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Notes by ae441df6 | export

 We got out the little bucket bbq for the first time in over a year, and made a hobo dinner - burgers and veggies cooked in a foil packet. Took 40 minutes over hot coals, and worked really well 😀

 "As a long-term project, post-scarcity is more of a question than an answer, widening the scope of what sorts of human beings we might wish to become, and organizing our resources so that everyone can participate in the eternal work of figuring it out."

 I could never live in this house. Every single window is overlooked. It’s like living in a fishbowl. 
 Step 1: Report a copyright violation of my website to the host via its "abuse@" email address.

Step 2: Receive an automated response that I have to fill in their web form.

Step 3: Fill in the web form, which was a 250 character limit for the description of the problem. it says you can attach a file; it doesn't offer any suggestions what should be in it.

Step 4: Wait 24 hours.

 Step 5: Receive an automated email telling you to fill the form in again, but this time include all the information they need.

Step 6: Fill in the form again, this time including all of the information (mostly me swearing I am telling the truth) into a Word document and uploading it.

Step 7: tbc

Whenever I do this, I always get the impression that these companies are making it as hard as humanly possible to report a violation, so they don't have to do anything. 
 I'm having a clear out in my old Evernote notebooks, and I'm coming across the occasional gem.

 Hmmm. I have just found a piece of paper on which I have writte:

- "the buzzies are swarming" (it's pollination time).'

No clue what I was thinking when I wrote it. 
 nostr:npub1yvrhj7jr5n99g9evkcwdud9d3ug3yr3rp4hyar892deqdntu0gyqxgmjkg Okay, well let’s consider... 
 @a284283e No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no.

Have a solidarity hug. 🤗 
 @a284283e The neurotypical place a lot of value in finishing things, and in not being a quitter.

This does not work for the people who have so many ideas they simply can't finish them all, but live in hope that one day they will. 
 nostr:npub1yvrhj7jr5n99g9evkcwdud9d3ug3yr3rp4hyar892deqdntu0gyqxgmjkg we don’t talk about this ... 
 @a284283e I don't know any polite company. 😛 
 There are so many half-eaten* notebooks in this house, it's not funny.

*by which I mean half-used. 
 Oh joy. Ryan and I are dealing with a case of copyright infringement for my website. Again.

The last one nearly sent me to the insane asylum. 
 It's such an indescribably violation, like someone's broken into your house and helped themselves to the good biscuits. 
 nostr:npub1yvrhj7jr5n99g9evkcwdud9d3ug3yr3rp4hyar892deqdntu0gyqxgmjkg depending on what they have... 
 @859ef0a1 I think this one was primarily methane from biodigesters. 
 Oh. That’s going to cause an issue with our food waste collections, I suspect.

 nostr:npub1yvrhj7jr5n99g9evkcwdud9d3ug3yr3rp4hyar892deqdntu0gyqxgmjkg Oh, yeah... With this skill... 
 @b884d87d Also, in Patricia Kennealy-Morrison's Keltiad series, a sorceress gets overwhelmed by grief and (deliberately) destroys an inhabited moon. 
 My guitar is very keen to begin its journey to a new home where someone might actually play it, but the Freegler coming to pick it up has been delayed. 
 And it's off! Good luck in your new home, little guitar. May your new owner be more musically gifted than I. 🎸 
 Do you think wizards and witches in stories are ever overwhelmed? 🤔 
 @b884d87d There's a scene in one book of David Edding's Belgariad series where two wizards are having a magical battle. One of them gets overwhelmed, panics, utters a spell he really shouldn't and effectively wipes himself from existence.

So... yes 😀 
 nostr:npub1yvrhj7jr5n99g9evkcwdud9d3ug3yr3rp4hyar892deqdntu0gyqxgmjkg People have enough trouble ... 
 @2e712288 yeah, eactly. You'd hope programs would have less dumb ideas, but then they are programmed by humans. 
 Looks like guerilla gardening is getting a bit of a reboot. I do like the idea of "botanarchy".

I shall henceforth be a botanarchist. I mean, people already look at me funny, so I have nothing to lose.


 nostr:npub1yvrhj7jr5n99g9evkcwdud9d3ug3yr3rp4hyar892deqdntu0gyqxgmjkg So they're saying that base... 
 @2e712288 I have yet to find an algorithm that understands me.

And as soon as I did, I would change.

 nostr:npub1yvrhj7jr5n99g9evkcwdud9d3ug3yr3rp4hyar892deqdntu0gyqxgmjkg Oh, I had the same guitar! ... 
 @b884d87d I wanted to be the kind of person who plays the guitar. I thought I would spend my evenings round a campfire playing with friends.

