Oddbean new post about | logout
For the very reasons you highlight, I’ve recently been making steps along the self hosting route, and its really hard work. I too have tried NextCloud, which appeared to provide a comprehensive solution to many of the services that I wanted to “liberate”, however the basic out-of-the-box experience is quite restricted and without the extensive time & knowledge necessary I failed to configure a complete and secure system so I had to abandon the project. 
 @759a8b7f sorry to hear it... I expect that the threshold of patience & capability will continue to go down over time, and I'm sure that the reasons to want to abandon the proprietary corporate services will increase as well. So worth revisiting in the months ahead. 
 @759a8b7f fwiw, here's the tutorial I wrote on how to set up your own with what I consider to be good functionality: https://tech.oeru.org/install-nextcloud-hub-and-onlyoffice-ubuntu-2204-docker-compose 

Recently I was chuffed when I managed to set up #apache2 on an old PC and configured two static web sites, one being a blog using Hugo. However, I am struggling with the security aspects. Does #docker make that any easier? 
 @759a8b7f I wouldn't say that Docker makes *security* much easier. It makes other things - deployment, dependency management, reproducability, testing, resource allocation, and other stuff - much easier, though.