Oddbean new post about | logout
jack | 8 days ago (raw) | export | reply | flag +280
 ask yourself 

what value is this providing me? 
jack | 8 days ago (raw) | root | parent | reply | flag +24
 reduce reduce reduce 
 Reduce value? 
 Im just trolling 😅 dont mute me 
 To recuse the amount of excess entropy 
 Reducing excess entropy is a losing game like casino gambling.  

"This" cost something; optimally reduce the something. 
 The art of reduction 
 Said in another way, “A little leaven leavens the whole batch of dough” — Paul 
 Doing so greatly increases quality of life… at least in my experience. 
 You gain back so much control of your attention and focus by doing this. 
 Less is more. 
 If vine weren’t reduced. Tik tok might not have existed today. 
 Right about that IMO  
 Fuck map and filter 
 Got rid of screens, rid of shit food, rid of shit money, rid of shit friends, rid of toxic cells. Live Is simple, rewarding, and humbling day by day. 
 Working on it 
 Conservationists do what we do  
 That's not what the states are built on ... 
 Chairs already sold.
Cutting of my legs now. 
 The final sign to sell my car... 
 Was laid off my corporate job, over 20 years experience, I’m reducing as much as I can, best thing that has ever happened to me. Now I get to live on my terms. 
 less is moar 
 Less is more 🫡 
 absolootly fookin nuthin 
 r r r
reduce reuse refuse  
 ^ carnal! 
 Resource Reclaim Reality 
 This is a great guideline! 
 Monoid Jack 
 The core of minimalism… 
 Freedom to openly communicate, that is valuable. 
 As much as I paid for it  
 Value is in the eye of the beholder. 
 The whole world revolves around value

 I think there’s value to be found in the pursuit of learning about Nostr/responsibility/freedom by engaging in unknown territory. Speaking personally of course because all of this protocol is new to me. It’s been exciting to be a part of this and I want to learn more. 

Also if anyone could help me trouble shoot why my lightning wallet is not working via damus or nostrudel that would be huge. I have my strike wallet linked to primal and working. Thank you! 
 Voir avec nostr:nprofile1qqs2spz4wvk4h7ne9uneqydgepcc2vvzjuvegaftnnc3d9s3l7g627qpgdmhxw309ue8qcntwphxgansv4jkymr2vemx5ethxesh2ufkxdkxuer6wda8zmnww33hgdtpw9nx6ct6wdkx2un60pjnwdttv9jzummwd9hkuqgswaehxw309ahx7um5wgh8w6twv5q3camnwvaz7tmwdaehgu3wd46hg6tw09mkzmrvv46zucm0d5mmd3ny 
 Also ask yourself

What value am I providing others? 
 "The value of life is not in its duration, but in its donation. You are not important because of how long you live, you are important because of how effective you live."

-Myles Munroe 
"Ask not what your ---?---- can do for you, but what you can do for your ---?---- 💜🧡💜🧡 
 Every single item from a paper clip to a house costs you some amount of time (the ultimate cost) to maintain it, store it, use it, etc.  The more things you don't "have" to do, the more time you'll have to do whatever you want to do.

--TheWay Home 
 For me, the value is "What Pure Human Empathy is being exchanged"

Is that what you mean or something else and or in addition?  
 “Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.”

- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 
 If I just like it. I tap to like it.
If I feel the value it provides me, I zap it. 
To me, this is the power of zaps. 
 is it a gain, or just a drain? 
 I try to ask myself that question every day about everything possible. Personal peace requires vigilance.  
 Or the inverse: what is the sum of all the value that I am providing to others? 
 Sometimes what we think is adding value to our lives is actually making us much worse than we realize (and at times, before it's too late). 

Simplicity wins.  
 Every time I am in a meeting that could have been an email. 
 it may be providing lots of value but at what cost 
 like LLMs 
 Sir, this is a Wendy's 
 i always do this before my 11th domestic light beer for the night 
 morning after for me 
 Nearly all the projects I touch, benefit others, but usually not myself.

I see more value in helping communities over self. 
 Sometimes the value is in providing to others 
 the ask yourself
what is valuable for others?
together we do #peercuration https://github.com/baumbit/peercuration?tab=readme-ov-file#peercuration and solve both the spam problem AND decentralize the relays. 
 The best innovations happen at the intersection of humanity, technology, and creativity. Franklin, Einstein, Leonardo, Jobs, and even yourself - all excelled in not just your respective fields but in understanding the broader human context.

Steve Jobs once said “Our goal is to make the best devices, not to be the biggest.” and another time he said “innovation is saying no to a thousand things”. His mantra was always that “simple is harder than complex” because it takes a lot of hard work to achieve simple elegant solutions.  

But I think the Rashomon effect can sometimes confuse people to superficially reduce complexity instead of deeply understanding the essence of a product or idea and distilling it to its purest, most effective form.

