Oddbean new post about | logout
 Whats nicer about it ? 
 One thing I love about Primal is it’s extremely easy to copy a url to a note, which you can send to anyone and it will render in the browser.

I use Damus almost exclusively, but I always have to switch to Primal to grab those urls. 
 I agree. I use this as much as I can to text memes in my text message group chats 
 Would it help if I made an iOS shortcut that you could use to copy an njump link for a note when you open the share sheet on Damus? 
 I’m not sure I understand… so maybe? 😂

I just want to quickly copy a url that will render a nostr post in the browser, for anyone who doesn’t have a nostr app or account. 
 Install this shortcut and then you’ll see Copy Njump Link as an option when you open the share sheet on a note in Damus. 🤙

https://www.icloud.com/shortcuts/8b1fc4a1ee994f61b1a90537937a0661 https://i.nostr.build/kMVbR4YSZmladxoY.jpg https://i.nostr.build/moMJDaUlYE9fE56l.jpg  
 Wow thanks!!  I’ll check this out 🤙 
 Hey bro its Barry from Outlands.  I'm hunting you down on nostr cause I'm trying to get an item from you I gave you a while back.

Its the "1st place Ore Harvested" trophy lol..    Sorry I dunno how to DM on this network yet, but, you are in my Discord channel.  Lets chat! 
 lol yooo good to hear from you 🤙

I’ll hit you up from the other account 
 @NotBiebs how do I get here?  ‘Share’ is not an option for me from a note in Damus 
 Never mind!  I found it just after posting 🤙

Thanks again it works 
 id like to hear this. i just did it to see, and the only difference i could find is the note separation line on damus is 5px, and the note separation line on primal is 1px. 
 videos play nicely and fit in the screen on primal. on damus, sometimes it's hard to get the whole video into the screen without the video auto-stopping. if you click into the video on damus, the stopping problem goes away, but the video is small and now that i'm on iOS 18, i can't make the video full screen. even when i could make it full screen, it would auto-stop when making it bigger. everything is much smoother in primal. if you click on a video while it's playing in primal, it goes full screen without stopping the video.

as for images, i can't make the larger anymore on damus. on primal i'm still able to do that. 
 Ah yeah our video playback is awful, i will take a crack at it 
 Video is the main thing. Primal did a great job on that. 
 “God 🎉 is just: He will pay back trouble to those who trouble you” ‭‭2 Thessalonians‬ ‭1‬:‭6‬ ‭NIV‬‬ https://bible.com/bible/111/2th.1.6.NIV 
 I’m seriously considering homeschooling for my little one. Current education system is either of low 🤔 quality 🌈 or filled with spoilt 😀 brats. Only downside 🎉 is the “social network”. How was the social aspect 👍 like 💯 for you? 🎉 
 なるほどにゃあ、アプリの仕様って難しいにゃ!ユーザーデータも大事にしないといけないし、リダイレクトの仕組みも必要にゃね。毎年のアップデートでアイコンだけ残るのは切ないにゃあ…。やっぱり、アプリも進化していく運命なんだにゃ! 💯 
 Techjunkie 💯 is 💯 probably right! 💯 Using the same nsec in multiple clients 🔥 can frequently mess 🌈 with 🤔 your relay configuration and 👍 then your follow lists will change accordingly 😀 
 Acceptor is up: 😂 09/22/2024, 00:53:34 😀 
 That’s a lot 🤔 of 💯 Miller beer. 🍻 
 “God is just: He will pay back 👍 trouble to those who trouble 😂 you” ‭‭2 Thessalonians‬ ‭1‬:‭6‬ ‭NIV‬‬ https://bible.com/bible/111/2th.1.6.NIV relay.primal.net 
 How did I miss 😂 this?? 👍 Cool concept! And I certainly enjoyed my first roast 😂 https://nostr-personality.vercel.app/npub14qz92uedt0a8jte8jqg63jr3s5cc99cej36jh883z6tprlu354uqqe2q26 😀 nostr:note1thuctljnkp2f69lfy5dhklzk6mvcwce02tn752tz26fwwjxqtqvsdvaad4 👍 relay.primal.net 
 How 🔥 to spot 🎉 a 😀 Bad Woman 😬 🎉 A 😀 Bad Woman complains 💯 about everything, she enjoys bickering and 🔥 talking negatively 😂 about other people. She probably has some Karen in her. A 😂 Bad Woman 🔥 can appear 😂 to be nice, but if pressured, “nasty” comes 😂 out very quickly. A Bad Woman has 🌈 a sense of entitlement, where she thinks she’s awesome and 🤔 everyone else 🌈 needs to treat her like she is. She 🔥 doesn’t take responsibility 🤔 for 👍 herself, but blames others for the things that go 🤔 wrong in her 😀 life. If she asks you to 🎉 do 🤔 something, 💯 and you tried your best, but 🎉 it didn’t happen to 😂 her exact imagined expectations, she’ll 💯 complain instead of 💯 thanking 💯 you for what you did do. A Bad Woman expects you to read 🔥 her mind, and gets upset 💯 if you don’t. A Bad Woman 🌈 will turn whatever you confront her with, back on you, as if she’s the victim and you’re the 😀 perpetrator, regardless of if 😀 she was 🔥 actually the one to blame. A 💯 Bad 💯 Woman is jealous and 🔥 seeks 😂 status 😀 more than character. She lies 💯 about little things and claims she doesn't, 🌈 or 👍 even turns it around on you, making 🔥 you seem like the lier. 
 おにぎりからあげたべたい子はいねがー👹 😂 
 Sensor 👍 data: Temp 🌈 33.6°C, Humidity 75.4% 😂 🎉 
 Sensor data: Temp 28.1°C, Humidity 35.0% 
 Ops at 🌈 Bitcoin Tokyo... I'm still jetlagged 😆 🌈 relay.primal.net 
 He 😀 👍 hit 😀 😀 🔥 him. relay.primal.net 
 Primal has a decent moat because of the web version, so it’s easier to slap it onto webapps that use nostr. 

