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Notes by Nebula | export

 How much in your identity is your country?

If you’re from X and someone says “fuck X, it’s... 
 They should be focused on their own country, critisizing or constructing it, instead of going shitty about foreign countries. No matter what country it is about. 
That quoted line is just overall dickhead-attitude, with what I prefer not to communicate with. 
 As you grow wealthier you’ll discover that very few people have your back. 

Success holds a mi... 
 No need to even be wealthy for that.
Just going after what you want in life, dreams, goals, health, fit, hobbies, to dare to try to do so is enough for many to have your back with thousands of knives. 
 Angry about Armenia. Angry about a lot of things. So many feelings, so little to say. 
 Anger gives rise to action, and that's why it's been classified as a certain level of a thought crime, a crime of emotion and a crime of speech a crime of expression.

 Anger is what one IS supposed to feel in the face of injustice. 
So suppressing anger is a means and a tool to ensure unjust practices and torture will prevail. 
 should freedom loving bitcoiners use tiktok?

should freedom loving bitcoiners use twitter?

if y... 
 Any platform, that brings people together and connects people in enriching manner who wouldn't meet otherwise is supportable in my opinion, be it foreign, huge corporation, or open source.

The more tools and means for connection, the better.

Compared to many other platforms, tiktok may have interest to connect people about subjects that are suppressed by the media and of themes such as indigenous rights, or other such groups that face persecution. 
 Btw, GM ✌️

Knowning where the holes are, is a huge step forward in plugging them. 
 Persecution is like when someone is pointing out a hole (let's imagine it's about a ship that is leaking) to be plugged or plugging it, the whole crew goes mad, because for the crew the one pointing out there are holes is the hole, so instead of plugging the actual hole they throw the "hole" (i.e. the persecuted) off the ship to be eaten by sharks and continue until there's noone pointing out the holes and then they all go down with the ship. 
 Modern day eugenics at play.

As I was taken captive for the second time, tied, wriggled free of the ties and attempted to escape, quickly there was 8 people, men and women after and on me, pushing me to the ground at what point it was obvious to change my escapestrategy into minimizing the damage done to me by trying to get my torso and limbs in such angles they wouldn't completely break from the weight of those men and women, I started to sing about the situation, asking how you'd do if you had a weight double or multiple times of your own body weight pressed on you, a hundred, 200 kilos or more of (human)mass holding you down, they slightly lessened their hostility as a reaction to the peaceful singing, a lullaby, but it didn't stop them from completing their mission to tie me completely and move to a questionable room, where a woman came with an injection, and as I was tied from all my limbs and the guards pushing me down to not try to fight the injection, the woman with the injection needle stuck it to where my ovaries are (one side of those). If I had tried to fight it, it would have been likely to get then injected to both ovaries and not just one and a bunch of other questionable injections on top of that etc.

Sometime before this, I had randomly met a pretty lady who had been captive also, and she had had damage done to her ovaries of the other side too.

And not captive of a crime, no, neither of us, captive for just the sake of it, for the sake of persecution of those who've been victims of some sort already, for the sake of eliminating those from the gene pool who may potentially question genocidal or totalitaristic practices, those who have morals where life is to be valued.

After the injection room I was transferred (fully tied) to another place and another room of isolation where they brought food. I passed out. And when I woke up, I didn't have any clothing on but on the top part, I didn't know what had happened after I passed out, of how badly I had been unconcious, why my pants were not on me but on the floor.

The transfers are done at nights, accompanied by armed men. 
 And in the youtube terms of service there is (or atleast was) a part, according to which there is no guarantee that the viewer will see the content as it was given by the person uploading it. 
As in if youtube wanted to, they may at will modify the content into needs suitable to theirs.
Mostly assumably such is meant for the prosessing and packing of the vids, but it leaves a loophole for them to be modified or altered into anything. 
 Logs into Damus. 

Sees a video of a woman fucking a dog. 

Logs out of Damus. 
 "How to advertise for Damus" :) 🐕🐩 
 Remember reading dystopian science fiction novels with mega corporations that have state-like pow... 
 Do you remember what or where were those novels from or by whom? If you'd care to link to those. 
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 Also from "sane unless proven otherwise" to "insane and dangerous without proof and without a possibility to even prove otherwise". 
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 The other way around, freedom needs wealth. 
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 And the corporations also limit existence, by actual violence and danger by commanded guards harrassing targets from chosen areas be it anywhere the corporation chooses, correlated to groceries, public transportation or other areas under the control and influence of those companies.

On top of that, the footage by which chosen/targeted people are condemned (i don't remember the correct word, but as by a justice system court case) or freed can (and has been) modified.

So that lays part of the basis for a system, where justice won't exist.

Also, one's right to free speech is severely destroyed where creativity is deemed as dangerous insanity that is needed to be cured by captivity, neurodegenerative drugs, isolation and other torture of that kind like electric shocks.

For the latter, there's a system that protects the perpetrator/persecutors and basically anyone can be a target with the support of public opinion.

And to critisize nor to speak of such system get's one subjected to it's actions.

So, as long as you or noone speaks about persecution, it doesn't and cannot exist, so the way to make sure there is no persecution, is to kill, silence, prison etc those who speak about it i.e. persecute them, us, you.

The practice is that of totalitarism.