A flush! https://image.nostr.build/6b4c4ec6786ecdbae62c5ab6f838fcd15aabe73e7fb16a89ef83463546375252.jpg
Wow nice!! I’ve never actually seen a successful outdoor shiitake log in action. Congrats 🍄🍄🟫🥳
Did you inoculate these yourself? What was the process like? Do you just smash in some plugs or did you treat those in some kind of a giant pressure cooker?
Just cut the logs, wait a week or 2 for the natural fungicides to get out the logs. Then inoculate with sawdust spawn. Using sawdust spawn is much cheaper than the plugs. There are specialized sawdust plungers you can buy & specialized drill bits. I have a huge party on inoculation day, it’s fun. Everyone comes to help & they can take a few logs home Once you inoculate you wax the holes then let them colonize in the shade then stack into the cabins you see here
I thought he meant some kind of homemade outdoor toilet 🤣 i was like okay but wow small target
Well he definitely did drop some logs in the forest https://media.tenor.com/UU4WrYE47UkAAAAC/spongebob-squarepants-patrick-star.gif
Wow. My shiitake logs have not produced like that
They seem to produce significantly more on white oak & black cherry. Also, don’t skip the colonization process, in case you did
Interesting. I have a bunch of red maples that needed thinned, so that is what I used. What do you mean by colonization process? I just plugged them with spawn and stacked them up.
For them to colonize they need to sit 3-5 inches or so from the ground surface for at least 6 months usually. You want them off the ground to prevent wild mushrooms from outcompeting the inoculated variety. They also need to be close to the ground because there is more moisture near the earth. If you stack them high the ones on the top will dry out
Okay. I just plugged some with pearl oyster mushrooms a couple weeks ago. I'll keep them low to the ground. Likely in my new mulch basin that I direct roof runnoff My shiitake logs I piled high on a single pallet. I get some from them when it rains a bunch. I may restack closer to the ground. They are several years old. This picture is from last September. https://image.nostr.build/284b18a4377079ce26e84665f18bb24e8fc53f89468104eb60e872e5606ecd60.jpg
#Goals for expanding food production on our homestead. Where is a good source for plugs?
‘Mushroom mountain’, use sawdust spawn & get the tools required. Much cheaper. ‘North Spore’ & ‘Field & Forest’ are also good
Nice I wouldn’t mess with the shiitakes at this point. As far as the oysters, let them colonize, then bury them in a ‘log raft’. Lie the logs down horizontally & bury halfway. They won’t fruit if they aren’t partially buried
A beautiful flush. ♥️ A couple look almost like reishis popping out the side. I've just inoculated a small jar of grain with shiitake LC. Going to be making my own inoculated dowels and using the grain spawn to do a wood chip/sawdust fruit. I want to avoid buying the inoculation gun if I can. I have plenty of trees that I can harvest & space outside, not so much room inside.
Nice yeah I had a friend that would make sawdust spawn for me. I wish he’d get back into it
Nice! I tried mushroom logs once and had no luck. This makes me think I should try again.
I’d say it’s worth it. I told someone earlier on here but don’t forget about the colonization stage. Most people mess that up