This note is a good reminder to stay grounded to what really matters to the people. 
 That is a good question  
 #Bitcoin provides a way to transfer my wealth through time and space without losing any energy. My future generations will have all the benefits of future productivity increases encapsulated by the bitcoin I pass on to them. 
 I agree! Self-value is something that needs to be practiced. 
 Are you refering to Nostr or to Government? 
 Aligns with a set of evolving beliefs. Could also be a crucial form of unbounded information at just the right time 
 Hopefully finding my tribe, finding people that want rebuild the world that is being torn down in better, fair and prosperous way for everyone in it. 
 Simple questions from famous people will always get more attention (and zaps) even if they add no value. 

I guess that’s just human nature? It carries more value because of *who* says it, not *what* they say. 
 My question usually is:

Does it bring me joy?

If not, I let it go.
 Mary kondo method 
 Exactly :)
What are your wardrobes like, Vanessa? 😀 
 lol omg. A constant battle. Trying to get my little guy to clean and declutter his room atm and it’s been a four day affair so far…. 
 Just experienced a real example lol. Mr E took the old scale from our storage room to use in his room…me: I was going to sell or donate that. Him: why would you do that? That’s a good piece of machinery right there. You know what I could do with that? I could build a time traveling machine with it or something. 🤣 
Gives the idea! 
 Yes...but I always tend to ask. "Can I provide value and be of service?" 
 Easier said than done, most people know what they want but don’t really know what they need. 
 Serious question: Have you ever considered leaving X?
Does X still offer you so much value that you can't let it go? Or is it just that you can't bring yourself to leave one of your 'babies'? 
 Just bought some Lulu shorts, and while it is expensive, this stuff lasts a long time and it feels the best to run in 
 Great question to avoid wasting your personal time.
A great question to avoid wasting everyone else's;

What value am I bringing to this [place/platform/relationship]? 
 Why did you censored the hunter biden laptop story? I don’t trust you 
 reduce noise, increase signal 

applicable in all aspects of life

 Indeed Jack! A very valuable question 
 No need to ask myself, those who must answer are not around to answer cuz they provide nothing for me but take everything they can. Speaking if permissionlessness when inanimates got conflated with human resources.  
 A like-minded community  
 Also ask: At what price! 
 Sadly X is still providing me Finnish political content and global macro economy content. How to fix this? If I could only read it on nostr, I would be already happy. 
 Let go of that which doesn’t serve you 
 Scammers keep making new fake Jack Dorsey accts exploiting Jack Dorsey identity for fraud and other criminal activities 
This is not good......
If scammer feels that it's okay to continue 
On Nostr Network trying to defraud more Nostr members.
These fake identities not removed yet is  really not a good way to manage a Network.
You can take my reply as informative report on fraudulent activities 
 Very smelly incident of pathological utilitarianism......
Being used to take money from investors .....Jack is investor.....why not just get all you can, get "comfortable " and start exploiting  his good name and affiliate it with fraud, fake identities, fake everything, human trafficking, criminals activities, defrauding Nostr members.....people who joined Network, damaging good man's reputation....
There aren't thousands of these fake account. Just a few, easy to find and remove..... 
 Previous vision: Through the hole in a ceiling of a two story old house with damages inside .....in a need of some serious repairs.....creature came in and then dropped its rotten flesh smelling body, fluids dripping

And two individuals assisted it to come in
©️ 2023-2033  
 Yes, freezing technique works very well when dealing with pathological utilitarian  
 Also a question to self: what value am I providing humanity ⁉️ 
 I’m curious if you have publicly shared your opinion on crypto protocols recently.  
In this video (https://x.com/primal_app/status/1830989091141492805) you talk about protocols being open source, do you still believe in bitcoin’s protocol the most over ETH and SOL? 
 Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Solana are all designed to be decentralized, but they exhibit varying degrees of centralization in practice.

- Bitcoin is fundamentally decentralized, relying on a distributed network of miners to validate transactions. However, over time, mining has become more centralized due to the rise of large mining pools, which control a significant portion of the network's hash rate. 

- Ethereum is also decentralized, utilizing a network of nodes to execute smart contracts and validate transactions. It recently transitioned from Proof of Work to Proof of Stake, which some argue could lead to centralization if a small number of validators control a large portion of the staked ETH. However, Ethereum's governance and development remain decentralized, involving a broad community. 

- Solana is designed to be decentralized, using a combination of Proof of History and Proof of Stake. While it aims for high performance and scalability, concerns have been raised about its level of decentralization due to the relatively small number of validators compared to other blockchains like Ethereum. 

Overall, while all three aim for decentralization, practical aspects such as mining pools and validator distribution can lead to varying degrees of centralization. 
 Wants vs Needs
 My 4.7 
 I was thinking this the other day in regards to nostr notes. 
I think to myself before I write something: "dose this is add value or am I just pandering for zaps?"  
 Show me your most valuable memes. 
 Ask yourself .. how bad did Twitter suck when Jack ran it? 
 Via negativa 
 True.. The value is ownership I guess.. We own our keys, and we can run around in the Nostr universe.  
 @jack @jb55
We value Nostr more than centralized social-media and we value Bitcoin more than FIAT.
Murray Rothbard explained it so simple.
 here is some value. what can you do today from this list. harden your security. protect your digital assets.
