@GrungeQueef Boomers talk shit about future generations like they weren't responsible for raising us. They ruined fucking everything. Then they have the gall to blame us and insult us for not having nice things like them after their materialistic degeneracy and squandering everything they were given by previous generations. Boomers are spiritual niggers. End Medicare. Day of the pillow now!
@owl. leftoids have no self awareness. The only time leftoids are capable of exercising restraint is when they have a boot crushing their windpipe and forcing compliance. Yeah they deserve to die, and I hope they burn in hell.
@GrungeQueef@☃️:architect:elftummy🍟🏔️ I feel like these news organizations are literally just making up people these days. This is like when they all started talking about Andrew Tate, like I have literally never heard of this chick
@Rasterman being a single mother is bad enough, the nigger child is just vile lol. Maybe she can get some effeminate libtard to raise her child, but she belongs on the street
@Wolffkran@Titanbreaker-kun@Yat-Sen Mao she's a woman, so she probably wouldn't have been able to recognize she did anything wrong. Also Keep in mind that as a boomer, not only did she support having apefrican destroy everything she had also spent her life coddled and insulated from danger. Doubly so as a woman. You can tell from the way she kept trying to interject herself that she is a Tard who is incapable of thinking about consequences beyond being seen as a "bad white person" or whatever libtards think. Just remember that one cunt who was talking shit as her neighbor blew her and her husband away. Same mindset. In this case her husband did the right thing pushing her dumb ass away and ignoring her. Women need to learn when to shut the fuck up.
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