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 @394b5c0e lol 
 @394b5c0e @f47c4255 
Same, my dream recall is effectively nonexistent 
 @93672b44 @f47c4255 Same. If I remember anything, it's usually one still image and a general plot. For whatever reason, if I eat tropical-flavored whey powder I remember more of my dream.

I've only ever had one first-person dream (that I remembered when I woke) in my life.

It was extremely uncomfortable and I hated it. I like my dreamless sleep, thank you very much. I already live in one Hell, I don't need more of it every 24hrs. 
 @394b5c0e @f47c4255 
If your dreams are bad, take up learning to lucid dream. No bad dreams when you control them as an oneironaut. Outside of a sleep disorder, we all dream whether we remember them or not outside of a sleep disorder that disrupts REM sleep. Interesting that a particular whey powder would increase your dream recall; wonder if there's something that affects choline levels in it or something.
 @93672b44 @f47c4255 no idea about the whey. I for sure dream, I just only remember a still image and a vague plot when I wake if I remember anything at  all. 

There is no way I could lucid dream. I’ve only ever had a “first person” dream once in my life, and like I said I usually don’t remember shit about to dream, lol. I recall dreams so rarely (once a month, maybe) that I find dreaming off-putting and disturbing.

If I could take a magic pill and never remember my dreams ever again, I’d do it. 
 @394b5c0e @f47c4255 
That's sad, considering lucid dreaming is the original VR with way more cool things that are possible in it. I'd love to be able to lucid dream, but the only times I've become aware of the dream while in one I got too excited and woke myself up. Lucid dreaming doesn't need to be first person, so I don't see why preferring something third person would be an issue.