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 Primal’s iOS and Android app are insane. They are feel better than Twitter, damus feels janky in comparison. If it worked on my account and without caching servers it would probably be my daily driver. 
 I love Primal too, but don't sell yourself short Will, Damus is amazing too! Looking forward to when I can use it again when it's added to Android.  
 #Damus is junky. Right on @jb55 
#Primal experience is beyond for #Nostr 
 I use @damus for @walker and @primal for @Titcoin because I love both experiences very much 💜🫂 
 Still love Damus more, but Primal is definitely nice. Damus is way more responsive for me when I am replying in threads. 🐶🐾🫂 
 I can't seem to find the individual Follow feed or Global feed when using Primal.  I like the layout though..  
 It is a different experience so I am not expecting it to be similar to Damus or other clients. 🐶🐾🫡 
 You have to add them to your feeds from the webclient.
The only reason I can think for this is to keep the newbies off global until after they're onboardes 🤷. 
 My two favorites clients 🫡 
 Primal is improving. I find Damus to be more feature-complete and versatile. 
 I like and use them both for different things 
 They finally got me here, so I'm happy.  I do want to try others though.  Really looking forward to native multi-person chat groups someday soon. 
 I love that Damus was built by the people, for the people, with little to no funding to begin with, was open source from the start, and is the first iOS client that started a lot of this. Damus will get better over time.

Primal is fantastic but started closed source and centralized before becoming open and more decentralized, had funding, and I don’t think it has as many community developer contributions. Nothing wrong with any of that, but both clients were born out of different environments. 
 Not long ago I noticed an account I don't follow in my Damus feed. What happened? I've tried looking at other nostr apps but haven't found anything like Damus. 
 I love them both. I just spend an hr on each. There are activities I only use Damus for because its so good 
 Damus does better bookmarks, invoices/lightning addresses, and re-notes, so I switch between them. The zaps on primal are smooth af though and I find myself using it way more 
 I respectfully disagree. I didn’t test Android. But iOS:

1) Scrolling feels wrong. I wish I know what it is, it just feels like there is friction. 
2) Feed doesn’t update automatically, you need to refresh or tap the new notes button. 
3) you can switch between notes and notes and replies. You have to keep going to the top filter, which is far. 
4) Padding between notes is very tight. 
5) Search page is unfinished. 
6) Video player is not good. 

What I am trying to say. You are judging Damus too harshly.

The only thing Primal is better at is the wallet. Which admittedly is fucking amazing. 
 The things that annoyed me the most:

1. My notifications still don’t load 
2. Cant see who zapped or liked posts
3. No full bleed images

What I liked the most that Damus isn’t as good at yet:

1. Smooth scrolling
2. Video player with proper seeking
3. Fast load times

Most of these are fixed in damus android and ios soon… just need to catch up with overall ux. 
 A notification bell could be great  
 Damus is really good. Yes there are small things here and there. But trust us. Look at the comments on your OP. Literally everyone says they go Damus first. There is a reason for that. 

You spent a lot of time on backend stuff. Then switched to other platforms. That’s a lot of work for a small team. 

I understand that Apple forced this situation. But maybe iOS17.4 side loading will open Europe for Damus. 

I am certain a nostr App Store will be built in less than a week. 


Maybe a suggestion: Post the issues list you think need fixing, let us vote on them, you will get a priority list. 

Smash them one by one. Will help you stop thinking about them. 
 I love them both, but Damus still my main. 
Primal feels more guided and restricted to me. I prefer damus. 
 I have issues with Primal with content not loading and notifications taking forever to load. Damus, with all its faults does not have these issues. Design-wise I still like Damus better. 
 Interesting. Are you experiencing these issues only on our iOS app, or web as well?  
 I think web, but I need to test again. 
 Primal does feel super smooth but there are some things I don’t like either, like caching servers, wallet that needs PII, etc. 

