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 How much in your identity is your country?

If you’re from X and someone says “fuck X, it’s a shithole” does it trigger you in any peculiar way? 
 nope. people, not arbitrary borders drawn by those in power 
 if it’s a valid criticism of the place and situation, I’ll most likely just agree with them 
 No, i aplaude them as i'm of the same opinion 
 It triggers me… :) 
 At this point, I think not much of my identity is connected to my country.

I would likely agree with the person saying that. 
 I accompany them 
 No. But my country does generally suck. 
 I would wholeheartedly agree and make a few suggestions for pertinent adjectives to add in front of "shithole". Along the lines of racist, murderous, nazi worshipping.  
 Nope I don’t own the racist platform 🤷🏽‍♂️ 
 I haven't thought about this before, but to answer your question: Yes! More and more, Yes!
Why? Simply because I learn so much shit how and why its happening abroad that compared to what is happening here the difference is huge! Previously I was way less patriotic... 
 I couldn't pick one country to be my country in that sense. Fiat identity is always tied to one place and therefore there are many identites with different flavours. 
 Ireland has devolved into a shithole though. 🤣 
 Less than 50% 
 All countries suck right now IMO. Will have to wait until a bitcoin standard blooms up the nations again. 
 I love my country but I would agree. Germany is already a shithole thanks to our government. 
 Can’t argue against a true statement. It is a shithole 🤷🏻‍♂️ 
 We should be open to criticism, even openly critical of our countries of origin. We should also take pride in their admirable aspects. 
 People shouldn't be triggered by something they never had a word about it. Borders were designed by politicians decades ago for their own profits. Why should I be triggered if someone say my place is shit ? Cool story bro, look under your feet, different flavor but same shithole. 
I stand with people whom hold the same principles as I do.
What flag got assigned to them at birth or what flag they chose later on doesn't matter to me.
Same goes for religion. 
 All countries are communist shitholes run by psychopathic, mafioso-politicians. If someone thinks their local shithole is better than mine and they want to point it out, I feel sorry for them. It's like a fucking orangutan in a zoo telling his neighbour gorilla how much better his cage is :D 
 My first association when someone mention country I get "nature" and yea it would hurt a little if someone would've said it's a shithole. It isn't that's why I created @ifeelsLOVEnia bot. 

But If you look in a political way, then yes they are all shitholes without exceptions and I would agree with anyone said so 😃 
Borders are products of the human imagination. They are social constructs, existing solely in the collective minds of people. These arbitrary divisions have shaped nations and identities for centuries, often with profound consequences.

National identity is similarly a human invention. People on opposite sides of a border may share more similarities than differences, yet the imaginary lines can foster division, conflicts, and prejudices.

Critics argue that it's irrational to define one's identity by lines on the ground or a piece of cloth—the flag. Instead, they advocate for recognizing our shared humanity, transcending these artificial boundaries. 

We are all part of a single human race.

While borders and national identities persist, challenging their validity encourages critical thinking about how these constructs impact society, politics, and individual lives. It invites us to imagine a world where our unity as humans surpasses the divisions of geography.

#government #war #freespeech #identity 
 Jurisdictional arbitrage is critical to the long term viability of the human race. Racing towards the destruction of borders leads to a technological top down centralised dystopia. What we need is a greater level of experimentation and innovation regarding societal structures across the worlds. Borders are useful at this juncture in history. 
 i’m usually the one saying “fuck X, and Y, Z while i’m at it”

the best retort people can come up (instead of addressing the argument) is: “if you hate it so much why don’t you move??”

so i moved. 
 yeah, same for me, sick to death of the eurocrats, so now i'm right on the edge of europe, according to their funny little definitions. i liked it in bosnia but it was too close to way too many problems. 

equally dont like all goverment 
 everyone thinks australia is paradise, and to me it is a prison island. 
 nationalism is a pandemic 
 Not any longer. I used to believe the story that I should feel triggered but this went away in the past 3 years. For good.
Let‘s build new countries in spaces far off the borders that never existed in the first place 
 That comment is usually made by somebody that’s jumping on the criticize X bandwagon. Most things X is doing are more nuanced then that comment captures. 
 My country of origin is universally hated by a lot of people and, being from that country, I always get this odd feeling that I should apologise when I say where I'm from. It is generally a shithole tbf, which is why I left (twice lol) so it's never triggered me if ppl say so. However, it is a matter of perception as many ppl think it's wonderful. My adopted country, on the other hand, seems to be universally loved and admired. The difference in the 2 countries in terms of how ppl react and how you're treated when they ask you where you're from is HUGE. I often switch up the 2 choices just to observe the different reactions.  
 No, because it's true in my case. The country I grew up in turned into a shithole, and now the UK is going down the same path. 
 Less and less every day… 
 I don't give a single fuck about my country 
 I am from #CostaRica and I love my country, my people, my culture, etc.
Although, I am with the posture of not being extreme with my love, since I understand that we are not perfect and same as we have so many nice things, there are also so many bad/ugly/dumb ones.
It really saddens me a lot because I know that we have world class potential, but it is really difficult to straighten things up, that for many years have been eating slowly our society.
Corruption for one, is something that gets so much on my nerves, that is one of the main reasons I decided to live outside my country. Although, I would love to return one day. Hopefully with enough tools to try and change the status quo for the best. 
 Nationalism is wasted energy 
 Ya estamos curtidos de tanto decir, que pais de mierda 😂 
 They should be focused on their own country, critisizing or constructing it, instead of going shitty about foreign countries. No matter what country it is about. 
That quoted line is just overall dickhead-attitude, with what I prefer not to communicate with. 
 Outer space 🪐 is chill AF. 
 I was loyal and wanted to contribute in building up my country. Then I understood how governments work, their corruptness, and how they throw people under the bus. 

I looked up and started reading about the world. And understood that governments around the world are no different - maybe slightly better or worst 

I then realized why it is of utmost important for people to live in freedom, and they never will so as long as governments control money and narratives.  
 Most things trigger. After all you were probably indoctrinated in that countries education centers for most of your formative years. Then after years of deprogramming you realize things aren't exactly as they appear.  So when someone says X is a shithole you'll have an instinctive tribal defense response start to form but you hope the deprogramming stops it and let's you analyze the comment. Is the person's criticism directed at the government, people, or state of ruin? If it's just the government then 99% of the time they're right. If it's as a comparison to their own government then that's relative but the last 3 years showed us to varying degrees every gov became a commie shithole. If directed at people or condition of the place then it's not warranted.

Of course it doesn't stop me from calling northerners in the US commies and their states commie shitholes 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Good for lulz. 
 idk man, America is pretty unique. I don't really care too much if others shit on USA. We def have problems, the fed, wb, imf... most evil institutions are here, but we also have 1 and 2 A... and no one else does... So I will stay and fight for the rights I do have here, until it is too dangerous for my family at least. I care, until my childrens lives are directly at risk of violence by the state. Any country that does that IS a shithole and I want no part of it.  
 Yes, I would agree