She’s still p*ssed that my brother now works from home and uses their 4th bedroom as his office, meaning my parents can no longer stay with them.
She takes it very personally, like it’s all done to deprive her of a guest room.
(Ryan and I are adamant we don’t want a guest room, because it would be a waste of space, and we don’t want my parents to visit.)
She’s very focused on the fact that our current house isn’t setup to look nice for guests.
Ignoring the fact that we don’t have any.
She’s also completely ignoring the fact that we can’t afford a 4-bedroom house anywhere we would like to live.
@2307797a Excuse me. Why aren't you buying a house with the needs of someone who won't live in it in mind? You really ought to consider every person who won't live in your house when buying a new one.
@da3eae51 I know. I am a thoroughly selfish individual, and a terrible daughter.