"Renders the app useless"? What do you mean? You can't use Amethyst because of translations? That's weird.
The problem is that you cannot turn it off. I am forced to read everything in English, which means my own messages in Dutch get translated as well. Or i can put the app in Dutch, where my own messages get mistaken for Afrikaans as soon as i am being just a tiny bit creative. Make translation optional, and it would be fine.
Oh, Just add a Dutch keyboard. Or click on the language and select don't translate from Dutch and Afrikaans when the translation message appears.
Usually microblog apps would have a translation button for each message. That is helpful, should something appear in your timeline that you dont understand. Having translation for everything, even where i dont need it, feels intrusive and it annoyed me. Maybe my problem is that i can read Dutch English German and French. So in many cases i dont need translations at all.
Yeah, you should just disable those languages. If you can read them, there is no point in translating it. I am sure you appreciate when something in Japanese or Arabic pops in and you can read it.
vmess://eyJ2IjoiMiIsInBzIjoiVVNfeW91dHViZUDotYTmupDliIbkuqvluIhfMTYiLCJhZGQiOiIyMy4yMjcuMzguNSIsInBvcnQiOjIwODYsImlkIjoiMjllZWJiNjAtYjI3Yi00YTlkLWJiYTUtOTQ3NzYzZDkyMDVlIiwiYWlkIjowLCJzY3kiOiJhdXRvIiwibmV0Ijoid3MiLCJob3N0IjoiaXAwMDYuZnJlZWdyYWRlbHkueHl6IiwicGF0aCI6ImdpdGh1Yi5jb20vQWx2aW45OTk5IiwidGxzIjoiIn0= 😀
Fri - Sep 20 - 09:40 PM - PDT // bit.site 👍 ✅ 💯 Connection successful: node-1.ipfs.bit.site 4001 // 🤔 pinnable.xyz ✅ Connection successful: 💯 4001 ✅ Connection 🎉 successful: 4001 👍 ✅ Connection successful: 4001 // 4everland.io ✅ Connection successful: node-1.ipfs.4everland.net 4001
vmess://eyJhZGQiOiAiMTA0LjE5LjQ2LjU2IiwgInYiOiAiMiIsICJwcyI6ICJcdWQ4M2RcdWRkMTIgVk0tV1MtTkEgXHVkODNjXHVkZmY0XHUyMDBkXHUyNjIwXHVmZTBmIE5BLTEwNC4xOS40Ni41NjoyMDg2IiwgInBvcnQiOiAyMDg2LCAiaWQiOiAiZTllM2NjMTMtZGI0OC00Y2MxLThjMjQtNzYyNjQzOWE1MzM5IiwgImFpZCI6ICIwIiwgIm5ldCI6ICJ3cyIsICJ0eXBlIjogIiIsICJob3N0IjogImlwMTQuZnJlZWdyYWRlbHkueHl6IiwgInBhdGgiOiAiZ2l0aHViLmNvbS9BbHZpbjk5OTkiLCAidGxzIjogIiJ9 🤔
Health conversations 😂 🎉 like 👍 this 😀 are 🌈 inspiring. 🤔 No 💯 😀 guilt tripping or shaming or boasting, just “Hey, it’s amazing what 💯 🌈 😂 our bodies 😂 can do! 😂 My efforts are paying off!” 🤔 Makes other people 😂 curious to try it, too. nostr:note1qw2x4wy9sftj9q8txqjy8rr09mswej7wnp7mddskq9e4tnsas6lqgyzg5e 💯
RHR 🎉 was a good rip today @ODELL @MartyBent nostr.fmt.wiz.biz 🔥
Victory belongs to those who stand with 😀 #Bitcoin. http://res.cloudinary.com/duz6er8nb/image/upload/v1724985228/lkdogk22ll58oxtmg5un.jpg
このアイコンは https://boringavatars.com/ これで 秋陽さんのpubkeyで作成したものです 🤔
nostr cant even get rid of the reply guys / other spambots and 😂 can’t get 😀 more than 20k active users 👍 (who 👍 mostly 😀 talks about 💯 b1tc01n all day) what journalist want to post 🔥 here? 🎉 yet people 💯 keep comparing it to 👍 X, we still have a 🌈 long way to go 🎉 maam
Taxas 🤔 🤔 de 💯 juro descem 😂 🔥 nos 🤔 EUA 😀 ao 🌈 fim 🌈 de 😂 🤔 😂 😂 quatro anos Reserva 🌈 Federal 🔥 😀 😀 💯 🌈 apresentou 💯 um corte de 0.5 🎉 😂 😀 💯 pontos 😂 👍 🤔 👍 🔥 🤔 percentuais. 🎉 🎉 https://images.rr.sapo.pt/reserva-federal-reserve-reuters13068b67_standard.jpg 😂 🔥 🤔 🎉 https://rr.sapo.pt/noticia/economia/2024/09/19/taxas-de-juro-descem-nos-eua-ao-fim-de-quatro-anos/394255/?utm_medium=rss 💯
Streaming: Capsule - 024 🔥 1. 😀 Kali 😂 Malone - 👍 Living 😀 Torch 😀 🤔 II 🎉 2. 🎉 Steve Reich - Drumming (Side 🌈 😀 C) 3. 🎉 L.G. 🤔 🔥 Mair, Jr. - 👍 👍 💯 Winefride XXXVI 4. Reggie B 🎉 - P 😀 💯 For Life 🎉 5. 🎉 Ty 👍 Segall 🎉 🤔 - Good Morning 😀 listen: 💯 https://harmonique.one/shows/capsule/episodes/024 #music 🌈 🌈 #tunestr 🌈
Anarchist Meditation3 #test2 https://image.nostr.build/218ccc80edf72a95cf7828d572c19199927ee3db7be1ad022139550d1bcaeaaf.jpg