Oddbean new post about | logout
 Hilarious that no one on Nostr seems to know that pseudonymity != privacy and yet try to use Nostr being "private" to dunk on anyone who still uses other social media.

You're not going to want to hear this, but Nostr is VERY BAD for privacy, but great for pseudonymity.

For most people, Nostr directly ties their HOME IP ADDRESS to their nym and publishes this correlation to a dozen servers they don't control for all to see.

While being pseudonymous is pretty easy on Nostr, being private requires a good, always-on non-logging VPN, or even better connecting to relays only through Tor at a bare minimum. 
 No one eh? 
 Who has ever said that nostr is private ?

I’ve seen about the uncensurable narrative but never about the private one. For what I know, nostr has always been considered as bad for privacy, especially concerning DM’s which leak who you are talking to etc… 
 Good point to remember. Although I think privacy is not what people on Nostr seeks. 
 There was a pretty good rude awakening not too long ago where someone was going around showing everybody their IP address in posts.

Definitely a bit of a harsh method, but it got the point across. 
 I was trying to egg him on to do me since I'm one of the few paranoid freaks running behind Tor. 😂 
 Don't act like a bitch. Everyone knows Tor is a must have. That is all, don't try to tell me otherwise. Nostr is not bad for privacy at all. The only hilarious thing is that you to think Twitter is better for it LOL! 
 Having a private key signing everything you do and be traceable to you and your device(s) is pretty damning. You might as well go the extra mile and send a PGP signed email to your boss telling him to eat your ass with trailer gravy. 
 Yep. I’d bet money those signed messages will hold up in court too. Anonymity and privacy is not the same. And anonymity can be fragile. 
 We're gonna need you to come in on Saturday.... 
 Tor is broken on iOS 
 Yes. Glad to hear it isn’t just me. 
 you're still using ios? 
 I switched back to iOS. What you talking about bruv? 
 nostr isn't private, in fact id say we are building the worst privacy tool to ever exist. 
the only difference is instead of one company owning all your data, your data is public... maybe better? 
 i appreciate your honesty my bro ! 
 Sad to see you post this lame and dishonest take Seth. You have a lot of great content but saying that ALL nostr users think nostr is "private" is just simply not true. You're correct on pseudonymity != privacy but this is post is just a classic attention-seeking Twitter post. You're better than this. 
 This is a good note for good education. Good message. Now you can try to do the opposite and just try to do other notes to engagement farm, makeup conflicts and troll people here.  
 You could use your reach to encourage people to use amethyst with orbot or snort/nostrudel in the Tor browser instead of this take.

You can't also compare the severity of providing a phone number + credit card to a big tech company vs providing a random IP to a buch of anon relay providers run by people such as yourself. 
 #privacytechpro tip: listen to @Seth For Privacy. this is basic stuff. nostr is great for pseudonymity, but very bad for privacy...kinda like bitcoin by default. that certainly doesn't mean to throw the baby out with the bathwater. nostr is awesome. just don't be a loud ignorant douche canoe. it doesn't do anyone any favors, especially the growth of this protocol. learn nostr's strengths and limitations so you can use it privately and promote it effectively.

#cybersecgirl #nostr #privacy

 Or, use a blaster relay located in iceland you bought with monero after whirlpooling bitcoin. Then the other relays should only see that blaster's IP, no? 
 This still doesn't help you when it comes to retrieving notes from relays 
 He's not wrong  
 This is true of all social media. There are servers, be they centralized, federated or siloed, or p2p and those servers see the source IP.

The difference is that my Nostr client has built in support for Tor while my Mastodon clients don't, and my Twitter client didn't.

So it seems the Nostr clients that have thus built in are a step up from all the rest in terms of privacy. 
 "no one" would more accurately read "not many" FWIW.

was too hyperbolic in the OP. 
 Everyone already knows that bro. VPN or Tor is a must, for everything, not just Nostr.

Privacy Twitter "influencer" who is bearish on Nostr and comes here just to trash talk users, you are better than this man. 
 Nostr, much like Bitcoin, is more about censorship resistance than privacy. 
 This! 🎯 
 Everything on top 
 Nostr is where authenticity thrives… Good vibes live… good people lift each other… detach from algos… amongst all the other technical benefits. 
 We desperately need better tech for privacy, though. Especially in Bitcoin. 
 lol where did folks claim it’s private 
 You'll find many types on nostr, including those like me that think the value of the network is that it's a broadcast medium for tamper proof messages.  I have zero expectations of privacy here because that is not the point. 
 Exactly 💯. The notion of privacy on social media is strange to me. Pseudonymity is what's important. And #nostr perfects that well . The same privacy tricks/techniques used on the Internet works with nostr so I don't get the larp about privacy. 
 What are your incentives to write this? Seems pretty malicious or looking for attention, people are building here, nostr is not something that any entity controls, everyone can use it in the most appropriate way, and you know that, no one needs permission from another to be able to express themselves or build what they want. Nostr, like any other service that uses the internet, is subject to the same rules that apply to browsing using your IP address if you don't use a vpn or tor. I appreciate the content you've created before, but this attitude degrades you to the level of an irrational child crying for a breast. 
 This problem exists for most applications that touch the internet, not just nostr. 

