The 16th AMD's human capital stock, minions, living vicariously through celebrities of mindless entertainment, while toiling away for a massive, oppressive, corrupt, one-size-fits-all socialist New Deal, and a Great Society of money-pit middlemen bureaucrats with domain over their bodies, legislating over every aspect of their lives, working for less-and-less while politicians keep raising the ceiling over their heads, on a house of cards that will inevitably come crashing down on them, or their children, in a central bank's debt-driven, charge-it-forward ponzi economy, and an absurdly antisocial society, violently divided into riotous and insurrectionist tribal lobbies to fight the 17th AMD's mob-rule cultural warfare over rights and benefits from a big (2nd largest in the world between communists China and Russia), morally and financially bankrupt government, with a hyperinflated fiat currency, backed by the war machine of a military industrial complex, with artificial interest rates set by international oligarch bankers who fund all sides of wars, and control governments through central banks, propped on globalists markets by strongarming imperialistic third world puppet regimes to trade its people's resources to the world in their fiat currency, in the globalists' vicious cycle of hyperinflation of fiat currencies and world-war resets, as they anxiously await the outbreak of the WW3 reset any day now. How "progressive."