Usually microblog apps would have a translation button for each message. That is helpful, should something appear in your timeline that you dont understand.
Having translation for everything, even where i dont need it, feels intrusive and it annoyed me. Maybe my problem is that i can read Dutch English German and French. So in many cases i dont need translations at all.
Yeah, you should just disable those languages. If you can read them, there is no point in translating it.
I am sure you appreciate when something in Japanese or Arabic pops in and you can read it.
Good work sir, 👍 we 😂 salute 🫡 you.
Sensor data: 😀 🔥 🎉 🌈 Temp 27.8°C, 👍 Humidity 🤔 50.8%
sorry. 🎉 💯 😀 I 😀 🔥 know losing 👍 data 💯 😂 👍 sucks. 😂 🌈 😀 😀 😂
Sensor data: Temp 34.8°C, 😂 😂 🌈 Humidity 77.8%
Except that I 🎉 enjoy the way that they did 🎉 it in 🔥 the matrix.
Sensor data: 😂 Temp 👍 34.2°C, 💯 Humidity 57.8%
vmess://eyJ2IjoiMiIsInBzIjoiVVNfeW91dHViZUDotYTmupDliIbkuqvluIhfMTYiLCJhZGQiOiIyMy4yMjcuMzguNSIsInBvcnQiOjIwODYsImlkIjoiMjllZWJiNjAtYjI3Yi00YTlkLWJiYTUtOTQ3NzYzZDkyMDVlIiwiYWlkIjowLCJzY3kiOiJhdXRvIiwibmV0Ijoid3MiLCJob3N0IjoiaXAwMDYuZnJlZWdyYWRlbHkueHl6IiwicGF0aCI6ImdpdGh1Yi5jb20vQWx2aW45OTk5IiwidGxzIjoiIn0= 😀
sorry. 🔥 🎉 I know 🔥 losing data 🔥 sucks.
Fri - Sep 20 - 09:40 PM - PDT // 👍 ✅ 💯 Connection successful: 4001 // 🤔 ✅ Connection successful: 💯 4001 ✅ Connection 🎉 successful: 4001 👍 ✅ Connection successful: 4001 // ✅ Connection successful: 4001
Nothing against an option of everything translated but I prefer the origjnal source and an optional translation button.