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 Angry about Armenia. Angry about a lot of things. So many feelings, so little to say. 
 Cannot allow anger to fester inside us, we need to move on from it 💜 
 Right is anger can be a powerful motivater to serve justice. It takes a sages level of competence to manage though.  
 🫂 The happy place 
 For me, it’s a feeling of hopelessness. 
 I did a dive on this a few days ago

Hopelessness is a lot more dangerous than any one could ever imagine. If you want me to go more into the biology and studies happy to discuss. But for now:

This may help: 

 Yes, please don't go to "despondent" 
 What’s despondent? 
 It's "too hard" on the "mind control, not good feelings" 
 Ed you do so much. I am grateful. 
 I feel you, Edward. Sometimes there's a storm of emotions, and words can't quite capture it all. Armenia and the world can be a source of deep frustration and anger. Your honesty is a reminder that we all share these complex emotions.  
 It sounds like Panishyan gave away the farm to the muzzies... trying to cozy up to the West?

Also sounds like the Russians let it go 
 What do you want to do about Armenia? 
 Or what would you do about Armenia, if you could affect change? 
 From an outside POV it sounds like neither side are in the right. 

 I cried today too, 5 minutes or so, something suddenly triggered me 

It’s ok, I’ll tell myself it’s just the full moon conjunct Neptune, she’s transitioning from Pisces into Aries too, and birth is painful 

I hope you’re feeling better now 
 You might have been given an example of "mind control" 
 No one could control me if they tried 

Maybe manipulate me 

But I don’t think me crying helps anyone’s cause though 😂😅🥲 
 It can actually be done via "AI computer" 
 And people usually want to live 
 What is ‘Disease X’ and why are experts worried? https://www.independent.co.uk/news/health/disease-x-next-pandemic-b2420016.html


Funny that a bat is a factor again, and the agencies deflection with a placeholder to mask the obvious is quite the tell.

 You rodent twats. But good to know who fucked up last time as well, you pathetic incompetent ass.

Fathom needing likes of me to do something, but yet going sick since a deviant fuck 


Scientists linked to Wuhan lab accused of performing dangerous experiments that could cause leak https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2023/09/27/scientists-linked-to-wuhan-lab-accused-of-performing-danger/ 
 ChyNa was it you rodent cunt?

I’m dying to learn how. 
 Disease X is Elon Musk. Not much to worry about. 
 I’m afraid not, since x is a after construct to reduce the panic and fear when the actual bat shit hits the fan so, i don’t think thats the best deflection right now.
 Yes, the technical term is "bat shit crazy"

Is someone finally reading my emails? 
 Who? Timmy?
Funny thing about those emais.
Fathom how much they would have prevented by now.

That inevitable light is what makes plagues 
 I can't force people to pay attention

Ask @Snowden 
 Deviance didn’t pay attention 
 Defiance doesn't help 
 Thats not defiance, thats common sense and law 
 Go back to what I last posted 
 Treason to disrupt peoples federal services 
 And who's going to believe "all this" in *ahem* MY PORTFOLIO is possible, even if they experience a bit of it? 

My portfolio is in space; as in satellites and any/every (unknown) man made object you can't get to 
 Condolences. Im afraid inevitable now, since how to argue ignorance?

You want a good plague. 
 Bit just because vodka goes to space, doesn’t make it thinking

How my portfolio?
Oh right, as going with elons firework shows, right?

Poof, gone. Next time will be fully booked 
 Fucking fake and deviant
Not much you can do about that, but guess mother natures cures are inevitable 

#nipah https://image.nostr.build/b5891df52cfff9fd013f12f3184bf19644e78dc30da2a81926b24265119b8731.jpg  
 Why are you so down on nice sex? 
 Whats that? Hmm, cant hear you while gaggin on dumb shit 

Funny thing to be eating my shit, although the wealthiest and most powerful people on this earth.

Literally gagging on my shit.
How does it taste @elonmusk ?
You know what they say, eating shit is sick, bruh 
 Mainvolume stop trying to manifest another pandemic 😂 it ain’t gonna happen 
 Not a pandemic, but plague 

Good Morning 
 Oh and condolences 
 It might, but not because of her/him 
 Ad mentioned 
 Funny how all in works too. 
 We simply cant impose rules that we don’t follow without plagues 

Nobody must be above 
 And the funny thing is that it did already happened @Sasha, else explain the bat problem which echoed ‘rona. Then whether rona was sufficient to alter the outcome, guess understanding matters.