Damus was the first iOS client I used. Trust me, the experience has improved leaps and bounds from what it used to be. Not flawless, but adequate MVP. Great job on that @jb55 
 Why don't you like the caching server? 
 because if they run out of money the app will stop working 
 Not because they will censor anyone they or their government wants? 
 I think they said that anyone would be able to run a caching server but then you just have a weird fork of nostr so it’s not ideal, but it’s not necessarily bad. There will be many approaches. 
 Bad first impression for me. It wont load and then it crashed. I’ll stick with Damus. https://image.nostr.build/42216031c0c87148623faa9171e05f664afe452dd8bad892da41f7b373417bcc.jpg  
 What's the deal w primal wallet, is that custodial akin to getalby and stacker news? 
 Yes. Strike is the custodian. 
 Are there any plans to sneak zapping back into damus? That and timelines are the main reason I use primal 
 Do you know why my zaps are showing the little yellow clock and then disappear?  Using Damus on iOS 
 Zap was initiated but failed 
 Thanks Will. 🫡

Looking forward to zapping with Damus someday. 
 it filters content with an opaque algorithm and on Android its slow to update a feed. I want to like it more but I keep going back to Amethyst 
 Plebster feels best IMO. Primal has bad video integration and no drag-to-refresh feed 
 Agree the lack of pull to refresh feels a little off. You can wait 30 seconds when switching feeds for it to update sometimes. 
 Idk if Plebstr feels better. It gets slow for me frequently. I agree it does look better than primal though.

I am trying Primal now. Being redirected to a webbrowser to watch videos kinda sucks. 
 @jb55 you’re a legend. Damus onboarded so many of us in the early days. Still my main app. Never deleting. 
 I always come back to Damus. 💜 
 Still on Damus 🫡 
 Damus forever team 
 The problem is it's unlikely Primal will ever be able to transition away from their caching servers as they are central to how Primal is built

Nymble's architecture will be able deliver better performance in the short term leveraging BitDNS (ie. Namecoin) as the discovery mechanism for the relays. Initially the settings point to servers hosted by Nymble [Nymble relays will be smart] but at any moment people will be able to redirect traffic to their own servers with zero loss to UX

The Nymble offering will be unique in another MORE important way: people will be able to keep a complete and permanent record of all their notes. Their entire history of contributions to the Nostr ecosystem (whatever the user wants to show) will be on full display at a decentralized webpage found at [yourNAME].bit

** .bit has been around almost as long as Bitcoin and is secured by Bitcoin hash via mergemining.  Refer to BitDNS or Namecoin for more information.

From here we're a stone's throw away from being able to access whatever information we need without tradeoffs to security or UX AND have the ability to better lure influencers from all disciplines/tastes with the promise of being able to monetize their following directly according to what the market is willing to pay.

The future looks pretty amazing guys...  
 When is Damus xoming to Android? 
 Looks like some friendly competition is calling. 

Steel sharpens steel! 
 I’ve been loving Primal on iOS lately. It’s all I use 
 That’s a huge compliment coming from you Will. I also really like Primal but Damus IOS is still my favorite ❤️ 
 I like primal on Android but it must be easier to add a person too follow and the other way around 
 I use both. Honestly I only use primal for the feed filter functionality, like Trending, nostr highlights, etc. Damus is clean and fast af 
 Will try Primal again once it’s better than Damus. The wallet/zapping didn’t even work the last time I tried. 
 Thanks man, really appreciate it! 
 Good artists copy, great artists steal. 
 I often have text swiping issues with primal. Never with Damus. 
 Is it native or some type of multiplatform? 
 I like the feel and presentation of damus just a little more, but easy zaps makes primal my primary (ios) 
 I actually use damus. 
 Damus loyalist here 
 I just downloaded it and bought $5 worth of SATS and got only 6k ish. Ugh! SATS are getting expensive. Zaps are the anthem. Why is Apple still throttling Damus if they allow primal zapping ability? You are right though, it is smooth. 
  @jb55 is a baller for posting this. Thank you sir. 

People might think there’s fierce competition between nostr clients, but that’s not the case. It’s not Primal vs. Damus. It’s Primal AND Damus AND Amethyst AND Snort AND Coracle AND countless others.

