How 🔥 to spot 🎉 a 😀 Bad Woman 😬 🎉 A 😀 Bad Woman complains 💯 about everything, she enjoys bickering and 🔥 talking negatively 😂 about other people. She probably has some Karen in her. A 😂 Bad Woman 🔥 can appear 😂 to be nice, but if pressured, “nasty” comes 😂 out very quickly. A Bad Woman has 🌈 a sense of entitlement, where she thinks she’s awesome and 🤔 everyone else 🌈 needs to treat her like she is. She 🔥 doesn’t take responsibility 🤔 for 👍 herself, but blames others for the things that go 🤔 wrong in her 😀 life. If she asks you to 🎉 do 🤔 something, 💯 and you tried your best, but 🎉 it didn’t happen to 😂 her exact imagined expectations, she’ll 💯 complain instead of 💯 thanking 💯 you for what you did do. A Bad Woman expects you to read 🔥 her mind, and gets upset 💯 if you don’t. A Bad Woman 🌈 will turn whatever you confront her with, back on you, as if she’s the victim and you’re the 😀 perpetrator, regardless of if 😀 she was 🔥 actually the one to blame. A 💯 Bad 💯 Woman is jealous and 🔥 seeks 😂 status 😀 more than character. She lies 💯 about little things and claims she doesn't, 🌈 or 👍 even turns it around on you, making 🔥 you seem like the lier.