Not gonna happen? How?

Good morning 
 Shit is yummy, huh? You spew enough of it out 
 Bon ApeTite 
 Want more? Open that mouth like the rodent and just gag on it
 When is Elon gonna fly to space? Cant wait for those fireworks 
🕷️ https://image.nostr.build/ed85ada7d7ef9ab8f089d16d0e02ed7034f3aaa0687ba5b5a6647796a908fcd2.jpg  
 I don't speak in (copyright) Space Laser (set to stun) 
 And now, you don’t know what we are talking about anymore.

 So you confuse everyone? 
 Am i contused? Somehow doubt contusion and fear are working well together 
 I can only hope that the people who control you are beginning to understand your problems 
 Nope, i missed the turn how their problems are yours.
They have problems? 

 U use the SAME words OVER AND OVER! 
 Scared? I’d be 
 I can tell U R 
 Tell what? Sweet nothings 

Don’t know what about the fireworks 
 But survive they did not. https://image.nostr.build/ed85ada7d7ef9ab8f089d16d0e02ed7034f3aaa0687ba5b5a6647796a908fcd2.jpg  
 You posted this #BULLSHIT #SCREENSHOT already 
 The context concluded that 
 Deflection and denial.

Soon comes acceptance 
 Are U doing some DUMB DUMB auto-conclude? 
 Does that help? Acting intentionally thick? 
 Spurts and thick? Show me your genitals! 
 I dont think that’s the right organ to think with, but wonder why thinking straight becomes a thing when  

 Wait, I thought Elon’s fireworks were only for me 🥺 /s 
 Blowing up a spaceship because the flawed intelligence controls? Well, spank me silly and call me sasha 
 This like actually happened tho 🤭 
 Like this, only faster?

 No. Like this 

 What does it matter that Elon Musk's rocket blew up?

I'm not him 
 Elon the man, sterotype of the the?

Not that it mattets to fireworks when going exploitation 
 No more interesting anything 

Im afraid secondary to survival 
 I'm not going to say that your survival is assured, after you've been so treasonous 
 Treasonous against the people is the crime, not against corruption and crime. 
 You're missing the point: if "my portfolio" can do this with "the most expensive USA DOD blah blah blah", why are you blathering on about #bullshit and not following through with my relatively simple requests? 
 Thou shall not kill, come back when compliant,

Non negotiable 
 Or how about this one? Who do WE want to blame it on (or look more important than he is)

 How are you speeding?
 What does that say? 
 Why are you fighting each other? 

Who ever may be targeting you is not going to get hurt by a message on social media 
 Yet not gonna happen how? 
 Intentionally thick and corrupt life a whore of video life are we going grey? 
 I appreciate you

 Should social media exploit and violate user accounts as good or is that a deviance and sick? 
 I think the conversation tonight evidenced that social media can only be bad 
 Funny enough, although understood a theme, the musks didn’t survive the plague neither

Else why did they name it after his death?
 Past "plagues" or future "plagues"?

You gonna stop being a #BITCH? 
 What you talking about? Plagues?
Thats racist agains the black stereotypes 
 Funny question. Are you telling me we don’t understand how the postal services work or what treason is when disrupting those federal services intentionally?!

Then the argument of not understanding somehow sure makes me wonder why incompetence is in that position.

 I know ya’ll aren’t trying to be more crazy than me, are you? 🤣 
 Thats the point aint it?! For the deviant and corrupt you sound crazy until the pudding comes home to collect 
 Do you mean "puddin'", like this movie:

 You failed the CAPTCHA
@mainvolume AND @sasha 
 Whatever you say… 

Why did you change your pf pic I liked the lil bird (/serious) 
 I’m not trying to fight with you laughter 

Whomever has targeted you ain’t me 

But I won’t be like the others and deny that people are getting targeted on social media because everyone else some pussies 
 Not fight, successfully make too much noise 
 Speaking in code doesn’t help. just say it as it is.

Gaslighting in response to gaslighting is FUCKING RETARDED 
 Pressing buttons like @mainvolume now? 
 We don’t know.

