Oddbean new post about | logout

Notes by d | export

 when I was a kid the space shuttle seemed so cool

but it was really a symbol that we'd given up the stars to feed infinity niggers

 retards in the room upstairs yelling out the window

really glad I wasted 3 days of my life on this shit

 I am a white male. Like blond haired blue eyed.  and regularly interview with fang companies. Alt... 
 :02_shrug: the industry has spoken and it doesn't want me regardless of what I know or what I can do

therefore, I'm going to do something else 
 I learned all that shit and I'm leaving the industry because I can't get so much as a phone screen

 why would I want to get paid market rate to make some billionaire dipshit's dream a reality when I can get a much lower stress job and work on my own things 
 so are H1Bs getting the axe during these tech layoffs or are they being spared to keep them in country 
 I completely forgot those astronauts are still up there, lol 
 what modern programmers don't understand is C *is* the easy option, if you want control over your hardware. it's doing a tremendous amount of heavy lifting for you

that C is considered this super low level language now is just sad 
 carry around a big battery pack retard, ARM isn't going to solve this problem

 why are there fireworks 
 joe brandon is already crashing 
 how do I tell my system to preemptively index and generate thumbnails or whatever the fuck it needs to do so I can browse this remote share without massive lag every time I enter a new directory 
 inspired by gears of war, I will now install an electric carving knife on my AR-15 
 we can't employ the engineers we have now

the problem is not the workforce

 I know it may feel unfair sometimes but that's just because it is.  
 that pisses me off, but I also just don't want to work with people who don't know anything. they bring these tokens in and they're not just useless, they're liabilities 
 I've been watching women and shitskins walk into high paying dev jobs on the strength of a fucking todo app for 10 years while I've *never* made decent money in this industry no matter what I brought to the table

can't do it anymore 
 most engineers who work on infrastructure projects have almost no training in geology. maybe like two 100 level courses. something to consider next time you're driving across a bridge or through a tunnel built in the last 50 years

 you know those library stacks that run on rails so you can fit a lot of shit in a small space since you don't need to access everything at once

that's what I need in my garage 
 pair programming? yeah me and hitler have it under control 
 how much do "creators" even get out of this, like a couple bucks a month 
 hands are lotioned and gloves
now we wait 
 are you supplementing vitamin d 
 had to stop mowing to put moleskin on my foot :bocchibreakdown: 
 trumps gonna win this totally legitimate election guys, it's all gonna be okay. nothing to worry about trust the plan 2 more weeks patriots in control wwg1wga 
 if a fat person sits on the toilet too long do they get stuck because their legs fall asleep 
 bonus bone chip my ground beef 
 just put a big plastic tent over the outlet so the evaporate condenses and drips back down

ezpz that'll be $1 billion in consulting fees thanks 
 increasingly I have to do shit in the browser on my windows work laptop because it doesn't work in the same (up to date) browser on this linux laptop

why? who the fuck knows 
 it's amazing how detrimental to stability letting my laptop sleep is 
 mmm drill press
(i have no more room) 
 micromark makes a tiny drill press that would still be extremely useful

 cool how udemy videos just refuse to play sometimes 
 I almost talked myself into buying a $5500 lathe but sadly I decided to make sensible purchases instead 
 Wrong movie it was Django 
 I'm watching the hateful eight right now

and the reason I'm watching it is because some youtube dork said how great it was and how it was a lot like the thing 
 I can't believe anyone would put the hateful eight in the same league as the thing

as amusing as I find it that notorious white-hating samuel l jackson would choose to play a role that affirms every negative stereotype there is about gay, lying niggers, the movie is unremarkable at best. tarantino is the m. night shyamalan of schlock 
 are there even any 4.6mm JHP loads? 
 yes but penetration is going to suck if it's designed to expand 
 maybe they should've learned about fixed rate mortgages somewhere along the way

 hearing rust people talk about how you're supposed to write rust code is the #1 thing that makes me not want to use rust 
 computers fucking suck now but phones are much worse 
 okay so suppose I want to buy a cheap (used) android that can be updated to run arbitrary current apps on my home internet without a cell plan, what do I get

I don't want to mess around with my regular phone, it needs to stay functional in case someone wants to hire me for $500,000 a year (it could happen) 
 if you're speaking english, and you're using a foreign word that is nevertheless commonly used by english speakers, don't pronounce it with some foreign accent because you sound like a pretentious twat 
 remember when lara croft had big boobs 
 I ended up just writing a new resume from scratch in libreoffice

now that the text is established I can go back to fucking around with layout tools 
 they want us to worship Science but scientists can't even figure out how to make nose hair grow slower 
 do they ever explain how the highlander ended up with a katana or is he just a weeb 
 microsoft word is annoying as fuck how do people use this crap

I'd rather write a markdown document and find some jankass script that turns it into a pdf

in fact that's what I'm going to do 
 nostr:npub15fkerqqyp9mlh7n8xd6d5k9s27etuvaarvnp2vqed83dw9c603pqs5j9gr I don't think protein bars ... 

but this was terrible 
 just had a protein bar for the first time in years

I swear these things are getting worse 
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 no, but depending on the design they might need to shut the power plant down 
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 I'm pretty sure the people running things in ukraine are just sex obsessed freaks 
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 what color was the apple and what color was the bell pepper 
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it may be a hardware issue, maybe it doesn't support this CPU or something

I went to brave on my windows laptop and it gave me a widevine prompt immediately and worked fine 
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 all you have to do to be considered an expert is speak confidently and never acknowledge all the times you were wrong in the past 
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 I shouldn't have to, I have legitimate access to this stuff

the problem, it transpires, is drm shit that doesn't work on linux 
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 when you develop alone, you develop with hitler 
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 that's a relief