In the entire 10+ years I have owned the guitar, I haven't had the kind of friends that enjoy sitting around a campfire.

 nostr:npub1yvrhj7jr5n99g9evkcwdud9d3ug3yr3rp4hyar892deqdntu0gyqxgmjkg Things are accumulating lik... 
 @b884d87d Today I am finally saying goodbye to the guitar I have owned for over a decade and never really learned to play 🤣 
 Looking at all your possessions and asking yourself whether you can live without it permanently [bin/rehome] or temporarily [earmark for storage] or must keep handy is quite exhausting.

The amount of stuff we accumulate with the intention of using it "one day" is frightening.

[On an unrelated note, 'earmark' is an odd word.] 
 It’s back up to 22C in the bedroom, and I’d really like the sun to f*ck off now. 
 I do love these BookDepository bookmarks (I've got at least one more, it must be hiding in a book somewhere).

 LLMs, providing added features no one wanted since 2022. 
 nostr:npub1yvrhj7jr5n99g9evkcwdud9d3ug3yr3rp4hyar892deqdntu0gyqxgmjkg "An LLM writes the descript... 
 @2e712288 It sounds more like maybe it searches through episodes when you're looking for something. I dunno.

I think it certainly wrote their marketing email for them! 
 @2e712288 "Predictive Demographics is key to discovering podcasts with the right audiences for any campaign goals. And for the first time, we're able to make these accurate predictions based solely on the spoken word of the podcasts. This helps advertisers to discover podcasts with untapped potential, which in turn enables more podcasters to make more money from their craft."

So now we know. 
 Podchasers new "Predictive Demographics feature uses AI to enhance podcast audience targeting based on episode language."

Pardon, what? 
 nostr:npub1yvrhj7jr5n99g9evkcwdud9d3ug3yr3rp4hyar892deqdntu0gyqxgmjkg You are very good. I fear I... 
 @38c182d0 It's quite a painful shock, it's not funny. 
 It has cooled down to the point where I am once more wearing the Electrostatic Slippers of Doom. They tend to build up a static charge on the living room carpet, which we only discover when Ryan gives me a hug.

This leads to a situation where I occasionally cringe away from touching him, only to remember I am not actually wearing the slippers.... 
 Plant parents and bibliophiles have the best backdrops for video calls 🏆 

(Although I did once speak to a scientist who had painted their kitchen cabinets the most glorious shade of blue.)

 In Germany, Freiheitsfonds (The Freedom Fund) has bought around 850 people's freedom by paying the fines they cannot - incurred by travelling without a ticket on public transport.

At a cost of more than €800,000, they reckon they've saved the state around €12m, based on the estimated cost per day of keeping someone in prison.

 nostr:npub1yvrhj7jr5n99g9evkcwdud9d3ug3yr3rp4hyar892deqdntu0gyqxgmjkg Same! And yeah, it really i... 
 @f18c3fc1 Oh good lord, yes, that's worse.

I once got ripped off my a taxi driver in Prague when I was on a mandatory work trip and got a migraine! 
 Hmmm. We're being taken by bus 45 minutes to the conference dinner and the return time to be driv... 
 @f18c3fc1 It would. I'm always the first person to want to leave! And that's a heck of a taxi ride back to the hotel. 
 Geodesic domes containing projections of AI-rendered images depicting "ideal eco futures" featured at the Earth Edition exhibition in California.

The ten-day event was located at the California Institute of Art's (CalArts) campus in Santa Clarita and sought to "shift the tone of the conversation around the climate crisis" with AI technology, large-scale immersive installations and climate-oriented work by over 40 individual artists."


 nostr:npub1yvrhj7jr5n99g9evkcwdud9d3ug3yr3rp4hyar892deqdntu0gyqxgmjkg Congrats on your progress, ... 
 @b884d87d Yeah. You can't really tell the difference yet, though! 
 My decluttering efforts are going well. So far, I've sold two boxes of books, donated 2 large bags of clothing to charity, Freegle'd a dehydrator and recycled a load of old envelopes and empty jars.

Meanwhile, Ryan has... pondered what he can live without. 
 Ryan has thrown away 6 pairs of plastic 3D glasses he got from the cinema before we got together… which was 10 years ago. 
I used to like that smell a... 
 @e74504fd Well, i hate Christmas. 
 I thought he was great in the West Wing. 
 This morning, I will mostly be... refreshing my Radiation Safety training.

