Do you write checks from your savings account? Monero's current inflation rate is lower than that of bitcoin. Check for yourself if you don't believe me. The scaling challenges that Bitcoin faces, Monero mostly resolves. I say mostly because I'm a firm believer that in order to completely solve them you need the same security guarantees that bitcoin and Monero offer without the necessity to save all historical data. The dynamic block size though does a great deal to alleviate it. People actually spend Monero. Network effects in the long term are in it's favor if your goal is peer to peer digital cash.
No monero's scaling problems are much worse than bitcoin's because of the txn size, block size, cost of full validation, & the lack of a layered approach. Combine that with the need go battle bitcoin's multiple economic & social network effects & monero is a really bad bet.
Lack of a layered approach? What does that mean? What's the cost of full validation? You mean syncing the chain? What's wrong with the transaction size, and what is the Monero block size? Monero has it's own network effects, with blow and hookers.
Broadcast networks don't scale. Bigger txns mean the computational load, data transfer, & storage costs of securing the network are higher per txn. As all of those grow (if the block size isn't small & limited) mining becomes more of a race than a fair lottery. In a lottery, winning is random based on % of contribution. In a race, those with more resources always win.