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HODL | 1 days ago (raw) | export | reply | flag +119
 Being a man means duty and obligation. 

Duty is the root of masculine love. 

A man understands that his duty is a gift, not a burden. 

He doesn’t complain because he’s stoic, but because there’s nothing to complain about. 

He enjoys being responsible for others. 

Seeing those under him happy and healthy. 

He knows he provides that and without him the world would be a much darker place for those he loves. 
 Hahaha I’m way too lazy 
 Not an answer I would expect from you, sir  
 Writing books is hard work 
 drive your kids into writing it for U! 
 It’s your duty! 
 Onward 🫡 
 Thanks man, I really needed to hear that today 
 #Bitcoin is a duty
The same duty you have to shovel the snow, change a tire and take the trash out.  It's not a choice it's a duty. 
 100% man! 
 Agree with all this but one caveat. Fucking cars. Once you have kids that drive, car issues will drive you mad. 
“Why the fuck didn’t you tell me the oil light was on in your car that now won’t start?”
“Both headlights are out?  How does that happen?
“Do you aim at potholes?  wtf is the matter with you?  How do 2 tires just explode like that?” 
 I’m gonna have four teenage girls in a decade so I’m really hoping self driving is ubiquitous at that time lol 😂 
 Keep dreaming. 
And they will still find a way to fuck up those self driving things. Just wait. 
Meditate now. Patience needed. It’s broken stronger men. 😎 
 Got 5 teenagers right now and 3 are driving age so it's terrifying. 
 Scariest thing in the world. No exaggeration at all. 
 remember back to our driving days!  i know this does not help, sry! 
 Oh yeah! It was a manual 6 speed Toyota Celica 💜 
 fun car & remember it well 
 i was thinking 5 speed though, maybe a different model or could be i need a new brain  
 You might be right, might have been a 5 speed. Early 80's model, good times. 
 t-y for sharing HODL!   & making me feel it!     lol 
 Just got here, lol 
 Kids; car banging is a phase they will probably outgrow ime!    good luck though & allthebest! 
 What an absolute banger!

Whenever I feel like whining, I remember some people would love to have the "problems" I have. 
 Imagine you were responsible for nothing. A horrible and tragic life. 
 Dharma=righteous duty👍💯👏 
 This is an under appreciated statement. 
 Very underrated and out of fashion nowadays. But for me its freedom. Because there can be no freedom without responsibility. 
 Well summarized. 
Evil people are knowingly, and other useful idiots, trying to subvert this natural order. 
 Not sure 
There is something wrong with this statement 
I am not sure what though 
 is it the "under him" maybe that is throwing you off? 
 Maybe this whole macho fundamentalist-vibe 
 Macho sure, but where’s the fundamentalism? 
Fundamental, unmovable values, unwavering conviction, no space for doubt or questions 

Maybe that’s just my definition 
 If you have movable values then you don’t actually have values. Values aren’t supposed to move. 
 I guess you are right,
Shame for me 
 I will still question anything that moves and use WD40 on anything that doesn’t 
 I'd say I'd rather the masculine stick to being steady stable, trustworthy and reliable not wishy washy though open minded with humility to admit mistakes and correct is valuable too.  
 Lol, you basically looking for a very masculine woman 
 How so?  
 Just personal experience, so obviously biased 
 But you are not answering my question... How is it that what I've described you are labelig as a masculine woman? 
Apparently you have definitions about women and men and what makes one masculine vs. feminine. Please share your experience :) 
 In my (limited) experience, steady stable and trustworthy applies to women im higher percentage than men.

Sounds stupid.

But i realised I went already two bridges too far. Apologies.

Bring the delete feature 
 I would propose replacing "responsible for others" to "responsible to others."

It's subtle, but "to" vs "for," emphases freedoms and personal autonomy. 
 I think responsible for others makes sense.  
 I would propose replacing "responsible for others" to "responsible to others."

It's subtle, but "to" vs "for," emphases freedoms and personal autonomy. 
 Stoic principles was the best possible solution for not being raised by a father. If anything it was helpful in being a compassinate and competent one. ✊ 
 a feminist turned tradwives wet dream come true.   
 But I thought a woman could be a man? And vice versa?

A trans man would never get what you're saying... 
 Can’t we complain at least a little? 
 What does it accomplish? 
 "Seeing those under him...". 

For fear of sounding like some woketard, my woman stands head and shoulder with her me, her man. We parent 50/50, she earns as much as I do, she stacks as hard as I do and we achieve more together as manifesting generators because neither of us are *under* the other. We belong to each other.  We both enjoy being responsible for the other and also being responsible to the other. 

The world belongs to strong humans. Men and women, not some weak ass version who pretend to be superior to our other half. That's some ego driven bullshit that is protecting you from some weakness of character. 

Eat some acid, shrooms, maybe some DMT if you need to be humbled by ego death. 
 You do sound like a woketard, no offense. 
 I took “those under him” to mean “those under his protection and care” but you’re going all “screw the patriarchy “ vibes. 
 You read it correctly.