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jack | 1 years ago (raw) | export | reply | flag +212
 a bit of bitcoin, the easy way: http://azte.co https://video.nostr.build/8bccdd7578a315c1365301f26ae47869e3a3f8df68ea3d504e91b553364cb7bf.mov  
 Amen 🙏 
 Bit for all of us. 
 Cool idea 
 One of the best ways to get on LN directly from cash even if the premiums are quite high you're paying for the ease and the privacy  
 Wonderfull ♥️ i love it! 
 How much bitcoin you need?
At least a bit. 
 Interesting, I would love for the people from Uvita to go up to Monteverde. Good intentioned people developed a coin for local transactions. It is called the Verdes and is based in Eos if I am not mistaken.  
 We should start moving the btc arround and start using it, start making commerce and stop stacking all of it like idiots. 
 preach it

bitcoin is to be used, not saved 
 Saving is using. 
 saving Bitcoin doesn't stimulate its economy, which hinders adoption 
 You sound like a Keynesian. People will naturally use Bitcoin however it benefits them most. Right now, for most people in the West that means saving it for the future. It is irrational to use a rapidly appreciating asset for purchases unless you have no other option. And yes, you can spend and replace, but there is friction to some degree there. I do spend Bitcoin on occasion, but my point still stands. Saving Bitcoin is using it. 
 a Keynesian? what is that?

agreed that not everyone has the "luxury" to spend their sats. I say that in quotes because 1BTC = 1BTC at any time, most holders don't want to spend it because they're always comparing it to an inflationary currency (USD, EUR, ...)

but holders of Bitcoin who can spend it, should do it as much as possible, otherwise Bitcoin is just a gimmick, instead of an actual currency 
 If you leave 100usd on a table and not do  anything with it and return in...say 5 years what would you find? The same 100usd, with today economy, probably even less stronger than they were 5years ago.

You might want to say the same about other classic assets but is not the same.

Probably more than 50-60% percent of the globe not even heard of btc, 15% heard of but don't know what is it. Who has it stack it... what is the point of having it?

I swear to god I don't understand the value.
While a piece of art, or a house or gold and cash for that mather (safe heaven assets), have a teoretical value, but that value can become tangible when you sell that thing. Same goes with btc. You look at your wallet, probably dispay is showing usd 😉 because 3.543375btc means nothing but 80000usd do and you are proud. Guess what  that is a theoretical owned value. Unlike your bank account these money are not actually in your posession.

To lift btc of the ground we need to start moving them around, gain some network effect, it been 16 damn years. C'mon. 
 Robosats is much better and very easy also 
 القليل من بيتكوين الطريقة السهلة لإستخدام بيتكوين في الحياة اليومية 

 Oh very nice, I was just asking about something like this yesterday ☺️
 It makes me a little bullish on bits.

Well done Azte.co !

 Ok this is cool - how do we get involved downunder @jack?  Great solution. 
 Wow.. this could be the missing piece in countries with spotty internet. 
 Fix cashapp some of us a broke because of cashapp  
 I wouldn’t put my money on cash app I would rather go a long process of buying stuff than put a cent in cash app 💨 
 I will no longer use cashapp and neither will my ppl. Once it's back online me and all my ppl taking our business somewhere else  
 Good choice my man 
    It’s worst than a bank 🏦 
 Shame you can no longer buy azte.co vouchers  with cash in the UK 
 Did anyone try Bisq? Is it good? 
 Yes, it works for me. You pay a premium, but that is the price for no KYC. As with anything, do your own research and be familiar with how it works and what is required. If you feel comfortable make a trade, or don't.  
เท่าที่ลองไปส่องดู เป็นช่องทาง dca btc ยอดน้อย ๆ (onchain/ ln) ได้อีกทาง (buy coupon --> redeem btc) 
ปล บางเว็ป รับ QR payment ด้วย 
 I notice the English seem to love the word "bit." At least least they seem to to use it a bit more than Americans do. Given the name "Bitcoin", might that point to Satoshi Nakamoto being an Englishman? 🤔😄 

#asknostr #bitcoin 
 Well there's bits and there's nibbles - and there's 16 nibbles in a Byte :p 

I love Azte.co not sure why more people don't become dealers for non-kyc #bitcoin.  
 Azteco is cool and sleek 
 The Azte.co rebrand looks great honestly..

 That's a good start.  
 Yes - more of this sort of thing pls. 

The UK seems way way behind 

I mentioned the LN to the falafel guy in town and got laughed at 🤷‍♂️ 
 I dunno Jack, I'm one of those "Change my mind" sort of folks, or at least, in a 'change my mind' rut.

I should prolly take another look at Bitcoin, coz it just never seemed viable as a currency since mine were given to me via DALnet years ago, and after playing for a bit (no pun intended) tucked them all away on a paper key when they were worth less than 40 cents each.

I've admired and love using one of the oldest cryptocurrencies out there for the longest time - XLM. It's fast as lightning (in my experience, settles in about 3.5 seconds), and is affordable for everyday transactions of virtually ANY size - at an average over the years of 12 cents each, every XLM transaction costs exactly 0.00002 XLM. That's an awful lot of transactions before you reach a penny.

And it's also the international standard (still, if I'm not mistaken), being the official crypto used by MoneyGram worldwide.

To be fair, I haven't looked at the whole Lightning thing, so BTC to me is something that takes at the very least, hours to settle, and can cost $15 or $20 bucks to buy a $1.00 Can of Coca Cola.

Maybe part of my problem is that when I dismiss something, I don't often take the time to go back and look again for a VERY long time - so if enough has happened in the past 10 (or even 5) years to dispell the notions I have about how unwieldy Bitcoin is, I'm all ears and interested in following any rabbit holes that support that.

In the meantime, it's just been too much bother pricewise (transactions) and time-wise (settlement), and if I want to put up with that kind of inconvenience, I can opt instead for a privacy conscious currency such as Shielded ZEC or XMR.

I realize that there may be advantages market-wise, but I don't use anything but non-custodial means of managing my currencies, have no reason to cash out via a CEX, and prefer instead to buy and sell goods, services, in crypto when I can - I do use DEXes, however, when I need to exchange from one currency to another - it may be a tad more costly, but I never touch anything regulated by insisting that there be no comingling of regulated verses non-regulated assets. 
 Sats though but cool 🤝🤝🤝😎💪 
 This is great consumer marketing. 
 the clip is great and the website looks friendly 
 Dig the new branding. About time! 
 Tried it by buying through an online store but more than a 10% fee is a lot if you make little. Payed $50.67, received $44.98 in sats.