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 Perma-banned from Facebook and Twitter for saying the world will be a better place when the Christians, Muslims, and Jews finish killing each other.

Was I wrong? 
 At a personal level Bitcoin clicked for me in early 2021 when I realized

My generation has been ... 
 Yep! Gen X was the first to feel the brunt of the Nixon Shock, and each generation has worked for less-and-less since then. How "progressive." No worries, Biden promised to be "the most 'progressive' POTUS in history," and we're feeling that WW3 reset any day now... 
 It's not in women's nature to be disingenuous, resentful or anything like that. Certain human beh... 
 Men and women are not created equal, and should not be treated as such. This "progression" towards "equality" is the 16th AMD's human capital stock fighting the 17th AMD's mob-rule cultural warfare over rights and benefits from our massive, oppressive, corrupt, one-size-fits-all socialist New Deal, and its Great Society of money-pit middlemen bureaucrats with domain over our bodies, legislating over every aspect of our lives, giving us so much to 'vote' about, in such an absurdly antisocial society, violently divided into riotous and insurrectionist tribal lobbies. We should celebrate our differences. Instead we've emasculated the labor market, and demeaned the homemaker. Who has herded women into the human capital stockyards? "The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money" (Margaret Thatcher), and the socialists need everybody toiling away, each generation working for less-and-less, while "progressive" politicians keep raising the ceiling over our heads, on a house of cards that will inevitably come crashing down on us, or "our Children," in our Federal Reserve's debt-driven, charge-it-forward ponzi economy. How "progressive." Our sense of community has been displaced by bureaucracy, and these days everybody is some type of toxic -ist.

This is not to suggest that there were no flaws in our founding, certainly the American Experiment had its share of those. Women could not own land, had to give their earnings to their husbands, limited education opportunities and job market... all blatant and undeniable human rights violations. And they were all fixed without bureaucracy. They were all resolved by movements of The People, rallying around an idea who's time had come. Like unions fighting for better workers rights, like the 8-hour workday and 40-hour workweek, during the first industrial revolution in the early 1800s, nearly a century before we had a Department of Labor. "I have never had a vote, and I have raised hell all over this country. You don't need a vote to raise hell! You need convictions and a voice!" —Mary Harris "Mother" Jones.

"Such democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention, have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property, and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths. Theoretic politicians who have patronized this species of government have erroneously supposed that by reducing mankind to a perfect equality in their political rights, they would at the same time be perfectly equalized and assimilated in their possessions, opinions, and passions." —James Madison, 1787. 
 Any Canadians making plans to leave the country and settle elsewhere? If so, where is your destin... 
 I have been looking into expatriatism. USA has set a new record for expatriatism each year since 2013, like a 'pilgrimage' from big, oppressive, corrupt, morally and financially bankrupt government all-over-again, how "progressive." I actually have enough guaranteed income to live comfortably in most SA expat communities I've looked at online. I just wonder if there is anywhere on earth left that a person can own land without a tax id? 
 The early open source developers were almost universally very left wing. They were anti private p... 
 Capitalism is "profit driven" as much as anything else. Certainly no less than the money-pit middlemen bureaucrats of socialism. The true motivating characteristic of capitalism is supply and demand. Just like Bitcoin. 
 It would appear that leftists/progressives/liberals redefine certain evils to justify carrying th... 
 Post Jim Crow, "progressive" reform Republicans. The Bushes embraced it, but the globalist doctrine of third world imperialism is straight out of the left, a direct product of Woodrow Wilson's Federal Reserve Act. By the time Daddy Dubya took office, we already had a hyperinflated fiat currency, backed by a military industrial complex, with artificial interest rates set by international oligarch bankers who fund all sides of wars, and control governments through central banks, propped on globalists' markets by strongarming imperialistic third world puppet regimes to trade their people's oil to the world in USD. 
 Well, if that were true, there wouldn't be murder. What is true, though, is that innocent people have been capitally punished, and there's no undoing that. 
 Bear in mind that it was the leftist/"progressive"/"liberals" who reformed the American Experiment of a minimalistic, noninterventionist, Pro-Minding-Its-Business republic, and free-market capitalist economy, to be the 16th AMD's human capital stock, toiling away for their massive, oppressive, corrupt, one-size-fits-all socialist New Deal, and their Great Society of money-pit middlemen bureaucrats with domain over our bodies, legislating over every aspect of our lives! How "progressive!"

Chickens come home to roost, mutherfuckers.  
 I can barely stand leftists called "liberals." Or "progressive," for that matter. These are not 17-18th Century, John-Locke, Age-of-Enlightenment liberals, for individual freedom and independence, like The American Experiment and the Land of the Free. These are big-government, neoliberal socialists like Wilson, FDR, LBJ... of the "Illiberal Left." 
 Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely" (Acton).

I would trust street vigilance before I'd trust the government with capital punishment.