I want to change my lightning address, how can I?
my assigned one looks weird
also trying to tag you , small bug
@miljan ( not working )
thanks @npub16c0nh3dnadzqpm76uctf5hqhe2lny344zsmpm6feee9p5rdxaa9q586nvr
I just want change to chandbaude@primal.net
that's it
I appreciate custom support.
You hit the nail with this post @ben
Real currency of X / Twitter is reach and engagement with viral aspects like polarizing or political stuff
#nostr is like reaching to right audience with helpful and valuable content and getting monetize in form of zaps based on value you provide.
As per my analysis those content get more #Zaps who provide helpful news, updates, valuable information, helpful action steps.
And many important stuff not just trying to go viral.
Great post 📯
Train your mind to solve problems quickly and calmly
Build your problem-solving mindset.
The world will pay you generously for this skill.
#nostr #bitcoin
Remember this Basic:
If you can gain 1 follower then you can gain 1 million followers
If you can make $1 then you can make $100K
If you can earn 10 SATS on #nostr you can make 10 million SATS
#bitcoin #pleb #zap
Politicians are puppets and cheap slaves of real masters
In my opinion real enemy of freedom is OCGFC.
We should know in whose hand real power is so we don't waste our energy fighting shadows and puppets.
Nowadays, every business is media company.
- They create content
- Build the audience
- Ask to the audience what they want
- build products to sell
- Improve the product and content to sell more.
Moral of the story is become a media company on #nostr
1. Gain 10k-20k people audience in a specific topic
Example - Men
2. Know what they want
Example - strategy to increase testosterone
3. Build digital product like PDF with action steps or video series
Sell it with #bitcoin
Repeat and scale.
Results are in execution.
I am building my Media company on #nostr
Currently gaining 25 followers on one profile and 17 on other.
Stay stunned for updates.
Study Parkinson's Law!
This will save your 3-4 hours each day.
Parkinson's Law is the idea that work expands to fill the time allotted for its completion.
If you say, I will complete this in a Day.
It will take a Day
If you decide to complete in Hour
You will finish in just 1 hour.
Test it today
Thank you so much @jb55 .
Can't tell how happy to read this
Great to explore Damus on Android
My most friends use Android, I want to see them on #nostr
Great to see you are building for Android too
Excited to see who will win Android race,
you or @Vitor Pamplona
I 💯 agree with your views on Zionist.
And I believe Jesus ( peace and blessings upon him) is prophet of God, not Son of God.
Thanks for quoting
I appreciate
I really like you are open minded to learn things
I know one great youtuber who is expert in this topic
Please explore his videos and we can chat privately more about this
Thanks, May God guide us on right path.
Anti-Islam is Anti- humanity
And Palestinians are Semite
So anti-Semitism is Anti- Palestinian
You are entertaining and insightful at same time.
Everyone stacking #bitcoin
You stacking skills man
Keep this value flow going.
Excited to see you on top of list of #nostr creators.
It's God give resource that's infinite.
It's like telling a friend go and try to rob $1k from that guy and I will come and pretend I am helping him and protecting his money,
in return happily he will hand me 100$.
$50 for me , $50 for you.
No police case , no legal issue.
We are a threat and we are protecter.
How is a plan?
This is what governments and politicians do.
They find terrorist and play a role of hero after scene.
Old story, wake up to reality.
Oh my fellow Humans.
I think it's a great idea to create certain relays for certain topics and communities.
So we can have simple list of relays to follow and create content on.
You guys built something crazy, it will save around 20-30 sec per zap.
Means anyone can save 1hr/ day through using @OpenSecret
Yesterday I was thinking about this type of process I can connect and zap just like clicking and liking.
Glad to found you.
Economics is only complicated when you select wrong teacher who is afraid to criticize government's mistakes.
Freaking awesome, I am very eager to host similar market in my area.
Great initiative @BTCsessions
Willing to learn lessons and hope from this project.
Keep momentum going guys 💪
Notes by Chand Babude | export