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 Those large traumatic events certainly change you. I've never surrendered more deeply than during those events & that surrender seemed to dull the pain & discomfort.

I think the victim part comes in around how you process the event after it's occurred. Was this something that was done to you or was it something that your higher self chose?

If you're caught up playing the victim of the event it's a very different feeling. How can you ever get what they took from you back? You're left feeling damaged or incomplete. You're forced to look to the external world to make you whole again & yet you also know that's not possible. You've given away your personal power to the external.

If your belief is that your higher self chose this experience, you can grow from having lived through it. You may have scars now, but you know that they didn't take your internal power. 
 I find when I am feeling like a victim(or feeling something I dont want like) sometimes the more I resist it, the worst it gets. I'm better off if I I just really go into it fully. It sounds like I'm saying, be more victim. But when I stop resisting, I think I just realised I'm actually giving in. And then I realise I'm not the victim any more. Some asshole did something that they knew would hack me off, was depriving me. That really takes a nasty trait to do that. For someone to have that kind of nastiness harness it, and express it. Its kind of rough to be in that position. I actually started feeling sorry for the person. I was grateful I wasn't in their position. And not having such nastiness part of me. Suddenly the person who inflicted the act on me became the victim. And all I had was gratitude. Gratitude that I didn't have that nastiness. Its a nice feeling when it happens. If you can really feel it then its really empowering. Otherwise you just faking it which doesn't really work.

But it all starts with giving in. 
Cheers Brisket 👌

 The more you resist what is, the longer you will suffer & the more likely a similar thing will repeat.

I believe everything is happening for the greater me.

Nothing is personal. I have chosen this experience, for whatever reason.

It can sometimes take me a little while to remember this though. Sometimes I get caught up in the drama of it all.

 Personal experience confirms what you say. Same kinds of people are attracted over and over, or same kind of problems repeat. Certainly not a coincidence. 
Again sometimes the most negative experience often lead to something positive or an outcome which wouldn't have happened otherwise which is of benefit. We easilly judge whats happening, and put our own emotion into it rather than learn and take what's most valuable. 
Alot of truth to all of this. Thanks. 👍