Nostr can only reply, communicate, forward, share their thoughts, help others, and build something. You will naturally be concerned. You need to spend some time here. This is Nostr's POW. Statistics Every once in a while, brugeman needs to process the data. There seems to be a loss of data. The statistics will be more correct after processing.
When we were little, we thought our bodies were who we are.
When we grew up, we thought the thoughts in our heads were who we are.
After we experienced life, we thought there were two selves in our heads. There was another self who was always fearful, angry, greedy, jealous, vain, lazy, and proud. He often argued with the other self. We began to feel anxious, internally consumed, irritable, and depressed. Many people spend most of their lives shrouded in this emotion.
After meditation, sitting in meditation, spiritual training, and enlightenment, a third self will appear in our brains. This is the wise self, who will look down on the quarrels between the first two selves in the brain and calm them down. Identify what I can change and what I need to accept as unchangeable.
It can stay ahead because it has completed the product verification phase of chatGPT. It has crossed the threshold from product 0 to 1. Now it just needs to add 0 after 1. 100, 1000, 10000, 100000000. Adding 0 after that means it can continue to develop with capital and existing AI data and product models. But without star engineers, it may lose the opportunity to create new innovative products.
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