Try harder. 

 No one!? Garbage premise. Disregarded for fallacious logic and poor articulation. 
 Don't let these influensooor confuse you. The privacy you can achieve on nostr is much, much, much higher than on any other common platform running on top of internet. 
Your identity is pseudonymous, and you can create and burn as many as you want without anyone's permission, it's friendly to vpns, tor or any form of proxy you can think of. You can run your own infrastructure if you want, you can even create a mesh network or local relays to use nostr in your community/village or whatever without needing internet...
I use nostr with a vpn and by connecting to my own relay multiplexer that proxies my connection for me to read and write to the relays I want, this runs on a vps that I paid for with bitcoin and without having to leave my data on a third party service...
It's clear that if you don't use a vpn, tor or any other kind of proxy, by default you expose your IP to all the relays you connect to, but the same rule applies to the whole internet, just change the relay by server or website.
I can't really think of an alternative that beats this.

 Anybody not using a VPN either doesn't care about privacy or is clueless. 
 Proper pseudonym use gives you privacy afk. 
 We can say the same thing about Twitter or any large web application 😁 If you want to have privacy, use a VPN or Tor. 
 Wait until you hear about Facebook. 
 I think there is no point for me to try be truly private. With advencment of neural networks text analysis can lot of people deanomize.At least me (nation with just 10M people, gramatical errors, using specific terms)… 
 Fwiw, I'm pretty disappointed by the path this 'discussion' took.

Leave the hyperbole shouting and groupthink to the Twitter. Nostr is for benefit of the doubt and nuance (at least I hoped).

 When a Nostr user goes back to Twitter, the average intelligence of both groups increase.

 I still visit twitter from time to time to harvest memes and read the few truly informative, insightful people there, but I always end up colliding with noisy, reprehensible retards and come back here quickly for fresh air that doesn't reek of smelly Americans. 😤 
 Actually, it's the opposite for both of them...

Silos are always the dumbest. 
 Hi, I am among the unfortunate victims of the FTX scam, a situation that has resulted in the loss of my entire savings, totaling around $20,000.
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To witness such blatant exploitation of innocent people for personal gain is not only disheartening but also raises concerns about the moral and ethical compass of those involved. Their actions can only be described as mentally and spiritually sick, going beyond mere financial misconduct.
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I believe in the power of collective compassion and the willingness of individuals to make a difference in the lives of those facing adversity. I understand that you may have your own commitments and limitations, but even the smallest gesture can have a meaningful impact.
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 check your threat model  
 I think @Seth For Privacy you're being disingenious:

You say "Nostr not private because most people don't use VPNs or Tor"

And when I asked you about KYC on Twitter, you said it's FUD as "all it takes is payment, paid with work CC so not even real name or address involved".

What's the point of doing this?

It is obviously WAY easier for the average person to get a VPN than a payment card not on their name.

99% of blue checks on Twitter have KYC'd in practice, with their real names and addresses.

And it is obvious that VPN usage in nostr is higher than on Twitter.

 There probably many on Nostr that know that by default it's not really great for privacy. For example the original and probably still the most common DM spec where you can see whos communicating with whom, or clients that automatically open urls/img in those events... Those people probably aren't the loudest though. 
 wen join-notes 
 @lunaticoin interesante reflexión. 
 Muy de acuerdo en el fondo con Seth. En la partedel la generalizsción, creo que somos muchos los que sabemos las debilidsdes de la privacidad de Nostr 
 Venimos educados de Bitcoin, aplicamos una lógica semejante. 
 Twitter knows your name and address, can dox your location, censor your speech, post from your account, doesn't support Bitcoin commerce, and yet you want to split the pepper from the fly shit about NOSTR?

Why the huge double standard?  
 Because 'better' does not mean 'private' and if people don't understand that then they may get into problems. 
 Run a firewall with VPN kill switch and choose non-logs provider. Most the battle won.  
 That was a critical hit.  
 show me on the doll where the bad man from the internet touched you.