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 Admit it: the sole reason you are anti Israeli is because you’re anti Jewish. 

I can’t believe I’m saying those words because normally it’s complete horse shit. But I’ve managed to wade into a neo nazi thread here and for the first time in my life those words actually hold true. 

The Israeli government is an apartheid regime; the version of ancient fairytale books they and their citizens choose to worship is quite beside the point. 

Good day to you sir 
 @TheFockinFury @Kerosene :christmas_wreath: :padoru:  @0cecb6e4 @Chineseman (dick pics in 3 months) 🟥  @Living Space Studios

Admit it: the sole reason you are pro Israeli is because you’re pro Jewish. 

I can’t believe I’m saying those words because normally it’s complete horse shit. But I’ve managed to wade into a neocon thread here and for the first time in my life those words actually hold true. 

The Zionist Occupation Government is an apartheid regime; the version of ancient fairytale books they and their citizens choose to worship is quite beside the point. 

Good day to you sir

 Swing and a miss. Generally against all forms of religion, saying nothing of the people who subscribe to those faiths. Also liberal as fucc. Like, “give me your SSN and I’ll tax the shit out of you” liberal. 🫂 
 "I'm liberal as fucc, I'll let women murder babies and gays molest children and then act surprised when niggas murder me in the street"

 Yeah, literally this. I’m a strong supporter of child molestation. Staunchly pro getting murdered. 😂 
 It never occurs to you that people might be anti-Jewish for a reason? Why do you wade into our waters with your thoroughly examined opinions and act surprised that most people don't share "your" thoughts? 
 Nothing quite so premeditated. I found my here and we find each others views repugnant, so we’re poking our respective hornets nests.