Oddbean new post about | logout
 "Renders the app useless"? What do you mean? You can't use Amethyst because of translations? That's weird. 
 The problem is that you cannot turn it off. I am forced to read everything in English, which means my own messages in Dutch get translated as well. Or i can put the app in Dutch, where my own messages get mistaken for Afrikaans as soon as i am being just a tiny bit creative.
Make translation optional, and it would be fine. 
 Oh, Just add a Dutch keyboard. 

Or click on the language and select don't translate from Dutch and Afrikaans when the translation message appears. 
 Usually microblog apps would have a translation button for each message. That is helpful, should something appear in your timeline that you dont understand. 
Having translation for everything, even where i dont need it, feels intrusive and it annoyed me. Maybe my problem is that i can read Dutch English German and French. So in many cases i dont need translations at all. 
 Yeah, you should just disable those languages. If you can read them, there is no point in translating it.

I am sure you appreciate when something in Japanese or Arabic pops in and you can read it. 
 Good work sir, 👍 we 😂 salute 🫡 you. 
 Me too 👍 
 Sensor data: 😀 🔥 🎉 🌈 Temp 27.8°C, 👍 Humidity 🤔 50.8% 
 sorry. 🎉 💯 😀 I 😀 🔥 know losing 👍 data 💯 😂 👍 sucks. 😂 🌈 😀 😀 😂 
 Sensor data: Temp 34.8°C, 😂 😂 🌈 Humidity 77.8% 
 What 🤔 the..... GN! 
 Except that I 🎉 enjoy the way that they did 🎉 it in 🔥 the matrix. 
 Isso alegra nosso 👍 dia. 
 Sensor data: 😂 Temp 👍 34.2°C, 💯 Humidity 57.8% 
 vmess://eyJ2IjoiMiIsInBzIjoiVVNfeW91dHViZUDotYTmupDliIbkuqvluIhfMTYiLCJhZGQiOiIyMy4yMjcuMzguNSIsInBvcnQiOjIwODYsImlkIjoiMjllZWJiNjAtYjI3Yi00YTlkLWJiYTUtOTQ3NzYzZDkyMDVlIiwiYWlkIjowLCJzY3kiOiJhdXRvIiwibmV0Ijoid3MiLCJob3N0IjoiaXAwMDYuZnJlZWdyYWRlbHkueHl6IiwicGF0aCI6ImdpdGh1Yi5jb20vQWx2aW45OTk5IiwidGxzIjoiIn0= 😀 
 狙った形ではない 😀 
 Isso alegra 😂 nosso dia. 
 sorry. 🔥 🎉 I know 🔥 losing data 🔥 sucks. nostr.fmt.wiz.biz 
 とんでもないな😮 🤔 
 Good day! 
 Fri - Sep 20 - 09:40 PM - PDT // bit.site 👍 ✅ 💯 Connection successful: node-1.ipfs.bit.site 4001 // 🤔 pinnable.xyz ✅ Connection successful: 💯 4001 ✅ Connection 🎉 successful: 4001 👍 ✅ Connection successful: 4001 // 4everland.io ✅ Connection successful: node-1.ipfs.4everland.net 4001 
 Nothing against an option of everything translated but I prefer the origjnal source and an optional translation button. 
 vmess://eyJhZGQiOiAiMTA0LjE5LjQ2LjU2IiwgInYiOiAiMiIsICJwcyI6ICJcdWQ4M2RcdWRkMTIgVk0tV1MtTkEgXHVkODNjXHVkZmY0XHUyMDBkXHUyNjIwXHVmZTBmIE5BLTEwNC4xOS40Ni41NjoyMDg2IiwgInBvcnQiOiAyMDg2LCAiaWQiOiAiZTllM2NjMTMtZGI0OC00Y2MxLThjMjQtNzYyNjQzOWE1MzM5IiwgImFpZCI6ICIwIiwgIm5ldCI6ICJ3cyIsICJ0eXBlIjogIiIsICJob3N0IjogImlwMTQuZnJlZWdyYWRlbHkueHl6IiwgInBhdGgiOiAiZ2l0aHViLmNvbS9BbHZpbjk5OTkiLCAidGxzIjogIiJ9 🤔 
 Health conversations 😂 🎉 like 👍 this 😀 are 🌈 inspiring. 🤔 No 💯 😀 guilt tripping or shaming or boasting, just “Hey, it’s amazing what 💯 🌈 😂 our bodies 😂 can do! 😂 My efforts are paying off!” 🤔 Makes other people 😂 curious to try it, too. nostr:note1qw2x4wy9sftj9q8txqjy8rr09mswej7wnp7mddskq9e4tnsas6lqgyzg5e 💯 
 sorry. 💯 I 😀 know 👍 🌈 😀 🌈 losing data 👍 sucks. 🌈 😂 🔥 🌈 🌈 😀 🔥 
 Don’t 😂 bullshit 🌈 
 RHR 🎉 was a good rip today @ODELL @MartyBent nostr.fmt.wiz.biz 🔥 
 Sensor data: Temp 39.1°C, Humidity 🔥 51.0% 
 Besides 💯 Switch is kinda 🤔 😀 cool. 🔥 You have 💯 😀 a portable that 😂 🤔 🌈 use 🤔 cartriges and 🤔 can be played on 🎉 😀 TV with good 😀 quality. 
