i’ve been working out for all of about 5 days and noticed that the protein shake options are all filled with absolute dogshit. does anyone have an option that doesn’t cause cancer?
Bottled shake or powder? I trust the quality of this: https://www.livemomentous.com/products/essential-whey-protein
Steak, eggs, fish
Whole foods are generally better if you have the time/money. Bison is leaner, and usually higher in protein than beef.
Raw milk
egg yolks. do you forget these things on purpose or?
Eat at least 6 raw eggs a day Shell optional
Shell optional? Where are you supposed to get your calcium from?
After further assessment, shell is mandatory.
egg yolks give you hard cholesterols that raise your T levels btw i just need to add a warning that sometimes that means getting biliary colic from too much of this stuff building up in your gall bladder (i suffered it a few months back several times) i will suggest that probably the main thing to fix this is to either add beef dripping or cacao butter to your diet, around 100g a day, which will not only help with your cholesterol metabolism but fix all kinds of other nerve problems as well (most of them are caused by amylose if you don't have enough repeats of the amylase gene due to having ancestors who ate paleo diets before the coming of sugar and starch dominant industrial production)
everything i eat that is cooked, is cooked in beef tallow, additionally my coffee is just espresso, cream, and butter
well, do like @jack says - egg yolks are good for you they have a LOT of cholesterol for hormone synthesis, one of the richest sources, plus a shitload of other good antioxidant fats and B vitamins and loads of other things, basically everything except vitamin C the only food better than egg yolk is raw milk
First sentence BS. Ignoring the rest
https://i.nostr.build/Q7dE7.png so, are you gonna read the rest then? you are wrong LIKE ALL OTHER STEROID HORMONES, TESTOSTERONE IS DERIVED FROM CHOLESTEROL
not only that, but the cholesterol is a delicate thing - heat denatures it and makes it unable to be synthesised into testosterone, and forces the body to synthesise this raw material itself raw egg yolk contains, when it hasn't been heated over a certain temperature (probably in the 40s C) a cholesterol that is the exact intermediate required ah yeah, maybe i'm higher T than i give myself credit for, at least in some parts of my system. i am pretty aggressive at certain things, like proving people wrong idgaf if that causes me problems because you are wrong, and you are promoting wrongness and wrongness leads to suffering, and you clearly dgaf so that makes me mad
let's look at cholesterol itself next, and the different kinds, shall we? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cholesterol https://i.nostr.build/oMWqQ.png so, if you read this text, you would understand that having this chemical absorb in the intestines directly in its correct form dramatically improves its chances of being available for the liver (via P450) to make it into testosterone raw egg yolk is one of the best forms of precursor material for synthesising testosterone, and no coincidence that this also is found in the fat of most ruminants, where it is protected from damage much better than in an egg yolk
there are few other sources than these two, and you see, the readily absorbable forms simply don't exist in plants and the benefits of it are clear if you are concerned about raising your testosterone levels (and it is equally applicable to estrogen, as they both start with cholesterol)
He’s an egg whites guy if you haven’t heard
might as well skip that too and just eat the shell