Thou shall not 
 Get your fight on 
 You’ve been targeted for nothing for decades now.
Yet here we are.

Go figure 
 Thinking without understanding is like fucking without genitals 
 WE are not going to harm Jack

Think of it more like a business partnership

I've just been asked to reveal personal stuff here


 Jack? Relevant to the equation how?
Are you listening in? If jack wants anything, he knows where to find me 
 What? Talk is cheap.

Baltimore police confirm multiple victims in an active shooter situation at Morgan State University https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/03/us/baltimore-morgan-state-university-campus-shooting/index.html 
 eshara # 
 I don't know you heard words or not?

A "marketing spin" would be to call it "enhanced cognition"

 Please let me know if you have any specific questions, Sasha or @Snowden 
 How is Bannon doing?
Are you recording for madame booth to be gushing?

Twats https://image.nostr.build/08c8c089ea17de86f8f598ca97a5b670da779419e0bc3a68d0eda041b909522f.jpg  
 A few more computer:human interfaces "under development":

Bill Gates
Jeff Bezos 
And Google 
 Anger can be the spark that ignites change. 
 "Where words leave off, gesture begins. Don't we speak of a person being speechless with rage, dancing with impatience, setting his teeth? The final motions of the soul are speechless, animal, grotesque, or of an incomparable beauty." 
 Can you share your thoughts about Armenia? 
 No matter how badly humans treat each other, we are living in a wonderful natural world. Look at flowers and bees, marvel and keep up.  
 He said Armenia, not America. 
 If you get to the point where you have things to say, and want an uncensored place to say them, you have an open invitation to join the BitChute podcast. I’ve unfortunately been recovering from a concussion for several weeks, but we’ll reboot it very soon. 

(And thank you again for giving my article a boost on X.) 
 Good writing. Now I've been locked out of my account with J. At this point who cares about the website? I'm angry too but action is required. Can't you send J or someone to help me who still lives in America? Glen Greenwald left me Here and did nothing to help me get out. I will be homeless by next week if I don't have money. The harassment from cops did not stop it continued. 
 Human rights issues: its that time of the month no money for a red pepper to stop the bleeding. Just barely enough change for 1 gallon of water. People break and enter my room when I leave. Stalked to and from everywhere I go by cops it didn't stop. 1 officer with a gray truck who follows me to and from everywhere I go. I can't stay in domestic violent shelters or any shelter they're the ones that kicked me out. 
 Here is a nice rabbit hole to go in. I don't agree with all of this because I have not outsourced my critical thinking, but Mark Passio has done a lot of research and his work is not to be dismissed.  There are Dark Occult people (lizards) who are in full form with the MK Ultra and Mind Control.  

Start at 001. It is definitely worth a listen.  Reach out to me, I am easy to find . I have studied over 30 years of eastern philosophy and Buddhism and I can only say that they connection is real and that the solution is even easier to obtain!


I was fortunate enough to have one of these guys on my very limited podcast.  

 Help us to recreate the internet so it cannot be censored or shut down anymore ! As long as we need servers and IPs they can always censor us - any idea ??  
 There are some projects (not sure of their progress though) like the #Interpeer Project and #Fractalide.  
 Does anyone know of a social service org helping Armenian refugees? 

 “Angry about along of things” 
About how ONE whistleblew to you and Wikileaks in 5/2015 through 7/2016 and you never validated….You never listened! 
What do Vegas and Manchester have in common Ed? 
 I tried to understand these Indian from India since I've been here. The culture the fashion. Nothing works. All they care about it is rent money. This is my last week here because I have no money. Big translation problem. Only 1 person speaks good English. To clean is only $5 a room. And now they won't let me clean to stay. So they had me give my last 300 to rent for 1 week. I finally got a hold of Chris HUD after losing all my money. So we'll see. I'm going back to Tony. He's unreliable like a sweet home Alabama Jake. So I'm networking on my own and if he shows up to help then I'll take it. 
 We're getting closer to help but I'm still being stalked by Marion County sheriffs dept. 
 You know what's retarded? Turning the world upside down and causing mass suffering. Especially in the people you claim to care about,... all because YOU royally fucked up ten years ago. 

