there is no marshmallow emoji
Boo. There should be, dangit!
HEAR ME OUT: they should insert chocolate into the marshmallows and then when people have a campfire, it will toast the marshmallows and melt the chocolate inside. #genius #foodstr
That's not a bad idea, though... It's not hard to make a smores... 😅
graham crackers are carbs tho 🙃 😜
Sarah... Everything we are talking about is almost entirely sugar. 🙄
heheheheheheheh muhahahahah
Dont do it bro! Its not just sugar in them things, its soy gmo nasty sludge.
hes a carnivore, so we can make him meat-mellows
Ok you convinced me dangit, im in.
Currently. Eventually, I will certainly eat smores again. But also... One can make their own without the soy sludge. If one does that, it would not be crazy to think one could include chocolate filling in marshmallows.
I hate marshmallows, except on smores. Last time i went to make some though, the dang ingredient list on modern 'mallows gave me SSPS. What are these alternative marshmallows you speak of, i need to know for science.
SSPS? Uh... Let's see... No corn syrup in this recipe.
Sudden Soft Pp Syndrome
Feel free to use that at you leisure. ;-)
Just grab a knife and cut a hole in the marshmallow. Tuck the chocolate in. Good stuff.
Now it’s time to figure out the graham cracker part 🤪
hear me out: graham cracker dipping sauce
I hear you. I like your direction here.
now we need a nostr bonfire pit party
They are called Stuffed Puffs and you can get them at Walmart.
damn there goes that idea. But yes, I will go look for them now