Oddbean new post about | logout
 Wow nice!! I’ve never actually seen a successful outdoor shiitake log in action. Congrats 🍄🍄‍🟫🥳 
 Did you inoculate these yourself? What was the process like? Do you just smash in some plugs or did you treat those in some kind of a giant pressure cooker? 
 Just cut the logs, wait a week or 2 for the natural fungicides to get out the logs. Then inoculate with sawdust spawn. Using sawdust spawn is much cheaper than the plugs. 

There are specialized sawdust plungers you can buy & specialized drill bits. I have a huge party on inoculation day, it’s fun. Everyone comes to help & they can take a few logs home 

Once you inoculate you wax the holes then let them colonize in the shade then stack into the cabins you see here 
 I thought he meant some kind of homemade outdoor toilet 🤣 i was like okay but wow small target  
 Well he definitely did drop some logs in the forest https://media.tenor.com/UU4WrYE47UkAAAAC/spongebob-squarepants-patrick-star.gif 