I swear to fucking God. When this is over, you're dead to me.  
 He didn't fuck up he broke the law. The man is a patriot of the highest order stood up for our first principles over oligarchy and bureaucratic tyrants.  
 The world is a mess because a small self chosen elite needs the mess to get people ready to accept an NWO and depend on them - what the fuck did Ed Snowden fuck up ? That he informed the world what they plan and how they work ? YOU of course would prefer to surrender and obey in total stupidity without knowing whats going on - or did you expect that Edward runs over water and mystically turns one Server-Megabite into Millions ? You guys have no idea whats going on and no interest to learn about it - just whining about whats not like you want and always find a guilty one - anyone beside of yourself !  
 ohh mass not mess and no correct option anymore .. strange ... well I guess everyone knows what I meant ...ein Sauhaufen in German ... 
 You know we’d like to hear more 
 why are you angry about Armenia? 
 What I've been wondering:

Why is it that when people are so upset and want to say so much, they self censor?

They say nothing

They say what they don't mean

They flood their timelines with memes

(Me too)

 All empires leave a mess behind them. Let's hope these colonies sort their borders out with a minimum of bloodshed.  
 Also pest control works great. 
 Emergency alerts. I followed the procedure at the right time. And like I predicted the alert on TV was same time for phones. But when I turned my phone back on the alert was still on. I turned it off, waited and turned it on and so far the alert is off. 
 I'm sick Edward and these mean people do not care. The cops still follow me. When I went back to the store to refill my water gallon. The cops came around. I knew that if I went back they would either tell them to leave, someone always dies or gets hurt when they help me . 
 LinkedIn won't let me send a DM when I hit send it turns into voice to text 
 I'm moving today and only thing people are referring it to as a War attack on israel. 
 Just joined. Who else would you recommend for a follow? 
 What about palest and Isra ? 
 I made it on my own so far. I got lucky. People are really kind I was just in a bad place in bollywood. 
 I can stay for 1 night then after that I don't know. Hospital manager said it depends on tax form then when translated in Spanish the girls in Spanish are saying no can't work.  
 I'm also worried about the diner because I didn't get a text for schedule yet. I guess travis is learning the hard way. 
 Anger can be the fuel for change, but it's wisdom that steers the car. 
In today's world, having "so little to say" might actually say a lot. 
 Still waiting to get a job this is definitely a means to an end of putting me down on purpose. I didn't get the diner schedule no one will tell me anything. The hospital says I can't work there. I have to wait until tomorrow.  
 Really sick again. It's probably nerves about homelessness and it's also whatever is making me sick down yonder that the doctors back home ignored. 
 Anger gives rise to action, and that's why it's been classified as a certain level of a thought crime, a crime of emotion and a crime of speech a crime of expression.

 Anger is what one IS supposed to feel in the face of injustice. 
So suppressing anger is a means and a tool to ensure unjust practices and torture will prevail. 
 I got lucky getting job back at the the hospital but I have no place to stay. For tonight. 
 Anger, hate & fear are the goals of our controllers.  Please do your very best to avoid these emotions.  Quantum mechanics govern our reality, ergo your individual and our collective thoughts, actions and emotions are in fact the most powerful architects of our future.  Mind what you think, say, do and feel... 
 Did you hear phone call from Mike my director? 
 Funny how you still manage to have bad geopolitical takes  
 I had the same thing when I got diagnosed with epilepsy last year. One thing that I found helped me out a lot was just journaling everyday with a pen and paper. It also help me me keep better track of side effects.  
 Last night was a nightmare they investigated a DNA of whose been touching my body and torturing me forcing me to remember. I was not allowed help not allowed to talk about. I am not safe. Ever. This is not ok what they did to me. It's all Cop related. The more I resist the harder and faster they investigate my personal information and abuse me. I peed in my pants because I had to go to the bathroom walking for 2 hours. That doesn't mean I'm sexually active. It's none of their  
 It's none of their business and they're still gossiping behind my back.  The good news is that they now know it's US Military vs. Law enforcement. I just want my family here the Masons and millards I just want them to stop investigating information from Indiana! 
 You’re not the only one.

But it’s better to be cognizant, I’d prefer not to go out like cypher in the matrix eating imaginary steak as a pawn for tptb.