 I tried to explain to my mum that I was exhausted by being surrounded by people all weekend.

She said “but it’s just us now”.

She has been talking non-stop since Friday afternoon. They’ve now got the tv on so loud there’s nowhere in this flat I find the volume comfortable.

 nostr:npub1yvrhj7jr5n99g9evkcwdud9d3ug3yr3rp4hyar892deqdntu0gyqxgmjkg Excuse me. Why aren't you b... 
 @da3eae51 I know. I am a thoroughly selfish individual, and a terrible daughter. 
 @dac6ea10 Well… I have considered it, but they’re both quite happy to lie and manipulate, so I don’t think so. 
 My parents were talking about autism yesterday evening, because a friend of theirs has a daughter who is autistic.

And it sounds like she is a savant  - very artistic and a talented musician. And she’s got a job, with a theatre company. Which is brilliant for her.

But the conversation was very much about the great lengths the medical profession had gone to, to fix this poor girl and turn her into a functioning member of society.

 And then my dad was talking (from his entire lack of experience) about the small army of adults who are autistic and have never been diagnosed, and could be walking among us!

If only they also could also be diagnosed and fixed and become productive members of society.

(And this is why I will never tell them I am #ActuallyAutistic). 
 She’s very focused on the fact that our current house isn’t setup to look nice for guests.

Ignoring the fact that we don’t have any. 
 She’s also completely ignoring the fact that we can’t afford a 4-bedroom house anywhere we would like to live. 
 She’s still p*ssed that my brother now works from home and uses their 4th bedroom as his office, meaning my parents can no longer stay with them.

She takes it very personally, like it’s all done to deprive her of a guest room.

(Ryan and I are adamant we don’t want a guest room, because it would be a waste of space, and we don’t want my parents to visit.) 
 She’s very focused on the fact that our current house isn’t setup to look nice for guests.

Ignoring the fact that we don’t have any. 
 We told my parents we were hoping to move house, and my mum is now doing what we predicted she would - telling us exactly what we need in the next house.

Remarkably, this always sounds exactly like what she needs us to have - four bedrooms, so we can each have an office and there will still be a guest bedroom.

Or, if needs must, a 3 bedroom house with a room downstairs that could be used as an office, leaving us with… a guest bedroom! 
 She’s still p*ssed that my brother now works from home and uses their 4th bedroom as his office, meaning my parents can no longer stay with them.

She takes it very personally, like it’s all done to deprive her of a guest room.

(Ryan and I are adamant we don’t want a guest room, because it would be a waste of space, and we don’t want my parents to visit.) 
 The Peak District seems like it might be quite nice. I’d love to come back some day, unaccompanied by any blood relatives. 
 Time for my mother’s ultra-loving morning ritual, whereby she reminds me that hairdryers exist, and one is a available for my use. 
 News flash: my parents don’t think a certain celebrity’s reported sexual indiscretions should be front-page news. There are MORE IMPORTANT things to cover, dammit!

(They’re watching tv. They are loud. It’s like a bat shit version of Gogglebox.) 
 nostr:npub1yvrhj7jr5n99g9evkcwdud9d3ug3yr3rp4hyar892deqdntu0gyqxgmjkg You would hope 
 @2e712288 My parents used to own a hotel, and on one occasion I was staying there, and they only had one other guest, who was a commuter who lived there during the week.

Late that night, I was privileged to  discover that he really needed to get his prostate checked.

(He was a doctor, so probably he had that covered.) 
 Ah… guest house plumbing. The only way you can tell whether the noise coming from beyond the wall is someone running a tap or emptying an overfull bladder is by how long it lasts.

(Long enough to type this, so…. Tap!) 
 I think this means we just join the throng of people getting up, or the croissants will be burnt and it will be my fault. 
 nostr:npub1yvrhj7jr5n99g9evkcwdud9d3ug3yr3rp4hyar892deqdntu0gyqxgmjkg Can you spend the rest of t... 
 @ea2ed5f7 They like windfall apples, though, so they can be bribed. 
 nostr:npub1yvrhj7jr5n99g9evkcwdud9d3ug3yr3rp4hyar892deqdntu0gyqxgmjkg His loss! He sounds like a ... 
 @ea2ed5f7 My family breeds them. 
Event not found
 @f18c3fc1 I haven't had one in years, mostly because I now tend to avoid such stress-inducing events! 
Event not found
 @2e712288 I think it's the second one. He was on remand, and plead not guilty to the original charges, so this extra charge is being added onto the same trial. 
Event not found
 OK, brain is tired of loud music now.