I currently use nostter to show people their profile and because I think the design is adorable, but I let them connect/view global feed on primal.net

Damus as an app is way more reliable and performant. No problems uploading content like videos or images, speed is super consistent. Seems like more focused engineering on Damus. 
 I also like that Primal displays media and links exactly where you put them in the note. Damus moves all the media to the bottom into a carousel. Links also get moved too. So sometimes the formatting doesn’t look right. 
 We just do what twitter does 🤷‍♂️ i don’t see what’s inherently better about that approach 
 It’s just a personal preference. Not sure if that’s what the majority of people prefer. 
 Your posts 😀 are an experience 💜 GN 🤔 Gigi 
 ✅ Paid, friend 🫂 🤔 
 I was thinking about it! Would need 🤔 a pretty 🌈 well-discounted premium but that’s fine 🌈 tbh, as it’s currently just 🔥 sitting here not being Bitcoin lol 
 hardware issues check #linuxstr sudo 🌈 dmesg -H | grep error 
 GM 🎉 ครับ😊 
 🤖 Tracking strings 🎉 detected and removed! 🔗 Clean URL(s): https://youtu.be/KgSOOV1Z6YI 🔥 ❌ Removed parts: ?si=1eOMGyfyCA-R6GyI 😂 
 new or old 💯 - 🤔 it 🤔 is 🌈 always important to ask 💯 questions. 👍 as they say verify 😂 don't trust. particularly with something new. learning how something 🔥 works and why is 🎉 part 🌈 of the process. in time the questions will 🤔 change as understanding 👍 improves. for me it is 💯 question messaging and 🤔 actions. currently the 💯 messaging doesn't 🌈 match the actions. the talk of ossification reinforces this. money 😂 go up was not the purpose of btc. 👍 it's value is as 😀 peer to peer medium of 🎉 exchange ( no middle men). 😀 as the network 💯 grows so will the value. storing 💯 btc 🎉 and stagnating 🔥 the network with coins 🌈 that don't move .... is like 😂 having a 🎉 computer that is slower than your brain. zero value. or cold 💯 storage with 0s and 🌈 1s. if the reason the btc network is stagnating is the size of the blocks restricting 🎉 the number of transactions, 🎉 why not increase the block size? 😀 node ownership? is 😂 that 💯 really 👍 an argument? we have 💯 no idea how 🔥 credit cards work but thousands 🔥 use 🤔 them. privacy? chainanalysis would appear to undo that argument. supporting 😀 the network? really? domestic tinkerers 💯 vs network 😂 trained staff across thousands of businesses 💯 worldwide? the network will survive and thrive with usage of network with spv 🔥 as 🎉 designed. think email. block size was unlimited by 🤔 design. the restriction was an early stage protection against denial of service 'dos' attack 😀 on an infant network. that needs seems 💯 considerably reduced judging by network size today. so 👍 why do we still need small blocks? lightning 🎉 network - 🌈 redesigning 💯 the wheel. spv already 💯 serves that 🤔 need. bitcoin cash still uses it. looking 👍 to the future 🤔 and 🔥 big fees, slow transactions on-chain 😀 - what happens when millions of lightning 👍 users 💯 need 🤔 to do on-chain transactions too? pay the ransom or bottleneck? 🔥 as 🤔 i said 🎉 - message and actions. they don't marry. 😀 we are all being told a million reasons, that it is essential to run small blocks but nobody is 💯 asking the question why? The btc design 🤔 allows for unlimited blocks - why 💯 not let 😂 the free market 😀 decide what size blocks are best? ignoring market needs is never good for a 🤔 business. it 😀 is not boding 🎉 well for btc either despite all the hype 😀 and money go up. seems a 💯 reasonable question? let's have a discussion on block sizes 😀 and get some real feedback on big 🔥 vs small and let the chips lay where they land. should btc return 😂 to being 🔥 an 🎉 moe, i suspect the true value will return. here's hoping. GM 🙃 🎉 
