Being a phd at a “prestigious” university only teaches you a sliver of knowledge. The sanctioned kind. I’m my world this isn’t qualifications for the continual smartest person or experts tropes rolled out. It’s ain’t hermetics that for sure.
This is great ! We have family and friends in Beirut and I keep wishing they would get on crypto. It’s very hard to get money direct to people who need it there! What wallet or tool is being used please ?
Blockchain Governance >> diving into this book and enjoying the fascinating context the authors have included. Standing out for me atm is the distinction between rule *of* code and rule *by* code .... although there is still no understanding of the jurisdictions of law (the "legal person" is not what you want to be!), it's still a crucial read. >>
Been doing it for five years and two and a half with son and daughter. The safety they feel is palpable and they are infinite in their squeezability. !
Seeds! In the southern hemisphere it’s seed sorting time. Preparing for the Spring planting. It’s beautiful to look at these little miracles and think about the food they will nourish my family with in summer 🙏
If you really look at a marriage contract and understand nuance in law, you’ll understand that a marriage contract is actually two people marrying the state. Sorry.
The most important crown to be placed on the human head is the crown chakra and the only new temples worth building are those inside your mind. For real. #meditation #selfactualisation
If you can “act” in person or “appear” in person - it means the legal person is not you. Bear this in mind when talking about regulation. Who is this person? And more importantly who exactly are you? I am unwinding aspects of law and identity for web3. Contact me to find out more or get involved! #identity.
What is the status of the “holder” of any SSI or DID in law? Proper claims can establish the holder as actually sovereign and the executor of the legal “person” = actual freedom in law. I’m working on this solution …
I'd love to see an evolved web3 / decentralised calendar taking shape in this wider ecosystem.
We can rewrite our capturing of time.
A calendar based on the 13 month 28 days cycle - like ancient times, and the indigenous reference to natural motions and the turtle shell calendar >>
I have no idea who to follow on here - please help!
Interested in blockchain tech, law - natural, common and merchant, arts and music, creative production and generally being free centered and awesome.
greeting world from the native bush in west Auckland City Aotearoa! web3, freedom, technology, law and self-actualisation! ... my view ....
an understanding of free energy, magnetism, water flow and natural forces is one way to decouple from the extractive economy and align to natural forces - free and unencumbered >>>
Notes by garethfakhry | export