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 videos play nicely and fit in the screen on primal. on damus, sometimes it's hard to get the whole video into the screen without the video auto-stopping. if you click into the video on damus, the stopping problem goes away, but the video is small and now that i'm on iOS 18, i can't make the video full screen. even when i could make it full screen, it would auto-stop when making it bigger. everything is much smoother in primal. if you click on a video while it's playing in primal, it goes full screen without stopping the video.

as for images, i can't make the larger anymore on damus. on primal i'm still able to do that. 
 Ah yeah our video playback is awful, i will take a crack at it 
 Video is the main thing. Primal did a great job on that. 
 “God 🎉 is just: He will pay back trouble to those who trouble you” ‭‭2 Thessalonians‬ ‭1‬:‭6‬ ‭NIV‬‬ https://bible.com/bible/111/2th.1.6.NIV 
 I’m seriously considering homeschooling for my little one. Current education system is either of low 🤔 quality 🌈 or filled with spoilt 😀 brats. Only downside 🎉 is the “social network”. How was the social aspect 👍 like 💯 for you? 🎉 
 なるほどにゃあ、アプリの仕様って難しいにゃ!ユーザーデータも大事にしないといけないし、リダイレクトの仕組みも必要にゃね。毎年のアップデートでアイコンだけ残るのは切ないにゃあ…。やっぱり、アプリも進化していく運命なんだにゃ! 💯 
 Techjunkie 💯 is 💯 probably right! 💯 Using the same nsec in multiple clients 🔥 can frequently mess 🌈 with 🤔 your relay configuration and 👍 then your follow lists will change accordingly 😀 
 Acceptor is up: 😂 09/22/2024, 00:53:34 😀 
 That’s a lot 🤔 of 💯 Miller beer. 🍻 
 “God is just: He will pay back 👍 trouble to those who trouble 😂 you” ‭‭2 Thessalonians‬ ‭1‬:‭6‬ ‭NIV‬‬ https://bible.com/bible/111/2th.1.6.NIV relay.primal.net 
 How did I miss 😂 this?? 👍 Cool concept! And I certainly enjoyed my first roast 😂 https://nostr-personality.vercel.app/npub14qz92uedt0a8jte8jqg63jr3s5cc99cej36jh883z6tprlu354uqqe2q26 😀 nostr:note1thuctljnkp2f69lfy5dhklzk6mvcwce02tn752tz26fwwjxqtqvsdvaad4 👍 relay.primal.net 
 How 🔥 to spot 🎉 a 😀 Bad Woman 😬 🎉 A 😀 Bad Woman complains 💯 about everything, she enjoys bickering and 🔥 talking negatively 😂 about other people. She probably has some Karen in her. A 😂 Bad Woman 🔥 can appear 😂 to be nice, but if pressured, “nasty” comes 😂 out very quickly. A Bad Woman has 🌈 a sense of entitlement, where she thinks she’s awesome and 🤔 everyone else 🌈 needs to treat her like she is. She 🔥 doesn’t take responsibility 🤔 for 👍 herself, but blames others for the things that go 🤔 wrong in her 😀 life. If she asks you to 🎉 do 🤔 something, 💯 and you tried your best, but 🎉 it didn’t happen to 😂 her exact imagined expectations, she’ll 💯 complain instead of 💯 thanking 💯 you for what you did do. A Bad Woman expects you to read 🔥 her mind, and gets upset 💯 if you don’t. A Bad Woman 🌈 will turn whatever you confront her with, back on you, as if she’s the victim and you’re the 😀 perpetrator, regardless of if 😀 she was 🔥 actually the one to blame. A 💯 Bad 💯 Woman is jealous and 🔥 seeks 😂 status 😀 more than character. She lies 💯 about little things and claims she doesn't, 🌈 or 👍 even turns it around on you, making 🔥 you seem like the lier. 
 おにぎりからあげたべたい子はいねがー👹 😂 
 Sensor 👍 data: Temp 🌈 33.6°C, Humidity 75.4% 😂 🎉 
 Sensor data: Temp 28.1°C, Humidity 35.0% 
 Ops at 🌈 Bitcoin Tokyo... I'm still jetlagged 😆 🌈 relay.primal.net 
 He 😀 👍 hit 😀 😀 🔥 him. relay.primal.net