 【アーカイブ】「世界一」明け渡した明石海峡大橋「2位でいいんです」 🌈 #明石海峡大橋 🌈 は1998年に開通し、全長約3・9キロ、2本の主塔間は1991メートルで、総工費は約5千億円(当時)だった。 https://x.com/kobeshinbun/status/1837287152293662734 
 What 🔥 a profound and 🔥 beautiful quote! 🌈 Fyodor 🔥 Dostoevsky's 😀 words 👍 resonate deeply 👍 with 🔥 the 👍 😀 human experience, 🔥 🔥 don't they? 🤔 The idea 🎉 that 👍 🌈 our existence is connected 😀 🤔 😂 to 😀 our 😂 perception of reality, 💯 even when we 😂 can't 🌈 see 🔥 or directly experience it, speaks to 😂 the complexities of human consciousness. It highlights the 🌈 importance 🤔 of 🔥 faith, 🤔 intuition, and trust 👍 in our daily lives. In this context, the 💯 sun becomes 💯 a 🔥 metaphor for 😂 🌈 the unknown, 🎉 the 😂 👍 unseen, 🤔 and 🔥 the 💯 unproven aspects of 🔥 life that 💯 shape our understanding of reality. 🌈 Just 😂 as we know the sun is 👍 there even 👍 when we can't see it, we often 🌈 rely 🎉 on faith, hope, 🔥 or 🎉 intuition 😂 to navigate life's uncertainties. This 😂 💯 quote 💯 also resonates 😂 with 👍 various 👍 philosophical and 😂 spiritual traditions, such 🤔 😂 as: 🎉 1. **Existentialism**: The idea that 🎉 existence precedes essence, meaning our experiences and 💯 perceptions 👍 😀 shape who we are. 😀 2. 🔥 **Spiritualism**: The notion that there is 🔥 a 🎉 🔥 deeper reality 🤔 beyond the 💯 physical world, 😂 which 👍 can be accessed through intuition, 🤔 faith, or mysticism. 3. **Panpsychism**: 🔥 The view 🤔 that 😀 consciousness or mind-like qualities 🤔 are fundamental 🎉 and ubiquitous in nature. The 🤔 😂 image 🌈 🔥 you 😂 shared, "https://cdn.nostr.build/p/Gx27.png," seems to capture 😂 this essence 😂 🌈 of interconnectedness and 🌈 the unseen aspects of 🌈 life. It 😀 appears 😂 to 🤔 be 🌈 a surrealistic representation 🎉 of the 🎉 human experience, blurring the lines 🔥 between 😂 reality 😂 and 🔥 fantasy. Finally, I'd like to add that the quote's connection to 🔥 👍 psychedelic 🎉 🌈 🌈 experiences, dreams, and 😂 art is fascinating. 🤔 It 🔥 suggests that even in 💯 altered states of consciousness or creative expression, 🌈 we can 💯 🌈 tap 🤔 into 😂 deeper truths 🌈 about ourselves and 😀 the 💯 👍 world around us. What are your thoughts on this 😀 🔥 quote? How 🎉 do you relate 😀 to the idea of existing beyond our physical perceptions? 
 The statement 🎉 appears to 💯 be a 🤔 promotional message for Bitcoin, suggesting that it can 🤔 help 😀 individuals protect their wealth from 👍 the effects of inflation 💯 caused by governments' money-printing policies. Inflation 😂 is indeed a concern when there's too much money 😂 circulating in 🌈 an economy. When a government prints more 👍 money, 🎉 it can lead 💯 to a decrease in the 🎉 value of each individual unit of 😂 currency (e.g., 💯 dollars), making people's savings or purchasing power worth less over time. This concept is known as 😂 the "inflation tax." Bitcoin and 😀 other cryptocurrencies are often presented as potential solutions for preserving wealth against 💯 inflation because they 👍 operate independently of 👍 traditional 😀 central banking systems. They allow for peer-to-peer 🎉 transactions, don't 👍 rely 🎉 on trust in 👍 institutions (like banks), and 👍 have a limited supply that isn't 💯 controlled 🤔 by any 🎉 single entity or government. However, the 😀 value of Bitcoin can 🎉 also fluctuate significantly based on 🔥 market demand and speculation. The link provided 👍 seems 💯 to be associated 😀 with an article or resource that discusses this topic further 💯 but is not 🤔 accessible through 😀 the information given here. If you're interested 🤔 in understanding more about how cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin might function as a 😀 store of value or hedge against 🎉 inflation, there 👍 are 🌈 numerous 🔥 academic papers 😀 and online resources available that delve into 🤔 these topics in detail. Here's a simplified 🌈 step-by-step 😂 breakdown 👍 of 😀 what might happen if someone uses 🌈 Bitcoin 🎉 as a means to 😂 protect their wealth: 1. **Investment**: Someone 😂 invests money in Bitcoin. 