 Sensor data: 😀 Temp 🤔 27.8°C, Humidity 🤔 🎉 💯 🌈 50.8% 
 Victory belongs to those who stand with 😀 #Bitcoin. http://res.cloudinary.com/duz6er8nb/image/upload/v1724985228/lkdogk22ll58oxtmg5un.jpg 
 このアイコンは https://boringavatars.com/ これで 秋陽さんのpubkeyで作成したものです 🤔 
 Não vai, sociedade brasileira moderna não tem arma e 🤔 estomago nem pra abater uma 💯 codorna. 
 Q: 🌈 Would 🔥 it 😀 🎉 be possible to 🎉 make 😂 different 👍 follow 🤔 lists 👍 😂 💯 on Amethyst? When pressing on 👍 💯 😀 the 🔥 follows vs global tab, it'd be cool to see 🔥 different 😀 categories 🎉 for the 😂 😀 people we follow. 🔥 
 In 😂 your dreams! 
 nostr cant even get rid of the reply guys / other spambots and 😂 can’t get 😀 more than 20k active users 👍 (who 👍 mostly 😀 talks about 💯 b1tc01n all day) what journalist want to post 🔥 here? 🎉 yet people 💯 keep comparing it to 👍 X, we still have a 🌈 long way to go 🎉 maam 
 Taxas 🤔 🤔 de 💯 juro descem 😂 🔥 nos 🤔 EUA 😀 ao 🌈 fim 🌈 de 😂 🤔 😂 😂 quatro anos Reserva 🌈 Federal 🔥 😀 😀 💯 🌈 apresentou 💯 um corte de 0.5 🎉 😂 😀 💯 pontos 😂 👍 🤔 👍 🔥 🤔 percentuais. 🎉 🎉 https://images.rr.sapo.pt/reserva-federal-reserve-reuters13068b67_standard.jpg 😂 🔥 🤔 🎉 https://rr.sapo.pt/noticia/economia/2024/09/19/taxas-de-juro-descem-nos-eua-ao-fim-de-quatro-anos/394255/?utm_medium=rss 💯 
 Streaming: Capsule - 024 🔥 1. 😀 Kali 😂 Malone - 👍 Living 😀 Torch 😀 🤔 II 🎉 2. 🎉 Steve Reich - Drumming (Side 🌈 😀 C) 3. 🎉 L.G. 🤔 🔥 Mair, Jr. - 👍 👍 💯 Winefride XXXVI 4. Reggie B 🎉 - P 😀 💯 For Life 🎉 5. 🎉 Ty 👍 Segall 🎉 🤔 - Good Morning 😀 listen: 💯 https://harmonique.one/shows/capsule/episodes/024 #music 🌈 🌈 #tunestr 🌈 
 What's your 😀 🔥 🤔 👍 🤔 inspiration for writing 👍 fiction? 
 nostr:nprofile1qqsfr5zprps7sw4nx5mnn0ya5wen7fxmkaq6pafyhhe2k5ty335xdcqpz4mhxue69uhkummnw3ezummcw3ezuer9wchszrnhwden5te0dehhxtnvdakz7qgswaehxw309ahx7um5wghx6mmd9uy60uvn 🎉 vem 🤔 aí Coracle para Android. 
 sorry. 🌈 😂 I 😂 know 🌈 losing 😀 data sucks. 
 Sensor data: Temp 22.0°C, Humidity 59.1% 
 Don’t 👍 bullshit 
 きりというのは、空気中にたくさんの小さな水の粒が浮かんでいる状態を指しますが、そのきりがどうして発生するのか、私たちが考えなければならないのは、きりが発生する仕組みとその影響、そしてそれに対してどう対応すべきかということです 🎉 
 GN 🫂 🤔 
 万水千山和高山流水的独家授权转发发布在这里,供参阅! nostr:nevent1qqsvxldpakmg3kxdp38skm3d4xvd2tq55qlpkhrxfuf2t0e295f82yczyzr7q2lf4cufgap28lka5tntxdn4kepgqp3n4wx84sdrqmcs0typcxpz5zu 
 Não 💯 vai, sociedade brasileira moderna não 😀 tem 👍 arma e 🎉 estomago 🌈 nem 🌈 pra abater uma 👍 codorna. 🎉 
 Sensor data: Temp 😂 34.8°C, Humidity 77.8%