Believe me when I say it: Nostr UX is going to get insanely great. We will blow the legacy web out of the water. 

 Steel sharpens steel ⚔️ 
 Great analogy! 
 This is so great to see 🫂🤙 
 There’s no reason Damus can’t find a niche in Nostr that other clients don’t capitalize on. 

So much respect for everyone building 
 Well said @miljan and @jb55 
 Love this! 
 This is the kind of signal I don’t see on X anymore… 
 This is a great space to be in. 
 I agree, @jb55 is an absolute baller 
 This is the way 🫂🫂 
 Baller (period) 
 I was going to try it, but my IOS version is not supported…sad…I heard the zapping experience on primal has a lot less friction than the Damus/Phoenix combo I’m using. 
 Well I love the Fact both of you are showing love towards each other…..
Shows this community is really a community….. #awesome 
 I'm a bit biased with Damus because it was my first and I translated it to Polish.

I use other clients, but I'm too attached. Can't let go although I echo @jb55 sentiment.

Weird, isn't it? 
 Alpha 🤙 
 #Plebstr waiting in the dark since 6 month 👀 
 How are you feeling @miljan ?

Best of best testimonials are from competitors. 
 Why doesn't it work on your account? 
 I agree!!! I can’t even see notes and replies on #Damus . No default settings or anything. #Primal is 2.0 for #Nostr . Right on @jb55 !!! 
 still a damus girl forever 
 would love if I could manage multiple account though  
 All your base are belong to us! 
 I was reading and could not connect the dots at first. It is like facebook praising X (not exactly of course, as these are clients, not platforms, but it is a somewhat decent analogy still).

Potential of open protocols like nostr, where all the contribution is beneficial to all the contributors is insane.

Loving it. 
 You should develop some caching servers. Let me know if you need some help. 
 I still prefer #Damus iOS 
 I am still a Damus maximalist. Clients should be in friendly competition to offer the best possible experiences and this is exactly what Nostr needs. 
 I am still with you, Will. 

And doesn’t Primal force it’s user to give their credentials for their wallet in order to recieve zaps??? I think I’ve heard that before somewhere… but I don’t want to spreas any FUDs here. I am asking. 
 Stays humble.
Stacks sats.
Pays respect.
This is the way.
 I came here from X, hoping for a real freedom of speech as they started censoring me when I tried to speak about stuff that's not allowed here. Hello — I'm here to punch y'all with truthbombs that will get you banned everywhere else. It's good to be here! 
 В ньому нема перекладача вбудованого. 
 Keep at it bro, we appreciate you hugely. 

But yeah, it's killing it right now.  
 NOSTUR is the best by now
and the best design for X (change) everything app

last 2 tabs the most relevant
one for $ and the other for nations
we need to implement both on Twitter 
 Yes this app has come a long long way over the past year. 
 Same thoughts. I left nostrverse for about six months, but when I returned I saw a lot of progress. And the Primal became its messenger. 
 Primal is definitely a great client but it wasn’t all that good that it got me to stop using Damus 🫂 
 The interface is very slick, but I find it’s too slow to load content, and it’s still light on features. The built-in wallet is nice to have, but it doesn’t offer the search and discovery features I want and sometimes I don’t see replies that are visible on other clients. 
 Why without caching servers? 
 I keep going back to Amethyst for the react with any emoji feature.  Primal only has red hearts ): 
 Group hug! 
 Glad you said that Will. I’ve been feeling guilty after switching to Primal. 
 I don’t like that @primal does not support other currencies other than US dollars when sending sats. Not everyone lives in the United States or uses the dollar. 
 primal only supports sats. you can get sats using your local currency outside of primal, then deposit them in primal 
 I meant the determining how much sats to send by entering a value in the local currency. 
 What about Primal Wallet can it be used when you switch to other clien with your public key? 
 It asked for my fucking date of birth to activate wallet. Fuck it 
 Better than Twitter? Haha, even Facebook is better that Twitter and I'll keep saying that forever!