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Notes by ck | export

 On Android I believe it still has nostr wallet connect, but that feature was removed from iOS. 
 Is it possible to send zaps on @primal without using the primal wallet? 
 Do you know about mobile? 
 @miljan for me, needing to use the kyc’d primal wallet is a bit if a deal breaker on iOS. Is this something yall are considering adding back in? 
 Thanks for the heads up. 
 My unit bias is telling me $100 ibit by halving is insanely rational 
 Is this a local top signal? 
 Call me crazy but… $100 ibit by the halving? 

 $ibit still under $100. 🚀 
 True but $100 ibit = $180,000 BTC. 
  nostr:npub1xtscya34g58tk0z605fvr788k263gsu6cy9x0mhnm87echrgufzsevkk5s is a baller for posting th... 
 Damus has really awesome features. I love it. 
 I love Joe and Pacco. 
 Bitcoin now has a larger market cap than the English Pound.

Only 4 more fiat currencies to go. 

The big dawgs. 
 Blackrock had a private investor conference last week where they promoted Bitcoin and IBIT heavily. 👀 
 What a timing for Madeira, wish I was there! 
 Said the same thing on twitter yeaterday 
 Calling it now, we are never going bellow 58k again. nostr:note19cxqekg4wc5d3pgkuq0e73at80a8s5mv5e5myjeppw2vevfk4m6qpjus9f 
 Needed to happen. 
 Bitcoin has now surpassed ATH prices in over 30 countries 👀 https://video.nostr.build/a6dfe7b5fae00f5f2efea7ad69ecb4c8a35e7fc51669b82301ac710a49170113.mp4  
 You wont regret it 
 It is the only bitcoin decoration my wife will allow me to display and believe me, i got some cool memorabilia stuck in storage. 

Blockclock mini is very clean @NVK 
 I dont think yellow would make the cut at my house. 
 Talk to the wife bro. She is savage. 
 PV to 59k BTC. 
 Who do I need to follow here? My “Latest” feed is a bit dead a lot of the time.

Help me fix ... 
 Scope my follower list. 
 Primal’s iOS and Android app are insane. They are feel better than Twitter, damus feels janky i... 
 Chuck eye, ribeye, and flat iron 

All from porterhouse thanks to your recommendation 🧡 
 Fan of all of those. Honestly Nee York by is self is kinda meh (yes i am spoiled). But a porterhouse yea buddy! 
 Free ecash. 

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 cashu: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 
 Too many typos in my posts this morning. 
 No it doesnt. 
 Its good. I have a personal problem. 
 Now that it’s over I think it’s time we all admit how much 15k sucked. 

I’ll go first. 

 Sucked balls for business. 

From a personal stack perspective I felt nothing. 
 GM to $56K BTC. 
 If Musk hadn’t bought twitter, nostr would be much bigger now. 
 You might be right. 
 55K 👀 
 Gm fam! 
 Here is the link to the actual app store link yo enuts. 

Not the TestFlight but the actual iOS app. 

 Sure glad HRF helped make this happen 
 lost everyone I was following. man I love freedom tech 😂 
 Follow me back bro 
 Announcement. 📣 

While in Malawi checking out Gridless Bitcoin mines, I met a hard working kid who is the primary provider for his family. His name is Vincent. 

I showed him Machankura and paid for his guide services in BTC. 

Times are very hard right now in Malawi as the people are suffering from massive currency devaluations. 

Vincent reached out to me in desperation a few weeks ago asking for money to help him. 

I sent him some funds to help him with food for 2 weeks. It was about ~$30. 

Today I decided to put his LNURL in my nostr profile so now if you Zap me Vincent will receive the sats. 

He still needs to find ways to pay for his university and support his mother and younger siblings. If you want to support Vincent directly you can send him sats to his Machankura account.

Here is his LNURL: lnurl1dp68gurn8ghj7wpnxvejumt0vf5j7tnhv4kxctttdehhwm30d3h82unvwqhnyd348yunwwfexs6nwvgrkhd9d https://image.nostr.build/f27559025141fbcf4293d887f92a05ca48f2a949b43b55831402364caa715018.jpg