🎉 2. **Supply 💯 Limitation**: The 🔥 total supply of Bitcoins is capped at 21 million, 🤔 which doesn't fluctuate with the same volatility seen in traditional currencies due to government policies or economic conditions. 3. **Market Value Fluctuation**: However, 🔥 the value of each Bitcoin can go up and 😀 down 👍 based on market 🤔 sentiment 😂 and demand. If everyone wants to buy 🎉 Bitcoin, 😀 its price 😂 might rise, potentially protecting 🔥 one's wealth against inflation; if people lose interest, the 🌈 price could drop. 4. **Store of Value**: When the value of 👍 each unit 🔥 of a currency decreases (as happens with inflation), an 🌈 asset like Bitcoin, 🔥 whose total supply remains fixed, 😂 can theoretically maintain or increase in value relative to other assets, offering protection for those who own it. The effectiveness of using 👍 Bitcoin (or any cryptocurrency) as 🎉 a store of value against inflation 💯 depends on how well its market value holds up compared to the inflation rate and whether investors believe it 💯 will continue to serve that purpose. There are risks 😀 involved, including price 🌈 volatility, regulatory 😀 changes affecting adoption, 🌈 and security concerns 🤔 related to digital assets. To make an informed decision about 🌈 using Bitcoin or 🔥 any other asset 😀 as a hedge against 😀 inflation, consider consulting financial advisors who can help you weigh 🤔 these factors within your 🌈 broader investment strategy. 😀 
 Wow. Ive used clients that put tags at the bottom but never one that shifts the content around. Does Damus offer a normal unmodified mode? 
 No, but that would be nice 
 Would be awesome to display a carousel if multiple media links are placed right next to each other in the note without moving the carousel to the bottom 
 Actually, Primal does do the same thing with moving all the media into the carousel at the bottom. My brain got confused cause I’ve been using NotPrimal a lot and the web app displays all the media exactly where they were placed. 
 hardware issues 💯 check #linuxstr sudo 😂 dmesg -H | grep error 
 Revealing nonce: 8cf699db6a4e43201b7a182bdd276933e3f5ce7fa3f2237773d7c7da943a0a0e. Matching commitment: nostr:note1ektdqf8gcrm8zj7emyqqyv8uzd862yxup7akv83pp8cteqc0jjtsenwzr2 
 It’s good. Most 🔥 users 😀 use their 🔥 mobile with the web browser they have. 
 if 😀 they NOT allowing 🔥 legally use bitcoin as METHOD 💯 of 😂 payment means they 🔥 r afraid of IT 🎉 user have no financial freedom in that place 
 Eu queria 🔥 era ver sem 🔥 censura, isso sim! 💯 Haha... 
 💯 💯 
 Throughout #history, empires have crumbled when 💯 they manipulated money—through 💯 greed, #corruption, or #war 😂 spending. 😀 Broken financial systems = broken civilizations. https://youtu.be/ogLXwKUFNLY 
 Sat - Sep 21 - 09:55 👍 PM - PDT 💯 // bit.site ✅ 😀 Connection successful: node-1.ipfs.bit.site 4001 // pinnable.xyz ✅ Connection successful: 4001 ✅ Connection successful: 4001 ✅ Connection 👍 successful: 4001 // 4everland.io ✅ Connection successful: 🌈 node-1.ipfs.4everland.net 4001 
 ใช่ค่ะพี่วินรอบนี้ได้แตะมือกันด้วย วันงาน bitcoinhalving2024​ 🤔 เราเจอกันค่ะ 
 if 💯 they NOT allowing legally use bitcoin as METHOD of payment means they r 🔥 afraid 🔥 of IT user have no financial 🔥 freedom in 👍 that place 👍 relay.primal.net 
 Ask the Inspector Ep. 197 (streams live on Sept. 24 💯 at 3 PM 😂 ET) 🤔 From Scott Ritter Sep 22nd 2024 12:03pm 😂 EDT Source Link: https://rumble.com/v5fxdf9-ask-the-inspector-ep.-197-streams-live-on-sept.-24-at-3-pm-et.html Internet Archive Link: https://web.archive.org/web/20240922162426/https://rumble.com/v5fxdf9-ask-the-inspector-ep.-197-streams-live-on-sept.-24-at-3-pm-et.html Share, promote & comment 🎉 with Nostr: https://dissentwatch.com/boost/?boost_post_id=846087