find content here. Welcome and enjoy 😊