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 I spent a few weeks there this summer.  Asked a TON of people about this. Hes got like 5 brothers that are all deeply involved in the government.  The people fucking love him. 
benevolent dictatorship? Maybe. 
In any event, im comfortable enough to buy property there.  
I highly recommend a visit. The place is amazing. 
 Yeah I would love to visit. I hear that is extremely safe and everyone is friendly. 
 The people there are amazing.  Hard working.  Wonderful to see their economy emerging. 
 I have been looking into expatriatism. USA has set a new record for expatriatism each year since 2013, like a 'pilgrimage' from big, oppressive, corrupt, morally and financially bankrupt government all-over-again, how "progressive." I actually have enough guaranteed income to live comfortably in most SA expat communities I've looked at online. I just wonder if there is anywhere on earth left that a person can own land without a tax id? 
 In this same boat, would love to get more serious about a possible move but uncertain about post bukele, following!